
So we have shamans, priests and druids and now this... hmmm, I'm not that excited any longer.

Hunters are so much fun to play, actually, more than any other class, I'd say.
Agreed. It's fun playing as her alt mage sometimes, especially against dumb allies in PvP, but still, I prefer the hunter. I'm back up to my old pvp level again, I'd say, thanks to this weekend's drops. Did a really shitty run of Black Morass, trying to Kara key a guildy, which didn't work out in the end (mostly a pug, with a shitty tank), but picked up's_Twilight_Longbow and , so I'm not entirely unhappy. (That and the T4 equivalent bracers out of Kara on Saturday.)

I'd say to check out the armory profile, but I can't link that from work. Suffice to say, I'm the Lvl 70 Hunter version of "Evilemperor".

So, I have to say that Karazhan is actually kinda fun. Cleared all bosses to the Opera tonight, but the Oz event bugged out, and we're really getting the hang of things. Considering that we never even used to run UBRS together - a solely PvP guild back in the day - that's pretty damn good.

So, I have to say that Karazhan is actually kinda fun. Cleared all bosses to the Opera tonight, but the Oz event bugged out, and we're really getting the hang of things. Considering that we never even used to run UBRS together - a solely PvP guild back in the day - that's pretty damn good.


That's great! My guild recently started it as well...and they made me their personal healbot, and to be honest, the sheer boredom of healing may change that. We cleared up to Curanator and had DPS problems. Thing with's stressful. Yes, you have 2 buttons (Paladin healing) but to dedide how much a heal to give. My problem is...I have better tanking gear than some of our tanks....undergeared tanks are dreadful to heal. I remember doing Moroes and the tank had about 450 defense. I was so paranoid that he would get crit that I think I overhealed him to the point of death!

Anyhow, I really do enjoy tanking and I was originally picked to tank Kara...but they lacked a healer one night so I did a fast re-spec and the next thing you know they invited a warrior that took my spot.

I reason, it's my 15 dollars and I will do what I please with it. Unfortunately I always cave in to the demands of others.
I utterly hate Maiden. I swear the other paladin healer is asleep, he keeps forgetting to sacrifice. Many times i'm the only healer during each repentance. I don't have mp5 to heal every single repentances on top of de-cursing and healing other raid members, typically other healers who do not watch their own health. Although I can understand this, because watching the raid is such a big task one can forget.

And also, i'm not sure, but one of the priest keeps dying withing 10 seconds of the fight. What can we do about this?

We have gotten maiden down, but it's not on farm statues, or even close.
Well, this week was our first ever attempt at Kara as a guild. We had a few members who had been through it before, who had left other guilds and reformed ours when my fiance and I started playing again, so we have an idea of how to approach each boss, just not the practical experience. Our core group looks a little like this:

1x Hunter (Myself) - Marksman Specced
2x Shaman - 1 resto (fiance), 1 elemental
1x Priest - Holy, of course
2x Warrior - One prot, experienced; one arms, actually not a guildy, but his alts are all in our guild so he off-tanks for us - crazy gear.
1x Rogue - No idea on spec, but they are very good
1x Warlock - Affliction specced

We downed Maiden the other night with an extra holy priest (who I swear phoned in the whole run - an ex-guildy who we brought along just for another healer, but who I doubt will ever be coming again), and extra warlock (also affliction).

Had our warriors and rogue triangle tank her, with the healers directly behind the melee'rs. The priests handled the warriors, resto shammy on backup/raid heal, elemental shammy kept grounding totem out to eat holy fires when possible. Rest of raid dps'ed from afar, while keeping in LoS of healers. Only real issues we had was a slight shift of her position which kept a healer from landing in the Consecrate during repentance, which led to an eventual wipe, and once our core 'lock pulled aggro too quickly (he realized too late that he had unloaded too quickly), which also wiped us.

We subbed our frost mage and holy pally in after the non-core priest and lock had to leave, leading up to the Opera fight, but after one wipe (mage kept trying to alternate dps and scorching Strawman), Roar fear-bugged and we called it quits.

Our main issue right now is that most of us aren't even heroic-geared, as about half the group hit 70 a week and half or so ago, right before we decided to head to Kara. The real exception is the MS warrior, who's geared in at least Kara gear or better, but who is committed to making us learn the encounters ourselves (and it's not like one person can make it for a group - break it, certainly, but not make it). Considering that, we're doing pretty well, and gearing up quickly. We have a pretty good class selection, too - our mage and pally just got attuned this weekend, and we have a feral Druid who will have hit 70 this morning, so he'll probably be attuned soon as well, and taking over off-tank duties.

As far as recommendations on that priest, either he's pulling aggro too quickly by massively overhealing, or he's eating up Holy Fires that he should be dispelling immediately. Not sure if decursive would really help him out, but if you have a shaman, consider having them toss a grounding totem next to the dude. If they're dying when trying to get Repentance off inside the consecrate, then it's probably a gear issue, and they need some more health. Either way, it shouldn't be too much of an issue if they keep alert. What's your raid makeup like?

Keep in mind, we've downed her just the once, so I'm not claiming to be an expert on the encounter.

Some really wonderful idea's. As for the Wizard of Oz, it's really an easy encounter. The only problem is that there are so many things going on. My guild either gets it the first time or we continue wiping on it. Really a frustrating fight :/.

Our make-up usually is this, but can change time-to-time:

2 Holy Paladins
1 Dps shaman (don't know anything about shamans)
2 Warlocks (sometimes 1 mage/ 1 warlock. The mage's are both frost, if they come. The warlocks, I have no clue)
2 Priests Shadow/holy
1 Hunter (Not sure about spec)
2 Warriors. Both protection. One is good, the other one needs work.

Also, I think you guys are doing fantastic as your first go! You will have it on farm statues in no time!

As for the priest...he has incredible gear so it's not a gear issue. But as you stated, this may be a "holy fire" issue where I cannot understand that he will not dispel it. He is usually out of range from me, so I probably have not notice this.
AHAHAHAHAHAA, Motes of Air - same problem :heh:


Got to renew subscription today.
I gave up WoW a year ago after a very long, serious addiction to it. Best move I ever made, never really realised how much time I actually spent sitting here instead of living. Got in to the Warhammer Online beta though, but I'm managing my time a lot better now =)

Cursed WoW!
I gave up WoW a year ago after a very long, serious addiction to it. Best move I ever made, never really realised how much time I actually spent sitting here instead of living. Got in to the Warhammer Online beta though, but I'm managing my time a lot better now =)

Cursed WoW!
Dude me too, it's been a year also since I quit. I think I had about 120days /played clocked across alll my characters. Fucking crazy.
Congrats on 70.

Haven't run Kara again, due to rl issues with a few guildies. Should be on for tonight though. Goal is to get past Opera. Anything else is icing.

And yeah, the PvP gear is good stuff. I'm currently trying to replace the last few greens I have, but overall I'm pretty happy with my progress.

Just before I left wow we did a full kara clear in one night, I got 5 epixx :P

Ps. I am willing to sell my account for a ridiculous sum of money.

Lock - 70
Drood - 70
Warrior - 61
Hunter - 60
Rogue - 60
Mage - 35