worst metal band???

All USA "Deathmetalbands" like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Carcass etc. I'm not sure if they are really trying to make music or are they just goofing around. They're propaply just humourbands.

To/Die/For is (unfortunately) from Finland :) Great singer ...not!

Third would be definitely Pantera (We fucking kick ass!!!) yeah, sure :)
Fuck dont put carcass on those lines....its one of the best bands ever...altough i dont like the first records....since necriticism they delivered sutch incredible records...too bad they broke up....
All the nu-Metal bands are the worst Metal bands. A lot of people even mentioned bands that play real Metal. The bands who are a disgrace to Metal are Slipknot, Static-x, System Of A Down, and any other trendy nu-Metal shit band. If you like it, listen to it. But it's not real Metal.
I agree with ThiagoCoB. Pantera achieved more in Metal than any band you listen to. Pantera are the kings of Metal.
The worst I've heard must be some of the norwegian tr00 black metal bands. Can't think of the worst though, since they are all bad. Emperor doesn't count. Emperor rocks!!!
Pantera is horrible;let's not even talk about nu-metal;Cradle of Filth is depressed teenage girl bullshit;Dimmu Borgir would be good if they spent as much time writing songs as they do fixing their image;Pegazus is THE SINGLE WORST BAND EVER, however (not to take away from the shittiness of the previously mentioned lot).
I hate Metallica for stop being one of the greatest metal bands on earth to begin to rock without force, without conviction, without strenght, WITHOUT CARING ABOUT US, THE FANS

The literally Metal up their asses
Fuck them!!!:(
If someone have played Warcraft2 you could know the band...
I dont remember the name of band they made the musics to that game.(music sounds good at game because they are on mid format...but on cd it sucks very deep...)
Almost every grindcore band...
I once downloaded some anal cunt, it was THE worst song I ever heard. Napalm Death's ok, but not for more then 15 minutes.

Skinlab rocks and so does system of a down! But at the moment SOAD is being way to commercialized, I hope they don't end up like Limp bizkit(UTTER CRAP)
Defining the worst (or the best) band is a matter of taste and opinion. And as someone so well put it "Opinions are like arseholes; everyone's got their own." Thus, there can't be a definite "worst" (or "best") band.

I refuse to answer the question.
