Worst Song On LFDGD?


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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this one has troubled more since i got the album. all the songs are brilliant and i cant tell which is well not the worst but least favourite. i will think of saying one then i listen to it and think NO that is too good.

for all of you that can make up your mind, whats your least favourite:confused:

you might as well say that for all the albums if you like.

one thing im sure of is that 'instrumental' is my least fav on DO.:D although it is really good too.
Oh well, I´d go for "Don´t Tell A Soul" because it´s the only song that is merely good :D
Although it might contain the gist of the album ("When you have no one, no one can hurt you"), to which I easily could relate now and then. Actually, "could" should be emphasized as I fortunately have beloved ones I don´t want to miss.
I love 'We must bury you', although I know I wouldn't like an entire album like that! It's good when in context, like My Dying Bride's '34.788% Complete' album.

I hate to admit it, but 'I Transpire' is the song I love the least.
To tell you the truth, I don't look at every song as all that great. Sure, most of the songs are extremely amazing, but "I Transpire" & "Don't Tell A Soul" are not very good. I never listen to either of them. I listenened to both songs trying to get into them (for some Katatonia songs, I have to listen to them a couple of times to get the true feeling behind it), but they never grabbed me. I like "I Transpire" slightly more than "Don't Tell A Soul", however.
-> Orias:

What probably makes "I Transpire" better than "Don´t..." is the first (instrumental) minute. :)

-> MindMorgue: :D
i think that the entire record is magical. seems as tho the
fans were quick to pick out a worst song with this
release and not really with the other volumes.
seems as tho the fanbase is getting a lot
more critical as the band tries new
stuff. i'm pleased with it
completely. and this
happens seldomly
Originally posted by nogs00
i think that the entire record is magical. seems as tho the
fans were quick to pick out a worst song with this
release and not really with the other volumes.
seems as tho the fanbase is getting a lot
more critical as the band tries new
stuff. i'm pleased with it
completely. and this
happens seldomly

Yeah, I know what you mean. I think the album is probably as perfect as an album could get, but I do still think 'I Transpire' is the one I would listen deliberately to least.

It's still better than 98% of other bands' best work.
Teargas is PERFECT!
Don't tell a soul is a very good song I Transpire too.But sweet nurse might be the worst song because of the lyrics.and Teargas is perfect and it Does not sound like POP! maybe sweet nurse or other songs but Chrome and teargas are not POP1 Listen it carefully or i will beat you :p
Teargas isn't pop!

We Australians don't like Pop either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as my profile explains- I'm an Australian!!
I'm listening to 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' now and I can't think of anything that would fill my mindset.

What a band...
Originally posted by Anthony
I think that "Teargas" is real pop, I never listen to it(just skip) and think, it is worst.

Wait until a girl that you're in love with leaves you... then you'll understand the full meaning of Teargas.
Something like:

"Sweet Nurse" or "I Transpire" even though, I like both of them enough to never skip them while they're playing. I guess if I had to pick between the two...I lean more towards "I Transpire" for some reason.