WTF are you listening to?


This stuff kicks dicks straight-through. Profound Lore again.

I love this album.

I think Atma is surpassing The Unreal Never Lived as my 2nd favorite of theirs. Catharsis will always hold a special place in my heart and, for sentimental reasons, cannot be surpassed. But ATMA...Holy fuck. Why it took me this long to dig into the last release from one of my favorite Metal bands of all time is beyond me.
let me just say for the record that whatever negative things i said about the arch/matheos album in the past were misguided and wrong

shit rules

I think Atma is surpassing The Unreal Never Lived as my 2nd favorite of theirs. Catharsis will always hold a special place in my heart and, for sentimental reasons, cannot be surpassed. But ATMA...Holy fuck. Why it took me this long to dig into the last release from one of my favorite Metal bands of all time is beyond me.

Atma is cool at first but youll realize eventually that there is just too much filler.
I need to give YOB more of a chance. My other band loves them. I've had Catharsis for years, but I really only "like" it and nothing more.
it's 21:49 and i'm at work somehow. working, drinking beer, and this:

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