WTF are you listening to?

haha yeh the whole 'band rocks out in a warehouse intercut with creepy dudes and chicks with no plot and no budget' video concept is pretty well worn
Anyone here into Grindcore enjoy this album? It's pretty fucking nutty! Polish band with that crazy ass drummer from Decapitated, Vader, etc...


HEY LURCH! Something I think you'll actually dig here!

Deposit my splayed body,
On the proverbial desert island.
All senses, all emotions, all dead,
Sans experiencing just this album?
I would still live happily forever...
I'm spending the day listening to The Seer and Soundtracks for the Blind by Swans, and perhaps The Body Lovers / The Body Haters if my mind is not too weird by then (or maybe that's the key to getting into that particular collection).

When the sun goes down I shall tend to A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Live in Leipzig, In the Nightside Eclipse, and perhaps finally watch Until the Light Takes Us if the spirit so moves me.

If I have time betwixt those two plans, I'm going to dissect the new Old Man Gloom to a fuller extent, and then maybe just maybe give Goat by The Jesus Lizard a proper chance.

I love spending my Sundays alone. :kickass:
I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but this was the first time I had ever heard any of this album. I have a single emoticon review if what I experienced:


That about sums it up

On a similar note I'm listening to Drudhk "Forgotten Legends" for the first time in pushing three years... and fuck me this holds up over time
I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but this was the first time I had ever heard any of this album. I have a single emoticon review if what I experienced:


this is the reason everyone should start with the classics and not the flavour of the week (read: in sweden in the past year or two or three or whatever: ghost, watain, in solitude, anything that has an artsy connection with the devil). They're a fucklot better. It's also the reason why the classics should be revisited often.
this is the reason everyone should start with the classics and not the flavour of the week (read: in sweden in the past year or two or three or whatever: ghost, watain, in solitude, anything that has an artsy connection with the devil). They're a fucklot better. It's also the reason why the classics should be revisited often.
Yep. I actually bought this album because I was looking at my Deathspell Omega collection, which consists of some 7 CDs and 5 LPs. Next to this was my Darkthrone stash: two CDs. So I slapped myself stupid and decided to learn some proper black metal history.

And there was much rejoicing.
I didn't really get into black metal until around 2003. Before then I knew Dissection and very little else.

Darkthrone is a new thing for me. Heard bits and pieces over the last 10 years, but didn't pay enough attention until just recently.

Plus I am a raging homosexual. Perhaps in 2019 I'll start listening to Venom?