worst metal band???

I'll be eternally thankful for the person who said that. I don't have a clue who it was, though.
oh.. i was going to ask :cry:

another band which is pretty bad, if you consider them metal, is Rockbitch...

I, personally, hate all the "melodic death metal
from göteborg" bands, topmost the Inflames!

Sure, they know how to play, and do great
job in their own genre, but that music
has NO CONTENT or anykind of FEELING in it.
Just "ok melodies".
have you not had the *ahem* pleasure of listening to this bands fine music? *cough*
Yes these guys (and gal) are *the* definitive worst band ever to play on a stage. Why oh why so many decent bands choose them as their support I don't know
Another band that I hate is SIX FEET UNDER they suck
and all the italian heavy metal sucks too

Shadows of Steel
Luca Turilli

all of them sucks :(

They have no Strenght , they don´t know how to rock :rock:
huh, I think Labyrinth is a damn good power metal band, guitar work is pretty damn nice. Very melodic, and they dont sing about going into battle and knights and shit, I like em.
any of this "rapcore" shit is the worst. limp bizkit, linkin park, crazy town, p.o.d...

as for my opinion on the rest...the Crue fucking rule! Pantera owns...and not all nu-metal sucks. system of a down is really annoying tho.
What the fuck are you talking about Hexa? Morbid Angel fucking kicks ass; Trey Azagthoth is a fucking amazing guitarist. It's obvious you dont like them for their choice of vocal style, because Trey fucking rules. And how can you not like their vocal style but still listen to Chidren of Bodom? You're a fag.
ohh man, this Metallica issue is so old now. They still kick ass. I've always liked every song they ever wrote (Some more than others... But still) .

Anyways, I can not stand Pantera. I liked Cemetary Gates, but I can not stand a band that say 'Hey, yeah we kick ass!!!'. No. Faggets.

Best bands are Anathema and EToS and Ebony Tears and Opeth and In Flames. Even Iced Earth. But I hate nu-metal as well. Carcass rules - Child's Play. Ahh yeah. Anyway, any nu-Metal band.
Originally posted by HeXa
All USA "Deathmetalbands" like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Carcass etc. I'm not sure if they are really trying to make music or are they just goofing around. They're propaply just humourbands.

WTF are you talking about. Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel rule. I dont even think your a real metalhead. your a disgrace. Have you ever touched a guitar before. if you have you would know that these guys in these bands are great guitarists. How could you say all USA death metal bands suck. So your saying Death, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, and anything that comes from the USA is shit. im sorry but your a fake my friend. If you knew anything you would know what an influence these bands have on people.
yeah no way can you touch Carcass. Iced Earth? Come on now buddy. Death? uh huh...yeah. As for melo death look at bands like Shadows Fall and of course Lilitu. I agree with Sentenced...
The worst bands....:heh: One of my favorite topic...Here we go: Limp Bizkit, Cradle Of Filth, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Metallica, Linkin Park, Pantera Korn, this going to take less time, All glam and nu metal. I actually put all these bands in the same category, sheer crap. :hotjump: