XBOX 720 2012


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
Earlier this week, the web was set ablaze with new rumors regarding the next-generation Xbox, otherwise known as the Xbox 720 and allegedly codenamed ‘Loop.’ The original report suggested that the new system would be cheaper and smaller than the Xbox 360, be based on Windows 9 and sport ARM processing architecture.
Most importantly, the source alleged that the new console would make its debut at E3 next year.
Tech journalist Paul Thurrott claimed otherwise today, suggesting that Microsoft will instead use Consumer Electronics Show in January as the launching point for their next console, and that it will integrate extensively with Windows 8 and Windows Phone.
During an episode of Windows Weekly, Thurrott stated:
"What I'm hearing is the console is going to come out for holidays next year, meaning that they would almost have to announce this at CES, wouldn't they?”
He went on to claim that Microsoft is taking a note from Apple’s playbook. “They want this thing to integrate very tightly with Windows 8 and Windows Phone,” he said. “Which is a problem with the current Xbox.”
Given the nature of the source and the language used, we’d recommend taking these claims with a grain of salt.
I saw this and that Sony announced the PS4 for E3 next year as well and got kinda sad. There'll be alot more motion sensor, game-streaming/cloud gaming, and 3D aspects to these new systems I'd expect. More Facebook/Twitter interactivity as well probably. All of which are things I despise.

I'll reserve judgement for a year or two. :lol: I'm not "upgrading" for a while.
I am happy with the games I have now. I will upgrade but it won't be for a long time. I always enjoy getting the next generation system. Im guessing it wil come out anywhere from 2013-2015.
I read that Sony was pushing for 2013. Microsoft says late 2012, as I guess they're trying to get the jump on em like they did with the 360.
The true question is how much of a gamer are you? When the old systems are dead and no more games are coming out, you'll be forced to upgrade or you'll just live in the past with old games. If you're still a gamer by then, I bet you money you'll get one and yes I think they are aiming for the XBOX 720 console name.
I love my vidyagaemz. Or I used to, these days it all seems to be the same thing over and over again (inb4 x or y series, I don't care). There's so little coming out that piques my interest to any degree that I'm quite content with sticking to my SNES and my PSone/PS2 for another ten years really.

If there were more games that'd appeal to me, I'd have bought a 360 or PS3 already. Simple as that - I'm what some may call a 'hardcore gamer' when I have the time, but as for keeping with the times and getting every new generation console goes, I'm well in the past.
Microsoft should learn from their mistakes and not rush a new system out like they did with the 360, 360's had a failure rate of about 50% while the PS3 had around 20%.

Needless to say, I've never liked the XBOX, I've been a PlayStation guy for pretty much all of my life. Though I don't see the point in getting a new generation of gaming console unless they remake the entire MGS series for it :p
I love my vidyagaemz. Or I used to, these days it all seems to be the same thing over and over again (inb4 x or y series, I don't care). There's so little coming out that piques my interest to any degree that I'm quite content with sticking to my SNES and my PSone/PS2 for another ten years really.

If there were more games that'd appeal to me, I'd have bought a 360 or PS3 already. Simple as that - I'm what some may call a 'hardcore gamer' when I have the time, but as for keeping with the times and getting every new generation console goes, I'm well in the past.

Fair enough Thrasher. I remember the glory days of Nintendo with the 8 bit and 16 bit systems. The days of Mario and Link. Punch Out and Kid Icarus. Ikari Warriors and Contra. The good ole days of gaming. I for one had fun with these games but they got old after while and I always thirsted for something better. Something more complex, and I was always into graphics and sound. Some game systems have failed for me like the Gamecube and Xbox. The 360 should of been the Xbox. The Wii has not impressed me enough to buy either but I think the games look cool. I surely would play most of their franchise games. The future of games will probably be virtual reality and holographs. It's also about time, which becomes more scarce as we age.
I won't upgrade until Bethesda releases a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game for the next generation consoles. PS3 and Skyrim should keep me occupied for a few years lol.
I'm not in any hurry at all. I'll be playing these current generations systems for a long time. I think someday yes the graphics will be real footage, and that will be weird. They might come out with a system that will blow us away, so we'll have to just wait and see.