worst metal band???

Motley crue once cancelled a show and the reasen they gave was too many snow on the roof, pretty funny actually i think, but not if you intended to go to that concert...
and Dimmu Borgir is third... :devil:

theatre of tragedy, lacuna coil, peccatum, tristania and pretty much every doom goth band with a female singer...
Hm...i guess choosing a worst metal metal its about tastes in music......i guess i would put any norwegian black metal band on the spot...i dislike them all......but at number one there.......CRADLE OF FILTH ....yeah...these guys are extremely annoying :p
Iron Maiden are old school. Metallica's been shit since after 1988. Metallica have grown into a disgrace to Metal. Pantera = true against the grain American Metal and are also the kings of Metal. If you seen the Pantera/Slayer tour they just had, or the Real Steal Tour, or Ozzfest 2001, you would have heard Pantera themselves say it live.
I would have to say the absolute worst metal band I have ever heard is Satanic Slaughter.
I picked up one of their cds at a local store becuase a friend told me how kick ass they were. I smacked him the fucking face the next day. The vocals are awful the guitars sound like they are being played by someone who hasent been playing anymore than a month! The entire CD is nothing but fucking power chords! If your a metalhead plllzzzz take my advice DO NOT I repeat DO NOT buy any of this bands cd. I did find one use for the cd. :devil: When I dropped a rock on it the cd broke into very sharp pieces that I could use for cutting things! LOL

Keep rockin metalheads !!!
most nu-metal bands, godsmack........Slipknot..........Mudvayne.......Sevendust....... Deftones

Dimension Zero fucking rules lakebodomkiller!


PS: By now ive figured out that most people hate the fuck out of Cradle of Filth for various reason, but fuck I love songs like Her Ghost in the Fog, that melody line near the end is fucking crazy and just rocks. Also songs like Tear the Veil from Grace have nice melodys as well.......oh well. To each their own i spose right? :D