Worst metal band name ever

Susperia said:
Oatie-yum-yums are better....
They rule over most sweets but not when you say it like that:mad:

There was this German fun brigade- The Blackseed Boys, which specialized(well sort of:lol: ) in slaughtering pop hits, rewriting them in Black metal
Check out their website. In the mortuary section of the site you can download 14 tracks off their Principle of Evil Made Cash full length
noitcefrepdewalf said:


This band lives about 2 hours away and they fucking blow. the albany scene needs some help.

Their first show was laughable
The name reminds me of those weird foreign countries who cut clits off chicks, and also guys dicks when they steal.
Yes.. That's one reason why it makes me wince. Because shit like that still goes on in the world.

And because the clitorus is the most sensitive part on a female's body. It has 10 times the amount of nerve endings than anywhere on a man's penis. Some women's are so sensitive you can't even touch it. And they... cut them off.... It hurts just thinking about it :cry:

edit: The 10x thing I just read somewhere. I don't know that for absolute fact so don't yell at me if that's not the precise number kthx.