Would it be better if drugs were legalized?

Should drugs be legalized

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 30 40.5%

  • Total voters
I guess. I was thinking of just copying every topic, weeding out trolls, and spelling errors.

You can start a thread asking posters' permission to use their posts. But, ask the admins first if you can start that thread.

I like to write, myself. I think a good idea would be, each chapter would be a different topic with paragraphs of everyone's input, then your own thoughts at the end of each chapter. Say who you agree with the most, who you disagree with, why, throw in some random facts and your own research on said topic, etc.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking of doing. I'm going to wait for the admins approval though.
great idea on the book guys!
that'd be fucking interestting to read, like chapters are actually threads, copying day-to-day discussions on this board...
very fine idea, gentlemen/women.
i dont support it because i lost too may friends because of this stuff and from some of them i didnt even know that they were taking it here in switzerland how i heard it they want to make a votum if light drugs should be legalized my oppinion no even when you smoke pot this can give really big brain damages if they would legalize it more and more teen think oh cool itz legal so i can smoke it and buy it.i know some of them only smoke it because they think that they are cool i saw 13years old kidz smoking it and this makes me sad this is the reason why i dont support it
yes, peer pressure combined with easy access and validated by legalization is a step in the wrong direction
im all for legalization, but decriminalization would be the first, vital step.
marijuana should be sold to adults (varying from countries, 21 or 18 years of age), it should be government checked, as food is checked, as alcohol is checked etc.,

there is of course the chance of abuse, but hey, isn't that a problem with EVERY substance?
there are people who drink one cup of coffee a day, and plenty of water, which suggests virtually no damage to the body.
others on the other hand drink coffee hourly, over years, which may lead to blood vessel damage, failure of particular healing processes within the body (for example eczema, dermatitis, acne).

one person may drink a beer every now and then after work or a martini after a job promotion.
another starts drinking at 10 in the morning. every morning.

you can find examples like this for every product anywhere in the world, so i don't think that argument should be limited to cannabis.

i don't smoke alot of weed, i smoke every couple of weeks, sometimes i even stay "clean" for months at a time.
do it responsibly and in moderation and marijuana will remain to be an undescribable experience, a peaceful journey and the most fun you've had in years =)
Of course, it's important to realize that drugs like cocaine and heroin present much more addictive circumstances, thus making it harder to use them sparingly.

However, I still agree with you that it should be a person's choice, without legal ramifications.
Fuck the government. Its like a parent with a fucking spoiled kid. They want to make most people happy instead of doing whats right. We could save a lot of energy if we didn't make cigarettes because they contain jet fuel. Yet smoking is acceptable yet weed isn't.
Cigarettes do no good. They don't give anyone a high or anything. All they do is just addict people and stick them to a habit.
Of course, it's important to realize that drugs like cocaine and heroin present much more addictive circumstances, thus making it harder to use them sparingly.

Further complicated by : some people are more addictive prone, We see this in alcohol. Its really not a thing as one poster wanted to suggest where its the dregs of the earth. I've seen all kinds get hooked in. Those highschool and post school years be they college or work are almost traditional party years and experimentation. Good times in themselves are addictive, so if you had a blast one night or one weekend drinking and doing coke, many will want to do that weekend after weekend, then the urge could strike mid week and its just downhill. I really cant speak for opium based drugs like heroin, that has always seemed like a inner city problem. I did know a few V.N. vets that spoke of the problem in Nam. I knew a crew that left here for Houston in the late 70's that became crystal meth junkies and got straight upon coming home where it wasnt in their face 24/7. Theres some food for thought. But there was plenty of coke and booze so they sufficed with that :rolleyes: I also remember another remarkable situation, many of the super straight kids in H.S. came back from college big coke heads. By that time we'd been out working for 4 years and had our fill of partying to the wee hours of the night and getting up to go to work at 6:00 so many of us were on the down slope of the party game, yet these former squares were serious snorters some were even dealers.

Limited access is the best answer, people that want to do drugs should have to dredge the bottom, should have to work for it, go places where they might actually feel as if they are degrading themselves. Live in fear of being busted. All these are good things to keep the druggie looking in the mirror to see if they really like what they see.

I had two best friends become coke heads. One moved to Boulder where he had easy access and lots of influence. The other to Staten Island where he had easy access and plenty of influence. Both had to kick and go completely straight, booze and all because one taste is all it takes after than and your right back riding the train again.

I think I already mentioned that and tobacco and the issues with prohibition and that once something of this nature is legal its impossible to turn back. Then of course you can ignore all that has been learned about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and tobacco since. I grew up with a steady bombardment of cigarette and cigar commercials, smoking was widely accepted. Alcohol has been a standing American tradition, getting drunk for that matter, no I dont think its a positive thing. 20-30 years of legalized drugs would lead down the same path.

Now today we are under steady bombardment by the drug companies for boner drugs, cock enlargment drugs, anti depressants and according to popular promotional campaigns we all need psychiatric theropy and specific prescribed drugs.

Now according to your censorship concerns you should feel companies should be allowed to campaign tobacco, alcohol and by natural course of your wishes hard addictive drugs..............

such a tangled web we weave
Also if drugs were legalized dosage and potency could be more easily controlled and thus the overdose rates would go down.