
Went Moroes -> Maiden -> Opera (Oz) -> Curator -> Chess, all tonight. Previously, the opera had glitched out on us. Not a single wipe, or more than 3 deaths on a boss. Opera through chess, it was our first attempts. Got myself some good loots, too :)

Now just to replace those 3 embarrasing greens, and I'll be good to go. For something other than work in 3 hours. :(


EDIT: Yeah, super tired now. Naptime after work. In other news, I'm thinking of re-speccing about another 7 points or so in Survival to increase my trap durations and the like. 7 / 42 / 12 is a bit of a weird spec, though.
This is a revelation to me Hunters can use Axes :D

Cool gear, really.

I'm getting off work earlier and running back to PvP: will be grinding for good PvP gear, as mine clearly sucks, and early stage of Kara attunement kicks my ass (hope new gear will help).

And Bioshock demo is downloaded, will check it out as well.
The PvP gear is really good stuff - I would recommend though that you save up your honor points for the epic neck/wrist/belt/ring slots sold to level 70s before you go for the standard armor and weapons. They're much better quality, and if you happen to join an arena team (a good one, preferably), the armor and weapons from there are a much higher quality than the regular PvP stuff.

Yeah, the Kara attunement was a pain - only lucked out because we had a few other people doing it at the same time. Though, having finally gotten a flying mount, I reeeally need to save up for an epic one.

So it's an early night for me. Cleared through Opera, only a couple of hitches on Maiden due to a new paladin in the group. Grabbed 3 new epics for myself, and called it quits after Opera, partially because of sleep, and partially because people don't like how much gear I've been getting. If we had enhancement shamans in the group, it probably wouldn't be so bad, as some of the gear would have likely gone their way, but I'm the only mail-wearing physical damage dealer (one elem shammy, one resto shammy). They'll probably down Curator again today, possibly do Chess event again.

That means that Thursday or Friday we'll likely try a marathon session to push for the end. If we wind up clearing it, it will have been our third week into Kara. Which would be a bit ridiculous, but nonetheless awesome.

in an attempt to lose even more time than i currently do i created a toon on WoW. since the trolls on this game didn't match my idea of troll (huge and funny individuals made of rock, i'm in love with DAoC trolls) i made a tauren :p
the negative side for now is that i'm playing on an italian server (because i want to try it out so no official) and i'm scared by how many italians write, especially the younger ones, yesterday i was in a group and i couldn't understand a thing between all the sms-like talk, next time i'll pretend to be english. :ill:

back on topic: i'd be curious to hear about some specs for warriors, i quite like fury and some arms, but i never played the game before..
in an attempt to lose even more time than i currently do i created a toon on WoW. since the trolls on this game didn't match my idea of troll (huge and funny individuals made of rock, i'm in love with DAoC trolls) i made a tauren :p
the negative side for now is that i'm playing on an italian server (because i want to try it out so no official) and i'm scared by how many italians write, especially the younger ones, yesterday i was in a group and i couldn't understand a thing between all the sms-like talk, next time i'll pretend to be english. :ill:

You'll need a European server anyway if you want to get half-serious about it, unless you plan to stay up until 5am on week nights to raid. I never played on mixed-language servers and I would run like the wind at the first hint of an Italian or Italian-run guild, but you should probably pick a British
server and I'm sure in general chat the mods will enforce an English-only policy.

If you ever find about 23 other friends who play and want to form a guild for mainly PvE, let me know in secrecy and I will sacrifice everything that I hold dear for the promise of fake powerful items and pretend heroic battles.
hehehe 23 people, i doubt it. for now i've been running alone, except for a small dungeon/instance done with a warlock and a druid who didn't heal, my boyfriend chose a blood elf, so he's on the other continent right now.
for the moment i want to get to know a little about the game, what you can do, what you can't do, so i chose the first decent server with fast exp rate i found, if i'll like it a lot i'll find a more serious one.
i still prefer daoc for various reasons, the main ones being that i like rvr better than pvp/pve, that that there are different classes for every realm and that in my opinion it's more complete when it comes to styles, spells and abilities. but we'll see :)
Apparently next patch is reducing the amount of XP needed to hit each level by 15% and increasing the amount given by quests by 15% as well, so leveling should be much much easier. So, if you do wind up selling your soul to WoW, it's not a bad time.

I honestly haven't played in weeks. Mostly because it's most fun for me to play with the fiancee, and she's busy as hell with all of her school stuff. Didn't help that most of our guild was grad students anyway.

@Hiljainen: It might be prudent to say at this point that you sure are a geek. :p
I meant 23 people you actually know either in real life or from somewhere other than WoW so you know they're not jerks or stupid or Martians. I wouldn't give away my life for any random guild, and I'm sure in a little while you'll have no problem understanding why. You and your boyfriend make two, though, which is an exceptional improvement over one.

@Kovenant: I used to love levelling and doing quests. This is only going to increase the divide between those who only want to experience the end-game for the sake of parading in their tier n+1 gear and those who actually want to explore the game and see as much of it as they can. It's already fairly shocking to me that (since I stopped playing, which was before TBC) some instances have become useless but at the same time still not soloable so you seldom if ever see them. Is it true that, once the new level cap is online, people will just stop wanting to trigger the AQ event (if they still do it)? That's quite off-putting. Blizzard should at least release a solo version of WoW with a bunch of NPCs as other players and let you reach level A BILLION so you can finally go around enjoying all the parts of the game you missed.
I mourn for Stratholme, Scholomance, Blackrock Spire, Blackrock Depths. While incredibly annoying at the time, they were also pretty fun, if only from a storyline perspective. I don't know that I've seen anyone run them since the level cap was raised.

It's one of the reasons I've leveled multiple characters. It usually takes at least two to experience most of what's out there.

@rahvin: you know, some time ago i stumbled upon a website full of rpg related comic strips, i laughed my ass off and recognized myself in many of them, i even got a couple of ideas about comic strips i could draw. that was a good hint about how geek i am :p

i still have no hope to gather 23 persons, but it's ok.
and i'd like a solo version too, pve would be more interesting for me without quests and zones to explore necessarily in a group.
From an outsider's point of view:
@Hiljainen: It might be prudent to say at this point that you sure are a geek. :p
I meant 23 people you actually know either in real life..
Did you really expect a geek to know 23(!) people in real life? :p

(no offense Hiljainen, i dont' think you're a geek ;))

I wouldn't give away my life for any random guild
The worrying part in this sentence is the implication that you would, in fact, give away your life for a guild. :p
The worrying part in this sentence is the implication that you would, in fact, give away your life for a guild. :p

Provided it consists of about 25 people I know or some such, I'd be a MADMAN not to. What are my accomplishments, social life and promise of a better future against PURPLE DROPS???

I'm perfectly stable.
Do you want to play WoW with us?
PURPLE DROPS make me think of pink elephants.

For some inexplicable reason that is an irresistible idea.

So what do i have to do?
So what do i have to do?

Buy or download a copy of the client program, open an account, pay a monthly fee of about $10, connect to the same server as people you'd like to play with, forfeit every other human activity for the next two years.

Also, find 22 (see what I did there?) other people so I'll join. ;)
Don't know if I have already written it here but I once got a 2-week test-account for WoW and it just bored me.

I will probably get an EVE-Online testaccount next week to try it out. Has anyone ever made any experiences with it?
Buy or download a copy of the client program, open an account, pay a monthly fee of about $10, connect to the same server as people you'd like to play with, forfeit every other human activity for the next two years.

Also, find 22 (see what I did there?) other people so I'll join. ;)
That sounds too complicated. If i am to forfeit every human activity, i want it to be exactly like that, every human activity. I want to be reduced to amoeba level activity, and creating accounts will only result in grey matter activity.

Though i do admit that the thought of you joining is intriguing. :blush:
(started running yet? ;))
Don't know if I have already written it here but I once got a 2-week test-account for WoW and it just bored me.

I will probably get an EVE-Online testaccount next week to try it out. Has anyone ever made any experiences with it?

I had.
Eve is totally anti-WoW... Well, it's pretty much against all mmorpg standards. And that's what makes it cool, imo. The best parts are: a) no grind, b) you can lose anything you have, c) the game is HUGE, and there's a hell lot of things to do, too.

I paused my subscription in Eve after some three months, though, but that's a whole different story. :)