Worst band ever ?

I couldn't agree with you more about KEEL Bryant...HORRIBLE...and then to have his turn around after he fell out of the scene and blame Metal for his downfall...claiming all he needs are his cowboy boots and an acoustic guitar...please...

Now THIS is ironic!! The CD shop that I work weekends in had Ron Keel in YESTERDAY for an in-store appearance! I shit you not! He has a new band called Iron Horse, and they were in the store signing shit! I told the owner that I wasn't going to be a part of it! He just laughed and had someone else work it.

I had never heard of him before, but his stuff just looks like cheesy hair band shit, so that's just really weird that you guys mentioned him specifically!
Metal Dog said:
Don't be sorry. You are expressing an opinion that is personal to you any fan of the band that can't accept that not everyone likes exactly what they do isn't worth the effort of saying sorry to anyway. The only reason you would need to be sorry is if you were trying to tell people who are fans of Pearl Jam not to like them but you weren't so don't apologise
Great post. What you are saying is true as well.... this isn't the Pearl Jam forum. Personally, I think their first album ripped, but after that I only heard one or two songs I liked. I am sure more people were offended by my GnR disdain than by her PJ, but as you said, it wasn't trying to tell people what to or not to listen to, but rather expressing what I don't care for.

Abryl said:
I love Pearl Jam. Last year I saw them live and it was an awesome show. I like how they don't have a fixed set list during a tour, so you can pretty much expect to hear ANY song. More bands should try that :)
Well unless they played the whole "Ten" set plus "Can't Find a Better Man" that probably wouldn't have been for me, but I do agree about not having a fixed set. I do give them kudos for mixing things up. Dream Theater does that quite a bit as does Neil Young (which no one here likes but me) but not many bands do.

Walter_Langkowski said:
Now THIS is ironic!! The CD shop that I work weekends in had Ron Keel in YESTERDAY for an in-store appearance! I shit you not! He has a new band called Iron Horse, and they were in the store signing shit! I told the owner that I wasn't going to be a part of it! He just laughed and had someone else work it.

I had never heard of him before, but his stuff just looks like cheesy hair band shit, so that's just really weird that you guys mentioned him specifically!

Hmmmm...... I don't "hate" hair bands at all. While very far from my favorite genre of metal, I didn't mind the bands that played good music even if they did look like poodles. I didn't like Ron Keel because his vocals peeled the hair off my chest. I am a fan of old Yngwie but though I own the CD, I can't listen to Steeler with Yngwie and Ron Keel on vocals because it sounds like someone running their fingers down a chalkboard when Ron opens his mouth.

sixxswine said:
Fuck, way to blast KEEL you guys!
I don't care, I have to admit that the song
they did for the "Dudes" soundtrack was pretty good, it
need some work & it would have been a killer track.
"Rock 'N Roll Outlaw" that's a great title guys...

Ha ha ha I can't help it. There's a LOT of stuff I don't like, but very little of it makes me want to make a "_______ sucks" post about it. Ron Keel just happens to be one of thoser unlucky individuals. If you gave me twenty dollars to listen to tha Sam Shady guy (whatever his name is) CD once or anything by Ron Keel once, I would choose the rapper dude. It's not his personality, look or anything like that....... I just think he has a horrible voice.

all those stupid so called "Gothic metal bands" like Lacuna Coil, Tristania, Autumn or whatever they are called.. BAH!

But for me, The Worst Band Ever is without any doubt The Monolith Deathcult from the netherlands.. A big mess of chaotic noise and the worst attitude towards their crowd I've ever seen.. (I just really hate arrogant people..)