Worst Crowd Reaction you've witnessed

Rammstein opening for Kiss in Brazil in the late 90's... The crowd was vicious.

Tub Ring opening for The Gathering in New York in 2007 was pretty bad... The crowd wasn't too hostile, but it was clear they were not into it. What made this show stand out was that the feeling was mutual! The band hated the crowd too and they made it very clear...

hahahahaha I was just going to post mine....TUBRING back in thier early days. They opened up for SNFU ( a classic punk band). Literally the whole crowd turned on them after 1 song. They tried to fight back with insults but we out numbered them. It was a blast though.
At Ozzfest in 2002, when Andrew WK played, the crowd hated him so much they were throwing shit at the band. Their guitar player got nailed with a half-full (or half-empty?) water bottle right in the face!

Also, more recently, I hated the crowd at the Motorhead show I went to. They were by no means booing or even reacting negatively, but on the whole they were pretty dead. I am used to being at metal shows where the crowd is really into it but there are always a few guys taking it too far and that's annoying. Well at this show I felt like I was the annoying one! I was the only one near me trying to headbang, fist-pump, or even sing along. And the whole time I'm thinking "They're banging away up there and you guys look like you're at a Yanni show!". That part sucked, but Motorhead were quite good, so it wasn't a horrible show.
Two come to mind....

1) Screaming Trees opening for Social Distortion @ the Metro in Chicago. This was in 1990. This was before they were known for their single on the SINGLES soundtrack. The crowd was primarily "cool" punks and skinheads. ST got taunted the entire time, and their singer tried to "front" but would quickly back down whenever a skinhead would get close to the stage.

2) Trouble on the Slayer / Danzig tour in 1988 @ The Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Back in the late 80's, NO band opening for SLAYER stood a chance. Trouble got boo'd VERY hard, and the "SLAYER" chants from the crowd were louder than the band themself. I have read a couple interviews over the years with Slayer members where this has been brought up, where as TROUBLE fans themselves, they couldn't believe how strong their fanbase was to boo a hometown band like that. Granted, this was when TROUBLE first drastically changed their sound which didn't help matters much.
Trivium got heckled and even bottled mercilessly when they supported Maiden a few years back just after The Crusade was released. I was at the Earl's Court gig and you could see objects flying at the stage. Another band that supported Maiden to get slaughtered even worse was Funeral For a Friend. Also supporting Metallica at Wembley HIM got such a bad response that I read later that Villa Valo ran off the stage crying though I was too far away to tell.
Sorry about the series of posts but I just thought of another one. I don't know if anyone here remembers the band The Gadjits. They were a pretty sweet ska band that released a couple of cool albums at the end of the 90s. Then, without warning, they morphed into a really bland and flavorless indie rock band. It was pretty gross to see a band who clearly and obviously DECIDED that they wanted to make themselves over to get with the prevailing trend. They went on tour and played to crowds who had no idea what was going on. When they played Detroit I was there and it was so awkward. The band looked really uncomfortable, people in the crowd were going "What the hell is this?" I think the band pretty much disappeared after that debacle.
Odd;y enough out of all the live shows I have ever seen and it has been a lot of bands so many I have forgotten more than I remember, I have never seen a really bad reaction. I have seen openers get no attention but never anything that stands out.
I have heard many stories though like when Trouble opened for Danzig and Danzig opened for Slayer. And I was just told about a story in Sammy Hagars book about when he opened for KISS in the 70s.
I would say the worst reactions I have seen have more often been headliners. Even the thinning of crowds tends to happen more with headliners this happened with Sonata Arctica last year in Raleigh. Seems after Powerglove the the stage half the geek filled club emptied.
2) Trouble on the Slayer / Danzig tour in 1988 @ The Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Back in the late 80's, NO band opening for SLAYER stood a chance. Trouble got boo'd VERY hard, and the "SLAYER" chants from the crowd were louder than the band themself. I have read a couple interviews over the years with Slayer members where this has been brought up, where as TROUBLE fans themselves, they couldn't believe how strong their fanbase was to boo a hometown band like that. Granted, this was when TROUBLE first drastically changed their sound which didn't help matters much.

rofl late 80's? No band opening for Slayer stands a chance ever, let alone Slayer/Danzig.
I'm sorry, I don't like it. Guess I suck at music, LOLZ!

I'm just kidding. I honestly wouldn't expect anyone here to be into them, but I feel your posts in particular are more along the lines of "if it's not majestic power metal, in which all of the members must dress like they get paid $9 an hour at Medieval Times, it sucks!" so I just had to make a silly response.
"if it's not majestic power metal, in which all of the members must dress like they get paid $9 an hour at Medieval Times, it sucks!"

..which is why I love Accept and Sabaton? :err:

Granted, I do love me some cheesy power metal.. I just have a thing in particular for singers who sing notes and stuff.
Yeah, Sabaton isn't power metal? lol

There's more to music, and "notes" than fluffy poofy melodies. Anywayz, u need to laff a little sister!