To paraphrase a quote from MW2, "nationalism is the belief that your country is superior to others because you were born there." The concept of ancestors means nothing to me, I feel I have no more in common with my great-grandfather than I do with, I dunno, JBroll - traditionalist notions of "blood" are what keep so much of the world at war IMO.
Now feeling a connection with people because you all have chosen to believe in the same stuff and practicethe same religion is another story, of course, because it's actually something you had control over...
But she has big tits and swallows, so she's a keeper.
Was just disagreeing that people have a choice when it comes to religion, tis all
Ok ... so confused ....
NAY as in NO PRIDE or ANY as in you SHOULD NOT have PRIDE.
If you are saying you SHOULD NOT have pride then WTF! I am extremely proud of my heritage. My Great Grandfather on my mothers side founded South Street Seaport in NYC. One of my descendants on my fathers side started a village that is still going strong today. Thats not shit to be proud of?
The fact that my Grand father fought against the tyranny in WWII is not something to be proud of?
You're mixing up two issues.
Giving hiring preference to someone of the same race, or treating someone of the same race preferentially compared to others is racist.
Having pride in your heritage, especially enough to refer to a far-away land as your 'home,' is sociopathic.
I had the choice, so do you. My father was a Jew and my mother was a Catholic. I am neither cause I CHOSE not to be either one.
EVERYONE has the choice. Whether you get your ass kicked for being different from the people around you is a separate issue.
Racism is the belief that one race/nationality is superior to another. You don't have to hate any race, simply liking someone more or giving them more handouts (jobs, promotions, free shit) because of their ancestry is racist period. From personal experience, it tends be be African Americans, Filipinos, and generally everyone one from the middle east or near including Indians, Jews, and Russians which are this way, and I wouldn't think for a second that they aren't racist. Its just the Jews the are nice to everyone (although they show massive favoritism towards other Jews) makes it so damn hard to hate them.
Having nay pride in your ethnicity, or heritage is just plain stupid. You can't help the color of your skin nor can you help what your ancestors did, you can be curious to learn what your immediate family did and some general history, but anything beyond that is just like drew said, sociopathic.
Why do so many Christian sects accuse other Christian groups of not being real Christians? My very religious mother would explain away all negative behaviour of Christians by saying they were not "real" Christians. Which ironically included most every other denomination and especially the Catholics.
When I was in Iraq my Lt could speak some Arabic. So he made up a cover story of being half Lebanese and Muslim. The general people on the street would then open up quite a bit to him and talk about all sorts of stuff. One Sunni guy asked the Lt how he could be a Muslim and kill other Muslims in Iraq. The Lt replied back with how can Sunni kill Shites left and right since they are also Muslims. The mans answer, they aren't "real" Muslims.
I personally veto an organization that wants to cut part of a little boys dick off.