Would it be better if drugs were legalized?

Should drugs be legalized

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters
I'm not trying to get off of the subject here, but I am not a fucking NUN, Nor am I a priest, and well, I fucking got an "A" in F***ing highschool Economics and U.S. Government because they are topics of interest to me, the information I gave you is shit I learned in Highschool which was over 6 years ago.

Yeah and when it comes down to the spending money on military, and the space travel, not trying to say I am an expert, but my father was in the military for 22 years a MSGT in the Airforce, I grew up on the bases.
I'm also not saying that they don't spend money on the Militaries and Space travel.
whatever money they spend on the militaries, space travel exetera, doesn't take the aspect off the fact that the system of our government in America is Capitalism.
The spending of the money on militaries, ect, also brings us back to the point of Population control.. blah fucking blah.. Whatever you think, You are not in Superior Judicial Authority to Change Commerce or rearrange anything in the Cabinet. If you don't know the facts, then keep Arguing it wont get you anywhere.

The Drug War Stays, and always will.
I personally don't even think the penalties should be so high for simply possessing drugs like cocaine or heroin either. It's basically the government penalizing someone for treating their own body harshly. I can see possible penalties for dealing the drugs, but not for owning and using them.

I think the Netherlands have the right approach to this. They obviously know that drugs are being sold and used. Yet, they won't worry about it, as long as those places where the drugs are sold, the coffee shops, follow the following rules:

- don't advertise the product you sell
- don't sell hard drugs
- don't cause a public nuisance
- don't sell to juveniles under 18
- don't sell large quantities at a time

I would disagree with them on selling hard drugs. I think even hard drugs in small quantities won't cause major damage. I've taken plenty of cocaine, and at least for me, it's a drug that I don't find addictive. It doesn't last in your system for very long. In fact, I find alcohol, at least for me, makes me feel worse if I abuse it, as opposed to cocaine.

I too agree that there shouldn't be penalties for owning and using drugs. Not all people who use soft or hard drugs are susceptible to drug abuse. We all probably know of a few people who are not able to control themselves, but we shouldn't lump everyone in this category.

In my earlier post, I made it a point to use the word, "abuse" to seperate those who put themselves in danger and those who are able to control themselves. There is a difference.
I agree with not selling hard drugs. Or at least not Meth. You can die making that shit.

But if hard drugs are illegal than dealers will still make money. So will organized crime if they can effectively mass synthesize drugs like Meth.

Which is worse. Some people being able to legally buy drugs that could be deadly, or gangs being able to make lots of money to fund their crime off of hard drugs?
Or it could be seen as the best industry for them, elimanting the usefullness or competitivness of those that would fall to drug abuse, keeps them shooting each other up with their petty wars and sufficiently self employed and trapped within the limites of their territories. Which they will surely leave should they loose the drug industry.

Then we can have our sickeningly wealthy perscription drug companies getting even richer turning our population into addicts... so long as its not "gangs of organized chrime" .... right .... lol.... "organized crime". Nearly every entity in this country is a form of organized crime.
Its not like if drugs are legalized every single person in our country would spring up and scream "METH, HEROIN, COCAINE, POT, I WANT IT NOW!!!!"
what do you mean by drugs? because if it's heroine and meth, it should obviously not be legalised. why put that shit on the streets willingly?

now if you mean weed, then maybe.

and triads wouldn't switch to innocent means of getting money that don't involve killing and stealing. it's what they're best at, the people who get into taht stuff do because they don't care how they get richer. it might stop the war on drugs but it would open up something entirely new. necessity breeds innovation.
It doesnt matter who does, it only matters that you are saying its alright, its legal.

It's legal to cut your own limbs off. Don't see too many people doing that, somehow everyone manages to ignore the rampant government promotion of such a silly habit.
It's legal to cut your own limbs off. Don't see too many people doing that, somehow everyone manages to ignore the rampant government promotion of such a silly habit.

So is there an entire legal industry out there making money out of cutting peoples perfectly good arms off ?

Ah ha

Lets see... drugs - euphoric, pain killers, temporary thrill

cutting ones own arm off - extremely painful, messy, not easy to do, a very obvious painful and permanent impairment upon initial consideration

priceless comparision.... no doubt

try again
Sorry man, you really arent presenting much of value in favor of promoting drug addiction, but then I dont think its possible to come up with much anyhow.

Even the medical industry has to be careful with addiction and other problems related with improper use of... for example antibiotics. Not that their hasnt been plenty of closet subscription addicts over the years... for example volume (not sure of proper spelling for that drug) and other "pain killers".

Another factor not being considered here is also - law suits. Now Im against the whole lawsuit lottery in the States myself but can you imagine the suits against companies and everyone involved down the line by familys for the pain and suffering of dealing with an addicted family member or loss there off ???? In this instance, with such a judicial decision as legalizing hazardous addictive substances made specifically for internal use... I cant say I would disagree with such lawsuits.

[awaits such lame responces as comparision to tobacco, alcohol or perhaps the drinking of toilet cleaner]

so please... entertain me :Smug:
yes, tobacco and alcohol would be terrible comparisons - they are clearly a completely different realm. Being legal and all.
There is such a thing as a waiver i.e. waiving liability on the part of the company as a condition of use. A disclaimer along the lines of "by using this [insert product here], one waives liability against [insert company here], its subsidiaries, and any third parties." If one had a problem with such a condition, one would have the option to simply not purchase the product.

Here is the beautiful thing about legalization: it will bring competition in the narcotics space. There will be a race to the top to bring about the best high without addiction. Science, unrestricted by nanny-state restrictions, coupled with the voracious appetite of the free markets would make this a very expedient process. Keep in mind: ultimately, it is not in such a company's interest that one become addicted, requiring more and more for the same result, as it would be analogous to killing the goose that lays golden eggs and would lead to bad press.
yes, tobacco and alcohol would be terrible comparisons - they are clearly a completely different realm. Being legal and all.

Exactly, they are currently legal and have been, no turning back, as was found with prohibition. By this example as well there is more proof against opening such a can of worms. In all honesty I feel tobacco should be illegal, something I got into as a stupid teenager, quiting was the most trying thing I have done in my life, if tobacco wasnt around... problem solved.

Your still going no where with this path today. Seems too narrow with stumbling over rocks that are in clear vision
If tobacco was illegal people would still do it because there would still be addicts.
Exactly, they are currently legal and have been, no turning back, as was found with prohibition. By this example as well there is more proof against opening such a can of worms. In all honesty I feel tobacco should be illegal, something I got into as a stupid teenager, quiting was the most trying thing I have done in my life, if tobacco wasnt around... problem solved.

Your still going no where with this path today. Seems too narrow with stumbling over rocks that are in clear vision

I think it should be illegal to sit in front of a computer typing shit when we could be out making money / exercising / doing good deeds.

Just how fucking far do you want to go in 'saving' everyone from themselves? Me, I'm a live and let die kind of person.
'saving' everyone from themselves?

see here it is again

no one else involved....... right ?

I do agree however, I fully believe murder should be legal, we are over populated and we have far too many scum bags running around. But I dont think they're about to legalize murder anytime soon either.