
Ok, well, I'm back on my alliance rogue now and it's surprisinly fun to do BGs
with really shitty (I mean, I'm wearing frigging greens still) gear. And no, that
is not sarcastic, I love the new subtelty tree, it's so powerful now and doing
2nd attack 5-point evis on still Cheap Shotted targets is fun.

Last nite some silly undead warlock thought he was hot shit when he and his
shadow priest buddy killed me with my cooldowns spent, he laughed at me as
if he had achieved something (Warlocks are overpowered and shadow priests
are nearly impossible for a rogue to kill even 1on1).
Well, after I had killed him about 5 times in a row, couple of times right in the
middle of the rest of his raid group (to prove a point), I don't think he was
laughing anymore. God I love the rogue :D

Anyway, I'm grinding my AV rep and some tokens to upgrade my gear slowly
to something more dangerous and then really go nuts with AB to get my rank
14 gear. I'm really surprised how much fun the rogue is again, I left him at lvl
57 when our guild decided to move back to horde and now I've slowly (soloed
for a week or so) leveled him to 59 and I still haven't found anything that is
hard to solo, the stuff I found hard as a mage are easy as hell right now.

I only wish I had gotten those damn Stormshroud shoulders and chest when
they were in the AH last time, my dagger build wants them (I'm hemo atm).
'Hemorrhage specced' last I checked.

I've not seen any interfaces out there that significantly improved my ability to dps. Although if you mean more along the lines of a DPS meter, then I can't really help either. Never used one. I would be rather careful about getting mods right now - seems to be a rash of keylogging incidents recently centering around addons, the problem being that there is no specific list of which contain keyloggers.


I'm using the most popular one, Titan or whatever that is... well, I don't really care about DPS thing, but I've seen some videos where character is shrinked and view is expanded (Salamurhaaja posted something before, but I didn't look hard for anything like that) - that's what I'm looking for.
OK, as for keyloggers in mods, can't be done. As long as you don't run a .exe
when installing it, it won't be a keylogger. Mods only activate when you're in the
game already and thus cannot log your password.

Mods are always installed in the [wow folder]\interface\addons\[their folder] and
the game won't run any .exe or .dll from those folders, it will only look for a .toc,
.xml and a few others like .tga for textures and such.

Now, it is true that Curse-Gaming and has some ads on their
site that had some malicious code in them (long since removed) but that has
nothing to do with the mods and everything to do with morons still using IE and
even worse, using the un-patched version of it. Opera and Firefox users never
had these problems.

What you need is to check your Interface settings or video settings, can't
remember which right now, there is a setting for camera distance, then you
can (by default) use the mouse wheel to scroll in and further away from your
character. Just set the camera distance to max. I can post a screenie later
when I get home if you can't find the setting.
yeah, I'll try to tweak it next time around ;)

I'm 54 hunter right now, specialized in survival, got those new wicked arrows... and killed 57 tauren hunter yesterday 3 times in a row - everything happened close to the graveyard. Well, he got me the last time, but we died together. His potions didn't help him, no.

It was hilarious.
I love beating people of higher levels. Obviously I can't do a hell of a lot of that right now, but back in the day it was great. I still remember my lvl 50 shadow priest getting jumped running for the old flight path in Silithus (to do Un'Goro quests) by a 55 druid, and coming out still with half health. Now that was fun :p

Plintus: Im not sure if it was mentioned or if you know but it costs 720g to get your riding skill up to 150 so you can use epic mounts. That's why I will never have one :p.

Speaking of spending money: is there an ultimate armor/weapons set for each class? Like most-most-most? Anyone ever heard anything?

I saw real high level priests with uber-grim gear (full armor set, can't recall whether it was epic or not) with morbid weapons, but is there any kind of statistics?

Checked out classes: rogue looks most attractive to me, and keeping in mind how hard it is to play against them (when they appear out of nowhere). And I wanted to avoid playing DPS again...

Do they have an auto-shot and can they use bow/gun?
Nick: It's actually going down to 540g if you have honored with your racial faction, in the expansion. Still, it's the reason I don't ride mine yet (Picked up the Black War Raptor yesterday).

Plin: Hunters are the only ones with auto-shot.
There are, currently, end-all gear specific to classes (the Tier 3 set, that drops in Naxxramas). However, come the expansion, that gear will really only last them until they start raiding again at 70. At that point, we'll see the rise of Tier 4 and Tier 5 gear.
There is also currently the pvp gear available from the honor system, that is pretty equivalent to the Tier 2 (available in Blackwing Lair) gear. Come the expansion, that too will improve, but not nearly as much as the PvE sets will. The real PvP gear boost will come from the Arena system. Besides looking totally badass, the stats and such are ridiculous. Of course, obtaining it has been predicted to be as much of a time-sink as the old grind to High Warlord / Grand Marshall. The key difference is that arena points don't decay, but it will still take a ridiculous amount of effort.

If you want to look the stuff up, go to the WoW site, and look for the 'armor sets' page. It's got a good breakdown (and visual) of each of the sets (Pvp 1 & 2, Tiers 0, 0.5, 1, 2, & 3)

Weaponry-wise... well, you could always get the HWL/GM weapons from PvP, but weapons in general aren't as class-specific as armor is in the end-game. That and I'm not as good as optimizing weaponry.

Got five lvl 60 characters now. Anxiously awaiting The Burning Crusade where I will lvl my Warlock to 70 first.
I think I'll be working on the Cryptstalker armor if I have time after expansion comes out (12 days left =) - I'm lvl 55 now, will take me a week to level to 60, I think. And I finally realized why I can't find any good gear - it's all Bind on pick-up :S

Best loot site on the web: Kaliban's Class Loot Lists

Gona check it out, I'm more on, thanks. BTW, figured camera distance setting - it's obviously in the interface options :) And having a new world map was a revelation to me (as I said before - I didn't play for almost 3 full months)


Just checked a few things for Hunter on the loot site: World of Warcraft

Looks pretty cool... if I can say that.

I currently use this: World of Warcraft (didn't take my time to create online profile).
Yeah, I used Allakhazam alot myself. As for cryptstalker, well it looks pretty damn awesome, but I'm not sure I'll put enough time into raiding Naxx to get it all. Perhaps once I hit 70, but I'm not sure how many people will be going back at that point.

I'd like to do a run through each of the raids I've never done, though, at least for the experience of it.

A few comments from thottbot about Blade of Hanna:

"i would shoot my mother in the face for this weapon "

"Anyone ever played Ragnarok Online? There was this sword called a Balmung that only GMs could have.

Maybe the Blade of Hanna is a GM sword..."

"yeah, I'd shoot your mother in the face for it too!"

"Blade of Hanna, eh?

What about the Blade of Thurman, or Blade of Carradine? I bet those are better. Especially Thurman's."

"This sword dropped 2 mins before servers went down on storm rage and it dropped from darkmaster gandling."

It all reminds of that episode of South Park about Warcraft :D
Yeah, I used Allakhazam alot myself. As for cryptstalker, well it looks pretty damn awesome, but I'm not sure I'll put enough time into raiding Naxx to get it all. Perhaps once I hit 70, but I'm not sure how many people will be going back at that point.

I'd like to do a run through each of the raids I've never done, though, at least for the experience of it.

Yeah, I haven't done too many instances myself - the group I was in managed to complete an instance 2 or 3 times (different instances), people were leaving all the time.

We need to get on the same server once expansion comes out (Destrom.... something, right? I'll be most likely playing Blood Elf female rogue =) Sucks that I'll have to level to 60 from scratch again... How people get away with having a number of lvl 60 chars and still have a life is a mystery to me :heh: