World Cup of Failball

I do love the American press though.

ooooh wait 'till you see what the brazilian press (though you'll never see it) can do.

Right now you'll only watch the World Cup on TV... every channel.

Not that regular TV use to be better than that, though...
I'm with Karen that I've always found soccer boring and that it's my least favorite sport, but living here for the past years has severely exacerbated my animosity towards the sport. I actually don't mind watching a match every now and then with teams like Arsenal or Manc, but Italian soccer makes me wanna hurl. I literally loathe it with every part of my being.
Yeah soccer is pretty gay...

Football is alright though! Especially the world cup.

I was but giving a typically English response to the use of the word "soccer" :p

To hell with you. All we need to know is that it is a boring sport, despite what you call it. But in all seriousness, I hate it when you English shitheads have to correct us every time when an American uses the word SOCCER.
To hell with you. All we need to know is that it is a boring sport, despite what you call it. But in all seriousness, I hate it when you English shitheads have to correct us every time when an American uses the word SOCCER.
I hate it when shitheads like you call others shitheads for a harmless joke remark.

I don't think it's an English/American thing; if I'm not mistaken, Canada and Australia also call it soccer.
As I've pointed out above, the term "soccer" actually originated in Great Britain, it's an abbreviation for association football.