I kinda feel sorry for the North Koreans....
But we were following it at work, and we were just flabbergasted at every goal... 7-0.. isn't that a record ??
I wouldn't mind if 'our' guys would do that against Kameroen thursday
Que son unos amargos, que se cagan en los partidos importantes... básicamente que no tienen huevos.
Bah, a Honduras no le metimos 10 porque tuvieron suerte, y a Chile por ahi irá la cosa.
Yeah, thats too bad. I'm glad I can watch almost any game, since in my time zone they start at 13/16/20 pm. Just too bad that I'm in University at these times but we go a big TV on the ''campus'' so no problem with watching the games hereTo bad the games play at 9 or 11 (lol) am.