worst metal band???

Needled24Seven said:
lmao that was great since im american. about the bands well here it goes cob, norther, soilwork, skyfire,sinergy(not kim lol),tool, apc, nin, strung out, radiohead, pink floyd, porcupine tree, in flames (jester-clay), opeth, led zeppelin, loc, thrice, btnh and thats just off the top of my head

But Lars isn't originally an American as the same for Ozzy, Jimmy, Robert, etc. They came to America and formed bands while they were U.S. citizans. Also, Tool/APC and NIN are American based so in fact, you don't hate all American based bands.

NP: Marty Friedman - Saturation Point
Needled24Seven said:
in fact i think your drunk since i said i only dislike amereican "metal" bands. i thought maybe the punctuations would do the trick but i guess not.

Oh fiesty one aren't you? And no, I am not drunk (yet). Tool can be considered some form of Metal but of course not NIN. So let me get this straight, you don't like Death, Sepultura or Slayer? Or have you even heard them.

BTW....I think the word you were looking for is "quotations" not punctuations.?!,'

NP: Marty Friedman - Jewel
Needled24Seven said:
i need something a bit more melodic less thrashy too much half time its killin my ears.

Oh shit dude, you must have not really heard too much Death then. I myself only listen to metal that is melodic. I don't really listen to Slayer anymore. Shit, Schuldiner's (frontman of Death) side project he did, Control Denied, was some killer shit too. I could show you come badass shit. You wouldn't happen to have IRC, would you?

NP: Marty Friedman - Gimme a Dose
Soul Crusher? Or do you mean Spirit Crusher? Yeah, I wasn't to fond of the album Leprosy. Get everything from Symbolic and The Sound of Perserverence. I'm sure that you'll like some if not most of the songs on those albums. Also, get Cosmic Sea from the album Human. Also, get the songs from the album Individual Thought Patterns while you're at it. I suggest you get Trapped in a Corner from that album first. I love the solo, I'm sure you will too. Also, check out some Control Denied. Chuck doesn't sing but I think the singer they used is fucking awesome. Anyways, let me know what you think.

NP: Death - Trapped in a Corner
all nu-metal, sugarcoma, defenstration, all this new crap like the strokes, the hives, the white stripes etc... Cradle of filth, Power Metal (sorry guys), All that cheesy hair metal like motley crue, poison, whitesnake etc... ack i could go on
HeXa said:
All USA "Deathmetalbands" like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Carcass etc. I'm not sure if they are really trying to make music or are they just goofing around. They're propaply just humourbands.

To/Die/For is (unfortunately) from Finland :) Great singer ...not!

Third would be definitely Pantera (We fucking kick ass!!!) yeah, sure :)

Yeaaaahh, Carcass and Morbid Angel don't make music, it's just NOISE!!!

Hey, look at Trey Azagh-stuff: he's UUUUUNNNAAAABBBLLEEEE to play his guitar. Ohhhh my God, even a 7 year old kid could do better! And the drums! He can't even play properly,that Sandoval dude!
And Carcass, they don't know how to play either!!

Nah, seriously, stop bullshitting like this! You sound like a teen girl listening to Britney, and who suddenly hears death metal.
The Trou-Peur said:
Yeaaaahh, Carcass and Morbid Angel don't make music, it's just NOISE!!!

Hey, look at Trey Azagh-stuff: he's UUUUUNNNAAAABBBLLEEEE to play his guitar. Ohhhh my God, even a 7 year old kid could do better! And the drums! He can't even play properly,that Sandoval dude!
And Carcass, they don't know how to play either!!

Nah, seriously, stop bullshitting like this! You sound like a teen girl listening to Britney, and who suddenly hears death metal.

Well said, I totally agree with you. ;)
I'd just like to add that Carcass was not an american band, they were purely british.
Metallica of the 90's
Megadeth after Cryptic ('Crush'em':
;no wonder if they had Jean-Claude VanDamme in their video)

And one I could never like, despite all of my efforts: Obituary. Although the vox are great (final thouuuuughttss), I find their music incredibly boring; furthermore, we can't distinguish one note from another, as the gtr sound is so muddy.

A good majority of BM bands are bad too; the only ones great or OK are for example Emperor, Mayhem, Dissection (although it ain't really BM), Marduk (at little doses)...