Worst band ever ?


Apr 29, 2004
Kinda stole this link from the Progpower subforum, but it's certainly worth mentioning. We got a new Cradle of Filth here...only worse ... o_O
Now I kinda like the idea of a family metal band, but please, give the kid some singing lessons and if mum and dad are playing that bad , just simply quit. I have had no lessons at all, but am allmost sure I can play drums better in 2 months than that guy ..... Don' put to loud, kid rips your ears..
Worst metal band ? hard to say...... I don't typically like the "who is the worst or who sucks" posts.

Many bands aren't "for me" but I respect the fact that other people like them, so I limit my choices to only the bands that hurt my ears so bad I have to say something about them. Keel (or any band with Ron Keel singing) and Guns and Roses.

Bryant said:
Worst metal band ? hard to say...... I don't typically like the "who is the worst or who sucks" posts.


hahaha, but you couldn't resist mentioning Keel an GnR :D
Bryant said:
True. If I ever say Axl Rose in person, I would kick his ass for torturing me for twenty years.


Yeah, and ask back the money I spent on their concert while your busy ...
these three bands are the unholy trinity for me. Blink 182(the local heroes..ugh...), Limp Bizkit, Machine Head. That's right...I absolutely DESPISE Machine Head. They started off as a boring, watered down groove/thrash band and to make things worse, they eventually went MALLCORE!!! Some of the worst mallcore of them all, to boot! AND to top it all off for me, this wretched band names themselves after one of my all time favorite albums. Fuck 'em, i say.
Bryant said:
Worst metal band ? hard to say...... I don't typically like the "who is the worst or who sucks" posts.

Many bands aren't "for me" but I respect the fact that other people like them, so I limit my choices to only the bands that hurt my ears so bad I have to say something about them. Keel (or any band with Ron Keel singing) and Guns and Roses.


I couldn't agree with you more about KEEL Bryant...HORRIBLE...and then to have his turn around after he fell out of the scene and blame Metal for his downfall...claiming all he needs are his cowboy boots and an acoustic guitar...please...
I will have to give Eternal Combustion credit for getting up there and playing...that takes a certain amount of balls. But as far as the music goes, it's pretty bad - but that's just me. I think they are only getting ANY kind of press because their singer is so young and they are a family...if the singer were older, I don't think anyone would pay much attention...

That's my 2 cents...

Ah come on guys! CoF is not the worst band ever... they definitely beat bands like 3 Doors Down, Default, Nickelback, etc. Now those bands are bad and booooring!
Man, there's a few of 'em.
Let me see, one that comes to mind...
wait there also was...
Slik Toxik...
Gypsy Rose...
Enuff 'Z Nuff...
Quiet Riot w Paul Shortino...
Cats in Boots...
I could go on & on, you get the idea.
all opinion really, and im sure the majority of mainstream teen bop people would disagree with some of our picks. However, I will have to go with Limp Bizkit as one of the worst, just horrible, everytime I hear that Rollin song I have to laugh. I also personally think Nickelback is overrated, songs have the same format and style, the vocal style is taken from other bands, and the instrumentality is just too simple.
Rage Against The Machine and Tool are two bands I despise. And of course there are these "pop-punk" bands like Simple Plan and Yellowcard that make me wanna throw up evertytime I hear them. Besides, what the hell is "pop-punk" anyway? You're either pop or punk, can't be both, that doesn't make sense!
IOfTheStorm said:
Nickelback on what they are doing, are far more serious than COF.
Also they play music
Cof dont
Very true. Nickelback isthe Bon Jovi of the 2000s. They aren't for me, but the singer dude (don't remember his name) has a great voice and they are decent musicians as well.

Abryl said:
Rage Against The Machine and Tool are two bands I despise. And of course there are these "pop-punk" bands like Simple Plan and Yellowcard that make me wanna throw up evertytime I hear them. Besides, what the hell is "pop-punk" anyway? You're either pop or punk, can't be both, that doesn't make sense!

I never thought I would say this about something animated - but Abryl's Avatar is HOT!!!!!

...and Slayer RULES...in my opinion...
~metal_maiden~ said:
Ah come on guys! CoF is not the worst band ever... they definitely beat bands like 3 Doors Down, Default, Nickelback, etc. Now those bands are bad and booooring!

While Nickelback indeed is pretty boring to me too (though above avarage musically), I would rather bore me to death watching them live 100 times than seeing one CoF gig ... I don't know what it is with CoF, just like lotsa other people have a mutual dislike for this band...