WTF are you listening to?

I always forget how much I love The Gallery by Dark Tranquillity.

You'd think I would listen to it more than once every three years.
This sounds like my mind right now, but in a good way.


...been a while.
I love Oceanic. I love Panopticon... at times. Celestial also has my strong affections.

That there Zebulon Pike album is a monster. Also lots of Nokturnal Mortum lately. Not sure why I didn't like them years ago. Those days are over, for both bands.

I remain a fool for other reasons though, no worries.
Woo! Yeah I'd have to say that Epicurean Mass is one of the best metal albums EVER.

It's so perfect from start to finish, it reads like a book with the pinnacle final chapter.

EDIT: And this new EP is :kickass: as expected, but very different, so that's even more :kickass: !
Woo! Yeah I'd have to say that Epicurean Mass is one of the best metal albums EVER.

It's so perfect from start to finish, it reads like a book with the pinnacle final chapter.

EDIT: And this new EP is :kickass: as expected, but very different, so that's even more :kickass: !

Dude, they just keep getting better and better. I love how they keep tweaking these new songs throughout the years. I remember hearing half of these songs and the others on last years demo years back at the doom fests and completely rocking my world. Letters of Life's Regret gets me every fucking time. I love how Puleo's vocals have progressed over the years too. They just do it for me. Unquestionably one of my ABSOLUTE favorite bands of all time and no better Trad Doom band better nowadays. And they have only released one motherfucking proper album. Slackers.
I'm listening to David Bowie's Low for the first time ever, wondering WTF the big deal is.

[/another post wherein I disappoint Sick Dirloin]

EDIT: Okay I'm really enjoying side B (aka minute 21 on YouBoob) so perhaps I spoke too soon.

[/possible partial redemption]