Would it be better if drugs were legalized?

Should drugs be legalized

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters
@Blowtus: I am against heavy-handed regulation of food on account that the civil remedies available against reckless companies are sufficient to allow for self-regulation. Last I checked, people were not dying like fleas before 1906. Thus, the free market would ensure that harmful foods are not put on the market, and when they do, the manufacturer will risk bankruptcy. Likewise if they mis-label.

Sure, maybe you wouldn't die, but you would hardly have any assurance of quality. You might have a finely trained palette, I wouldn't have a fucking clue whether I'm eating something semi decent or semi rubbish... I like paying a small amount extra on all my food for some regulation of it. I don't feel like my freedom is limited in the slightest.
Cipher, yeah they are "supposed" to watch out for those things. Monosodium Glutamate is in almost all of the food we buy that's processed.. yet you go to the chinese food place and they say "no msg" there is not much of a difference between "propaganda" and "advertising" but coming from me, You aren't going to be taken care of believing everything you read.. when was the last time I picked up a bottle of vitamins that said "FDA doesn't intend, this diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease" they all say that, even if they say they are laboratory tested to dissolve within 60 minutes.. there is no help. -Population control for everyone.
Wow, this topic went bonkers today

Scientists have just discovered that consistant cannabis use over a long period of time can actually shrink your brain, as well as giving you long term psychosis and paranoia. The long term effects of cannabis (as well as any other drug no matter what classification it is) are life threatening and extremely damaging.

So I don't honestly think it should be legalized. There are enough problems in this world without the legalization of drugs.

I would agree with you one hundred percent but if you'd read my very first post, way back at the beginning it had to do with the random drug testing for work that pounds the hell out of the weekend... take a few toke-ers. The ramdon drug testing is highly selective of these people when other people have far larger problems. Many companies and the state agencies have pulled these random tests at times like, the day after New Years, ect. ... its all like a set up. BAM ! some poor fool is in for months of psycho babble because they took a few pokes over the weekend. I know of quite a few incidences of this within my age group, and it happened to some damn good people, put through hell, out of work, eating whatever psyco shit some psychologist has well rehearsed to shove down their throat.... surely more long term damaging effects from listening to those morons than a little fun partying on the weekend.

I would also suggest that your survey is flawed, most normal people that would mention having such problems are most likely those that just got done being pounded on by psycho pedalers (shrinks aiming to save the world from..... who knows what the fuck)
Food and drugs were not even regulated at all until 1906. Let the free market sort the bad from the good, and let natural selection cull the idiots; what is the big deal?

This is a highly flawed and narrow scope on reality... snap shot at its best. Many a good mind and body falls to various addictions. Possibly a 50% defect in this miniscule notion and thats ignoring legalization or non mind altering substances.

As for food... forget about it... 100% flawed.
Ümlaut;7396343 said:
I say legalize all that good shit. Coke, meth, heroin, weed, ect. Legalize all of it. Why? It fucking gets rid of the crime associated with it. If it's regulated by the feds, no small time junkie can sell it to your 14 year old sister/brother/nephew/daughter/son/friend. Regulated shit would be purer, and those effin' douche dealers wouldn't be able to compete with prices. I'm not advocating those drugs, but when you think about it, it makes sense.

yes, however with this arises a brand new set of problems and complications.
Another thing about the system of America, is this country is based on God, the bible, your taxes One go to the Church, two the State.

I dont know where you got this notion from but regarding this and other posts, I would strongly recommend deeper vision and perspective adjustments for your best interest. Words from a lyric my buddy and I once wrote.

"Dont let this evil world get you down
there must be more to life than you have found
tomorrow... do you want to be free
... to find your destiny ?"

what ever, chin up !
Wow, this topic went bonkers today

I would agree with you one hundred percent but if you'd read my very first post, way back at the beginning it had to do with the random drug testing for work that pounds the hell out of the weekend... take a few toke-ers. The ramdon drug testing is highly selective of these people when other people have far larger problems. Many companies and the state agencies have pulled these random tests at times like, the day after New Years, ect. ... its all like a set up. BAM ! some poor fool is in for months of psycho babble because they took a few pokes over the weekend. I know of quite a few incidences of this within my age group, and it happened to some damn good people, put through hell, out of work, eating whatever psyco shit some psychologist has well rehearsed to shove down their throat.... surely more long term damaging effects from listening to those morons than a little fun partying on the weekend.

I would also suggest that your survey is flawed, most normal people that would mention having such problems are most likely those that just got done being pounded on by psycho pedalers (shrinks aiming to save the world from..... who knows what the fuck)

I understand what you are saying as I personally have been suspended from a job because I had one joint on a sunday afternoon with mates when I was about 17. They sent me to the company shrink about it and even the shrink found it ridiculous, because I am of sound mind.

The survey that I read up on was based on consistant cannabis users, who have been using for 5 - 10 years daily. So having the occasional tokes now and again won't display the same damages.
I would agree with you one hundred percent but if you'd read my very first post, way back at the beginning it had to do with the random drug testing for work that pounds the hell out of the weekend... take a few toke-ers. The ramdon drug testing is highly selective of these people when other people have far larger problems. Many companies and the state agencies have pulled these random tests at times like, the day after New Years, ect. ... its all like a set up. BAM ! some poor fool is in for months of psycho babble because they took a few pokes over the weekend. I know of quite a few incidences of this within my age group, and it happened to some damn good people, put through hell, out of work, eating whatever psyco shit some psychologist has well rehearsed to shove down their throat.... surely more long term damaging effects from listening to those morons than a little fun partying on the weekend.

I agree with you on this point. My main problem with anti-drug laws are the repercussions that people suffer at the hands of the court system. Pot smokers don't deserve the penalties they get for smoking, and random drug tests are really unfair.

I personally don't even think the penalties should be so high for simply possessing drugs like cocaine or heroin either. It's basically the government penalizing someone for treating their own body harshly. I can see possible penalties for dealing the drugs, but not for owning and using them.

Nice epic succession of posts by the way, razor. :cool:
I remember back in the 70's at least in NY State possession under ??? 2/3rds of an ounce or something along those lines was decriminalized. Im not sure of the current status.

I guess the so called "main point" of random drug testing is that you have done something "illegal". Its about the only case where its legal to entrap and screw up someones life that is not caught in the act or actually brought no harm in the process. That is as far as weed is concerned. I just refuse to stand up for any other drugs though... now you can call me a bigot.... LOL !

But I do agree, they need to be after the dealers, but at times seem to focus more on the users, most likely in effort to get them to turn evidence on the next guy up the ladder.

Its amazing they seem to have so much trouble finding the "king pins". Seriously LOL !

20 years ago or so this areas big coke dealer was busted and sent away. I applauded the day, he had so many nice girls all fucked up on that shit I felt like slaying him myself. Down at the local watering hole all the buzz that day or week was about how poor _____ was going to prison for along time. I was disgusted but kept my mouth shut, hard as it was. Im telling you, some very nice and pretty girls all totally stupid about cocaine. A decent guy didnt stand a chance because he didnt have a pocket full of coke and a night of "good" times.

Now today its all about crack, my findings have been girls are the most stupid when it comes to anything coke or meth related. Maybe they just stand out more... cause I care... stupid me... Imagine that... someone that cares.

Razor, I studied U.S. government and Economics on my own, which is where I learned what your taxes go to and that they go first to the church second the state, third the hospital and jail systems..
I think the reason why it's difficult to find the "king-pins" is because people don't want to end up dead whether they're in jail or not for possession... I would have gotten out of some trouble if I went and told the police about who I got my shit from. But instead, I am not going to risk my life, whether I was barred longer than I should have.. The reason I can talk about this openly now, is because, whether my phone is tapped or not.. after all that shit I had to go through, I'm not using anymore, and take a lot of pride and respect in myself for not dealing with the people who call themselves "Pimps" because they're dealers. They always tried to get in my pants to get shit anyway, and ended up cutting me off, which ended up getting me sick, because I wont sleep with someone for drugs, or money, I'd rather be sufferring on my couch, sick.
You're right about the whole thing about crack and hoes and shit like that.. But that is their choice, and even if they are that way, and end up getting broke, I don't give a flying fuck if they are doing that shit for the money and what to indulge in self-pity. They deserve whatever bad shit happens to them.. But in a corrupt society.. bitches like that end up getting the best out of everything.
I suppose seeing a church on every block and not seeing them bulldozed and destroyed to build apartment buildings is enough to describe it.
living and working in a church is not quite my field of interest, that's just what the U.S. government books said. Taxes go to the Church, The state, ect, in that order.. basically you pay your Judicial branch, then your legislative branch, and blah blah blah, but the laws are based on the Bible.
I fail to see how this is a indication that money came from the government whenever those Churchs were built... which was when ?
Laws are based on human ethics which evolved over thousands of years.

Show me a law that favors any Church.
okay, I'm not trying to argue with you about the Obvious that any senior in highschool who studied U.S. Government can pick up their fucking book and find the shit.
if its so obvious why cant you show me where the government gives money to the church or pays the wages of clergy ? I mean if its there I want to see it. As far as I know dontations to the Church by its parishenrers is pretty heafty and most of these Churchs on the corner of every block have been there for over 100 years

Also as far as I know the Fed government of this country blows its wad on the military and space exploration first and foremost. Followed by welfare for our countrys finest and immigrants both legal and illegal. The rest is swallowed up by the governments extravagent operational budget which differs little from the welfare system..... lots of money for little contribution.