WTF are you listening to?

"Went to Youtube and listened to Lashed to the Slave Stick."

First mistake right there. If I was to pick one song in their entire catalogue that is the most traditional, that would be it. Nile is undoubtedly original, with a sound that nobody else in death metal has.
Nile is awful. Don't let these plebs try to convince you otherwise pal, you have the right idea.
Nile has had some less than stellar moments, but their first two albums were monumental, and the more most recent two were really good.

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so dan swanö has a new project with another guy

and honestly, it sounds pretty good until the lead synths come in, and so forth, blah blah blah,

but the second riff (starts 0:28) in this song is one of the straight up BEST RIFFS i've heard in ages
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Sounds good but they should learn to restrain their enthusiasm sometimes, there's just too much of everything and some parts feel out of place. Whenever those blast beats kick in I just want them to stop already. Makes me think of Woods of Ypres' post demo stuff, too calorific for its own good.

Trying to figure out why I like the vox. I mean its a killer track, great drums and killer fuzzed out guitar riffs but the vocals... Dangerously close to rap yet I still like em. Go figure.
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I feel compelled to promote these dudes a bit. I just dig the approach (akin to Vektor in my opinion). Looking forward to their full album.

Singularity "Space Time Devourment"
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This stuff kicks dicks straight-through. Profound Lore again.
Trying to figure out why I like the vox. I mean its a killer track, great drums and killer fuzzed out guitar riffs but the vocals... Dangerously close to rap yet I still like em. Go figure.
i dont think the vocals are that close to rap, just too slow to really 'sing'

saw these guys back in april, played The Action is Go from start to finish then a few more songs and finished with Godzilla. the live version had even more fuzzy wah-ed out solos crammed in, show fuckin ruled. and now im listening to

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