Worst singer that actually sings?

Half the time I think he's great and the other half I wish he'd learn to shut up a little more. Warbles his voice too much. I think there are a lot of singers way worse than him though, but I don't know their names, just from many overhyped 80's metal bands.
that guy from lacuna coil is pretty horrid. he should just shut up and not contribute vocally. they have all these songs that would be just great if only the woman sang them.
Originally posted by godmachine12
Mine has got to be James Labrie. He is terrible. I just popped "Live Scenes" in and his singing makes me cringe. Just awful. I think if he would avoid the higher notes it would be better though.

Agreed, 100%.

It's quite hard to imagine why a band with as much talent as DT hired this clown to sing??!?!? It just makes no sense.

Seriously, he renders their music 'unlistenable' simply due to his horrid vocals.

And NO record is as unlistenable as "Awake". It's so saddening.
Such great music ruined by the worst vocals known to man.

I hate most death vox - but ANY death vox would be an improvement in Dream Theater.
Hum, I actually like Lacuna Coil's male vox.

LaBrie does get pretty horrid after awhile.

The singing on Anathema - "Eternity" was pretty shabby.
Dani Filth (if that even counts as singing). Though sometimes I actually like him, but he does weird stuff with his voice that just sounds terrible. I think he's one of those people who could be good (or atleast decent) if he didn't try so damn hard to sound really evil.

Dave Mustaine can also get slightly annoying but I still love Megadeth. There's just a few songs that make me cringe slightly because of his vocals.
Dani Filth, I hate his voice. It really annoys me. I don't mind LaBrie's singing, but when I heard DTs cover of Master Of Puppets I really thought his voice was bad. But it was just in that case. Oh yeah and King Diamond's high-pitched voice thing gets annoying after a while.
Anders from In Flames sings terribly, but I still love his voice. I don't know why.