WTF are you listening to?

I was gonna post a track from my fave album of the year so far. But I'm not gonna. 'Cause y'all are gonna make fun of me.
oh come on, the only way we would make fun of you more than we do for your love of gay-indie-dance-music is if it was some top 40 person or something.

Oh come on :lol:

oh come on, the only way we would make fun of you more than we do for your love of gay-indie-dance-music is if it was some top 40 person or something.

I have no argument against that statement
Danzig III because holy hell it still rules. Been years since I've spun this one. 20 years ago this was the Best. Album. Ever. for me.

Yep, I'm now at that point where CDs I bought TWO DECADES ago sit on my shelf. Jebus fuck balls.

Danzig over. Time for Bathory.
Danzig 4p is currently my #1 album ever. It used to trade places with ÆNIMA for the 1 and 2 slots in my head, but honestly Tool's '90s stuff just sounds so... '90s to me a lot of the time. I spun Danzig 4p like 20 times just a few weeks ago, just as powerful as ever.
The mood. It's just so god damn dark and black. Not evil or devil-like or depraved or anything like his other stuff. Just... black. It's like the audio equivalent of The Nothing from the Neverending Story. Not in any tragic way, just a lacking absence of all. Something like that.
i like 4, its the darkest of 1-4, but that also makes it a little less varied, and less memorable riffs i think. probably 4th out of 4 for me but they're real close.