Worst Symphony X songs?

S/T ~ Taunting the Notorious
TDG ~ Secrets
TDWOT ~ Pharaoh
TIO ~ Lady of the Snow
V ~ Absence of Light
The Odyssey ~ The Turning

I like all their songs, but these are my least favorite from each album.
Julz said:
DG - Savage Curtain (but the solo is amazing)
DWoT - Out of the Ashes
TiO - Smoke & Mirrors/Church of the Machine (tied)
V - A Fools Paradise
Odyssey - King of Terrors
I never thought that anyone could dislike "Out of the Ashes". That one is actually my favorite, by far. However, I agree with you about "A Fools Paradise".
for me, i'd honestly have to say that these are the songs that i'm least able to get into are the following songs from each album:

Self Title: Don't own it
D. Game: Don't own it
D.W.O.T: Candlelight Fantasia
Twilight: Orion The Hunter
V: Yeah, Absence Of Light
The Odyssey: Wicked

They're all good songs, but just my least favorite. i have a question though. How does Rediscovery Part 2 be considered anybody's least favorite?theres got to be at least ONE part of the song that's better than any other part of the song! But everybody has their opinions, so w/e.