I haven't personally seen tooo many really BAD audience reactions, although I'll never forget when James "Spike" Marsters' band Ghost of the Robot played at Dragon*Con. They were dreadful. But, there were a lot of female fans there who really wanted to see "Spike from Buffy" perform...for at least a little while.
After two songs, we had to call on convention security to control the flow OUT of the 2,500-capacity ballroom. I was standing outside and not hiding my blue convention directors' ribbon well enough, when some people walked up to me, thinking I was in charge. "Please! Make them stop! This is terrible!"
All I could do was shrug.
Some hardy fans of the following band* managed to gut it out and stayed in the front row for that whole mind-numbingly awful set. In sympathy, the headliner's frontman gave each of 'em a free CD of their choice.
* The Cruxshadows