WTF are you listening to?

Slough Feg, Pallbearer, Warning, Noothgrush, maudlin of the Well, and Thee Plague of Gentlemen.
Man. I've been rocking out to some tunes and drinking. Made the mistake of putting my shit on random and ended up with "Cromlech" by Solstice.

What bland, boring, un-interesting, un-assuming identity-less SHIT music. No character, no hooks. Utterly forgettable.

This is contrasted with "World Coming Down" by TON, which came on right before.

REAL MUSIC > shit music

Probably one of my fave tracks ever. They didn't write it, but def perform the best version. Untouchable.
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Dorian, have you checked this out yet? Of course not.
besides Toy Story 1 and 2, Snow White and Jungle Book ... haven't sat through a full lenght kiddie flick