Would it be better if drugs were legalized?

Should drugs be legalized

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters
There was a time when the idea of black slaves being real men (much less being free men) wasn't realistic. There was a time when women's suffrage wasn't realistic. Hell, there was a time when the idea of space travel wasn't realistic.

What the hell are you trying to prove? Instead of worrying about what's "realistic," why don't you try focusing on what's possible.

Black slavery against drug addicts ?
womans rights against drug addicts ?
Space travel against drug addicts ? (amusing connection aside)

what am I trying to prove ? what are you trying to prove ? Why would I want to focus on a way to make being a drug addict perfectly acceptable ?

I would rather focus on possible ways to stop the explotation of labor forces that would improve inner city and other local environments and promoted a real productive work effort... that was worth the effort.
I will speak my mind where I please. I would suggest you stop the personal insults being how moderation seems void of the idea.

The moderation could well be in agreement with those views, who knows? :heh:

In all due seriousness, and this may be taken literally, based upon the arguments that have been made and the manner of the response, you are quite the intellectual Lilliputian. For instance, the argument Einherjar was making was that what the very nature of our discourse is what is possible i.e. proposed action. However, you simply retorted that 'no one gives a shit' and that 'reality is a bitch'. This has nothing to do with the argument at hand, or at the very least, was a poorly-executed straw man to imply that we are in fact making statements that relate to things currently in practice rather than things that are, in fact, ideas which are in many cases 'idealistic' by nature.

Perhaps I should come over to your wave-length since you have to pay tax: the cost to the federal, state, and municipal governments on account of the drug war this year is estimated to be $50 billion. The cost is likely higher as indirect costs e.g. reduced tax revenues, revenue from 'human capital', the cost of money being diverted into drug treatment instead of invested by families, &c add up and act like sludge in the economic engine. Who do you think pays for all of this? Certainly not I!
You can speak of that, but I would go further and wonder why the money disappears so fast and little gets done in all aspects of government... rather than just view one ripple on top of the lake. I would have to lower my level to be so base.
To answer your question, Yes more problems would be created if drugs were legalized, because the U.S. government's system is based on putting people in jail and barring them, along with doing random U.A'S (something I have to do) and making sure you get your Narcotics Anonymous Notes signed by the sponsors.

If Drugs were legalized the resources and potency of your chemicals would inevitably be reduced, higher priced, eventually turning into placebos.
I voted yes on if drugs should be legalized, simply because I don't blame my actions on drugs, but the Government does.

One thing about trafficking is the fact that the people in control of the country are stingy, a wise man once told me "Coke is for the rich Man, Meth is a poor man's coke"
When it comes down to a heroin addiction, I'm not sure if people who drink and wake up with the shakes are really much different than people who can't sleep because they have the shakes without their Tar.
I personally know someone who couldn't get methadone coming off of Heroin, yet started doing Crystal Meth, and wouldn't have ever got mobile without starting on it. They're not doing drugs now Just drinking.
Basically Drugs are legal in the sense that: Oxycotton-Legal Form of Heroin
Aderol: Legal Methamphetamine
Marijuana: (medicinal is very strong) If you're gonna die, you'll get the prescription,
it's just a matter of who is getting the prescription, preferably I'd prefer drugs were legal so I could get the pure forms of the shit by choice. But I can't think about that, all I can do is drink if I want to get fucked up.
I think the easy drugs like Marhiuana, Cannabis.. should be legalized bcz. it doesn't make sense to prohibit this drugs
because way too many people are consuming it without any dangerous consequences.
I believe that they are not so dangerous like many people here
in germany think as it is..
but the strange thing is that you can drink here so much alcohol like you want(at bars) and that is accepted.

btw Cannabis grows in my garden and I give a shit if the cops
would come and check out my house.. they are actually not mine
my brother likes that stuff so much!
anyway the harder drugs like heroin are really some dangerous shit and I think if that shit would be legalized we had a lot more drug addicts in a short time.
I think if the dangerous drugs were legalized their increased sales would easily kill off the addicts. I think putting a limit on how much you could buy would be kind of dumb, it would cause people to start stealing.

What the hell are you trying to prove? Instead of worrying about what's "realistic," why don't you try focusing on what's possible.

I think if the dangerous drugs were legalized their increased sales would easily kill off the addicts. I think putting a limit on how much you could buy would be kind of dumb, it would cause people to start stealing.

There is no indication here as to what you are talking about. Kill off the addicts ? As in there would be less, or they would all OD and not be replaced by new addicts ?

Originally Posted by Einherjar86
What the hell are you trying to prove? Instead of worrying about what's "realistic," why don't you try focusing on what's possible.


Just as standing infront of a train, anything is possible so we focus on what is realistic

Just as standing infront of a train, anything is possible so we focus on what is realistic


Is the train moving?


Look dude, focusing on what is realistic is fine if that's your thing; but legalizing drugs isn't all that unrealistic. There are a significant number of people in this country who see benefits in doing so. Personally, I'd like to see them legalized if only for the reason that I disagree with the harsh penalties that are enacted upon people for possessing illegal drugs. There should be no punishment for such actions. I can see rehabilitation for severaly addicted persons, but only when suggested by their relatives. We, as bystanders, have no right to interfere on their personal lives.
Depends on the drug, there is only one drug that should be legalized... weed.

All others can not be for various reasons I have stated, the best being the supermarket drug store and no longer needed doctors for subscriptions scenerio.

Applying the Cyper clause again. Legalized drugs would bring harm to the unwilling by imposing familys/loved ones into potential drug addiction situations.
Depends on the drug, there is only one drug that should be legalized... weed.

Scientists have just discovered that consistant cannabis use over a long period of time can actually shrink your brain, as well as giving you long term psychosis and paranoia. The long term effects of cannabis (as well as any other drug no matter what classification it is) are life threatening and extremely damaging.

So I don't honestly think it should be legalized. There are enough problems in this world without the legalization of drugs.
I say legalize all that good shit. Coke, meth, heroin, weed, ect. Legalize all of it. Why? It fucking gets rid of the crime associated with it. If it's regulated by the feds, no small time junkie can sell it to your 14 year old sister/brother/nephew/daughter/son/friend. Regulated shit would be purer, and those effin' douche dealers wouldn't be able to compete with prices. I'm not advocating those drugs, but when you think about it, it makes sense.

Shit, it was like that before in the states. Could go and buy some pot from the grocery store.

Scientists have just discovered that consistant cannabis use over a long period of time can actually shrink your brain, as well as giving you long term psychosis and paranoia. The long term effects of cannabis (as well as any other drug no matter what classification it is) are life threatening and extremely damaging.

So I don't honestly think it should be legalized. There are enough problems in this world without the legalization of drugs.

Give me a link. The only 'psychosis' I've read that cannabis is related to is schizophrenia, and that's only if someone already has problems.
Food and drugs were not even regulated at all until 1906. Let the free market sort the bad from the good, and let natural selection cull the idiots; what is the big deal?
Ümlaut;7396343 said:
I say legalize all that good shit. Coke, meth, heroin, weed, ect. Legalize all of it. Why? It fucking gets rid of the crime associated with it. If it's regulated by the feds, no small time junkie can sell it to your 14 year old sister/brother/nephew/daughter/son/friend. Regulated shit would be purer, and those effin' douche dealers wouldn't be able to compete with prices. I'm not advocating those drugs, but when you think about it, it makes sense.

I agree. If drugs were made by big time companies they would be a lot safer for users to use and to buy. There's are gangs that do drug trafficking and they knock off anyone who gets in their way. Well, what are they if you can buy the same stuff legally. Would you rather buy fruit at a store, or from a poor smelly vendor?

Scientists have just discovered that consistant cannabis use over a long period of time can actually shrink your brain, as well as giving you long term psychosis and paranoia. The long term effects of cannabis (as well as any other drug no matter what classification it is) are life threatening and extremely damaging.

That doesn't really make addicts want it less. And usually they're going to get it. The safety of the drugs on the users is kind of irrelevant. Weed is illegal yet alcohol is legal and worse than weed. More people actually die from alcohol, yet the government doesn't care. I don't see much reason behind making softer drugs illegal yet making alcohol legal for people to drink themselves to death.
yea Alcohol and cigarettes are acceptable, it's called population control, and keeping people self-destructive and suicidal. It's called Capitalism..
I just used bleach on the surface of the kitchen and in the trash can like 5 hours ago, yet my eyes are dialated as hell, if you smoke a cigarette with bleach on the floor or in the air, I bet this is one of the most harmful things.
Food and drugs were not even regulated at all until 1906. Let the free market sort the bad from the good, and let natural selection cull the idiots; what is the big deal?

The free market is a horribly inefficient method of sorting the good from the bad. For individuals to have to collect data on every different item they wish to buy, to determine it's safety and efficacy, would be shit. Far better to put up with some relatively minor regulations on what can be sold and the ingredients / standards it must adhere to. Yes, I like doing my grocery shopping in half an hour, and value the fact that it is of relatively consistent quality.

Of course, the criminalisation of materials that do not fit within the regulations, is over the top...
@Ghetto: Well, idiots have a funny way of culling themselves anyway. We call it 'natural selection'. Capitalism has nothing to do with it, though I would bet if everyone was living a hand-to-mouth existence as in the Soviet Bloc, they would have fewer means to wreak havoc. Depression, though, is what would make people "self-destructive and suicidal", and that is their business how they handle their affairs.

@Blowtus: I am against heavy-handed regulation of food on account that the civil remedies available against reckless companies are sufficient to allow for self-regulation. Last I checked, people were not dying like fleas before 1906. Thus, the free market would ensure that harmful foods are not put on the market, and when they do, the manufacturer will risk bankruptcy. Likewise if they mis-label.
Capitalism has a lot to do with why drugs will never be legal, and like I said before, the resources of the "pure" chemicals would be reduced. There is a ton of fillers in the street drugs you consume like Meth, and cocaine. Cocaine the doctors have and Methamphetamine the doctors have is quite pure. Capitalism is based on Competition and Profit. That's why it has a lot to do with it.. If I asked a kid for some Aderol, I don't see it happening. If I asked the guy who makes the shit out of Ephedrine and other poisonus substances, looks like I could find that if I want..
The Profit drug companies make, and the supply and demand for things, along with the market to supporting a person's life in America, well that isn't something people care about, unless you are on top of the competition, and already are making the profit..

The drug war, will never come to an end.
Another thing about the system of America, is this country is based on God, the bible, your taxes One go to the Church, two the State.