Wtf is up with this pod mix(help)

Turn the guitars down, it'll blend better with the mix. The cymbals are a bit too low as well. The bass editing needs editing at that first slow down as well, it's off.
Turn the guitars down, it'll blend better with the mix. The cymbals are a bit too low as well. The bass editing needs editing at that first slow down as well, it's off.

Yeah i really have not got around to editing everything to were its perfect and tight, i just feel there really something off with the guitar tone, like they are kinda wanting a we came as romans tone, and i just feel its far off int he EQs on the guitar, which i can not seem to nail that tone, idk why.

Like i did a reamp with the 5150 it sounded good but way way to beefy for this kinda stuff.

right now i just have a band as 4 k around 4db
highpass at 70hz
low pass at 12k

and it just seems way off to me.
i just think the tone of the guitars sound like ass idk tho.
also i just started mixing this, its just i have been fucking with these guitar for hours now and i still hate it as much as i did when i started.
I don't know much about Podfarm,not a big fan of the tone. I do hear that you should cut the 2k area from a lot of folks though.
I don't know much about Podfarm,not a big fan of the tone. I do hear that you should cut the 2k area from a lot of folks though.

ill try all that and see how it sounds, i hate pod farm believe me lol
i have never been happy with a tone i have ever got out of it.
i dont hear much bass and the guitars sound a bit out of tune. try quad tracking also. are you boosting the gain with anything?

right now i have the ts808 in pod farm.
thats about it.

i have my gain on the head at 40%
then drive 15% on pedal
60% gain on pedal.
level is like 80%

i just feel i just hear a shity sound in the mid range somewhere, but i cant find it, maybe its just me.
It sounds like the gate is kicking in too early and there's unreal pauses,it just doesn't sound natural. There's also something about it, It sounds like its missing some balls lol. Maybe try using a different combination of amps to get a more beefy sound.
yeah i agree with that, but thats not why i posted the mix.
like i said i just started mixing this track, that way just a real quick slap together mix.

i just think the guitar tone its self sounds wayyy fucked for some reason, like that tone just bugs me, idk what i cant do to it, so i was hoping someone would notice something that might help it. i know its going to have to get way thicker sounding.
Always cut some 4khz. And that's not just pod farm, I find most crunchy/distorted amp sims need that frequency tamed for rhythm tones.
well i always cut my 4k with amp sims.

but for live amps i only sometimes do.
like most the time when i run the 5150 its for really heavy shit and i like the raw edgy sound in the mix's for that sound.
Listening again on my monitors, it sounds like the guitars are slightly out of tune. That could be lending to the weirdness you're hearing. I might try a small boost to the 2-300khz range, and maybe dial up to 65 or 70% gain on your pedal. What amp model are you using?
haha yesss thats what i hate, but they want the pod sound aghhh.
maybe im just not good at working pod farm.

and the amp is the diamond plate
Hmmm. The only suggestions I can make are some low-end boosts, messing around with the mids on the amp, trying out other amp models (the mississippi criminal is a good one) or trying out different guitars through pod farm. Different guitars and all that come with 'em sound different through pod farm.