
I forgot Chris Benoit as well. Fuck, the matches that he, Malenko, Guerrero, Jericho, and Scorpio had with each other both over in Japan and then when they were brought to ECW were some of the most brilliant wrestling performances you'll ever see in your entire life. They're all superb athletes in their own rights, but together, they just had a chemistry that clicked so well. Another amazing rivalry was RVD and Jerry Lynn. They had some legendary matches. And on the more brutal side, the classics between Mike 'The Gladiator' Awesome and Masato Tanaka can't really be beaten.
Rey Mysterio is gay now. I can't believe he was given the world title. What a crock of shit. At least Edge has it now, who has shown immense talent and improvement throughout the years
I think The Brood (Edge/Christian/Gangrel) was one of the better stables that I've seen since I've been watching. The entire 'Attitude' era was fucking sweet
Does anyone remember X-Pac, back when he used to be the 1,2,3 Kid?

Sean Waltman had a lot of promise early on in his career, but I think he lost it once he got caught up in the business side of the sport. He was actually trained by the Malenkos, one of the most renowned wrestling families. I believe he even tagged with Jerry Lynn in his early days. And of course, the bumbling idiot that I am, I forgot to mention the brilliant Hart brothers. Bret and Owen are fucking peerless with only very small exceptions to certain legends as far as true generals of the ring are concerned. Nobody could manipulate a match like them except people like Flair, Misawa, and a couple others.
The funny thing is is that Gangrel actually had a marginally respectable independent circuit background, but the WWF never exploited his talents. Christian had a bit of a background as well.
Since we're talking about wrestling, how about some of the live matches people have seen?

I went to the match where Chris Benoit won the World Title in WCW then threw it in the trash and went to WWE the same night. It was pretty crazy.

Speaking of that, I saw Billy Kidman do three matches that night. Kidman was always one of my favorite wrestlers
I only went once, to a house show. I saw Triple H back when he was "Hunter Hearst Helmsley" before he was on steroids and the name "The Pedigree" made sense. I was little, so I can't remember who all else was there, I just remember him because everyone hated him.
I used to go to indie wrestling things with my friends a few years back because at the time one of my friends was huge into wrestling. We saw Jushin "Thunder" Liger at one. It was amazing.