Workout Schedule


Nov 30, 2004
Hey, Chris, what's your work out schedule like dude, you are obviously in fantastic shape. Do you have a strict diet? Do you bench alot, weight lift in general I mean or are you doing more cardio?

I've been taking my work outs more seriously over the last 2-3 years now, and I've gotten up to benching about 290 now, and I'm trying to get a six pack, but so far I've only got like a four pack.

Anywho, if you could give me some pointers on it that would be great, and did you notice that you feel less fatigue playing guitar once you started working out?

thx, and :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
First what are you looking to accomplish?
Are you cutting? Or do you want to gain mass?
Also how much someone can "bench" is pretty worthless, not to be an asshole...but I know fatass out of shape older guys that bench or deadlift 325+ lbs & looking at them you'd laugh if they told you they had even seen a gym, let alone used one. Repetition, proper form, are far more important than how much weight one can throw over their head.

There's millions of supplements on the market, but depsite all the choices you have, I would reccomend the following as bare essentials.

  • 100% Whey Protein
  • Creatine
  • A Good Everday Muliti-Vitamin

Combine that with a sensible diet, a good workout regiment, and lots of sleep, and you will be on your way! My diet is going to be completley different tha Chris's due to the fact that Iam on a mass program. I consume anywhere from 170 to 250 grams of protien daily. I keep the cardio low, and currently I only work my muscles 3 days a week. I keep the weights heavy & the reps low.

The following website is the best resource on the net for exercises, supplement info, workout plans, and everything else that has to do with body building. You can learn alot in one visit! I order all my sup's from these guys, they have absolutley killer service.
bloodbath666 said:
Hey, Chris, what's your work out schedule like dude, you are obviously in fantastic shape. Do you have a strict diet? Do you bench alot, weight lift in general I mean or are you doing more cardio?

I've been taking my work outs more seriously over the last 2-3 years now, and I've gotten up to benching about 290 now, and I'm trying to get a six pack, but so far I've only got like a four pack.

Anywho, if you could give me some pointers on it that would be great, and did you notice that you feel less fatigue playing guitar once you started working out?

thx, and :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I'm not the Chris you're looking for, but I *am* on my way to adding personal training to my repertoire, so I figured I'd chime in with some advice. :) Cardio is your best friend when it comes to uncovering your abs. You can do crunches til the cows come home, but that doesn't burn fat. Not saying you're fat, of course, because I have no idea what you look like, but being religious about your cardio will really help keep excess fat away from your midsection.

You should also revamp the type of abdominal exercises you're doing to make sure you're working your upper abs as much as you do your lower abs. For example, reverse sit-ups target the entire rectus abdominus, which is the muscle that gives you the six-pack look (it's actually divided into eight, but we really can only see six).

I can yap about this all day, but I've gotta get to class. LOL

Ha, ha. That reminds me of that SNL sketch where they are all discussing how much they bench and how much steroids they don't do.


Hey, Grieco, what's behind you? It's your worst nightmare, mister. Mr. Big-Time Beatin'! Wham! Bam! Slam! Throat punch! Down you go! Oh, but it continues! Bam, bam, bam! Wham! When's it ever gonna stop?! Survey says: Not very soon!
Thx for the insights so far guyz. My build is pretty big, I don't mean like football player big, but I mean more like light heavyweight big. I've actually been loosing weight because of doing cardio, but I still have this little roll of fat on my lower stomach that I have trouble with, it's gotten alot smaller, but it's been hard to get it off. It runs in my family, my sister is in fantastic shape, but I mean her lower stomach, still has that little bit of fat on it. Maybe it'll just take time. Right now I'm doing running/tredmill, and kick boxing for cardio. How long has it taken you guyz (chris, ect...) to really get where you want body-wise?
I started lifting like 3 years ago and it was the best decision I have ever made. It pulled me out of deep depression, no lie, and now I workout and run every day of the week except Sunday.
bloodbath666 said:
Thx for the insights so far guyz. My build is pretty big, I don't mean like football player big, but I mean more like light heavyweight big. I've actually been loosing weight because of doing cardio, but I still have this little roll of fat on my lower stomach that I have trouble with, it's gotten alot smaller, but it's been hard to get it off. It runs in my family, my sister is in fantastic shape, but I mean her lower stomach, still has that little bit of fat on it. Maybe it'll just take time. Right now I'm doing running/tredmill, and kick boxing for cardio. How long has it taken you guyz (chris, ect...) to really get where you want body-wise?

Pfffft! If I could get my body to where I want, I'd be built like Beyonce. Right now my ass is so huge, it looks like I'm just carrying Beyonce in my back pocket. LOL. I've really just started getting mega-serious about my workout routine, but I'm coming along quite nicely, I think. In the past eight weeks, I've lost ten pounds, which isn't a ton of weight, but I'm down a whole pants size. It looks like I've lost a lot more, though, because I've been lifting twice a week and doing cardio three to four times a week.

The lower belly is the hardest to tone up. Suckville!! Maybe you need to change something you're eating? Leg lifts are good for that, too.

bloodbath666 said:
Hey, Chris, what's your work out schedule like dude, you are obviously in fantastic shape. Do you have a strict diet? Do you bench alot, weight lift in general I mean or are you doing more cardio?

I've been taking my work outs more seriously over the last 2-3 years now, and I've gotten up to benching about 290 now, and I'm trying to get a six pack, but so far I've only got like a four pack.

Anywho, if you could give me some pointers on it that would be great, and did you notice that you feel less fatigue playing guitar once you started working out?

thx, and :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Hey Bloodbath666,
I know for a fact that some of the people who have posted here know more than I do about this topic, but I will tell you that I try to get in 6 days a week doing a 3 day split dividing the days into Chest/tri's, back/bi's, and legs/shoulders all with a half hour of cardio and some abs. I have no lifting goal in terms of wieght, I just want to be in better shape.
Take care, Chris.
Thx for posting Chris! That's awesome dude, you are deffinately in fantastic shape bro, thx for the advice, and I thank everyone else for the advise too. :headbang: