Yay I've got a haul


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Sorry to bore you folks, but this doesn't happen very often: I've got a haul of sorts. Mrs Winmar brought me a number of snazzy tapes back from Indo ($4 each :)), and I've bought a few CDs since.


Bon Jovi - Crush. Pretty darn average, but then I knew that already. Just got it for collection purposes, and It's My Life. :)

Helloween - Pink Bubbles Go Ape. Pretty average, but people had said that already. Just got it for collection purposes. :) Anyone know what year it was released?
- Chameleon. As above.
- The Time of the Oath. Good album!

Joe Satriani - Flying in a Blue Dream. Good stuff....glad to have Summer Song now.

Metallica - St. Anger. Hmmm well I'm not exactly inspired to play it again.

Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption. Not too bad....as you'd expect.

Sepultura - Beneath The Remains. This album rules! Fuckin' brilliant!

Shadow Gallery - Tyranny. Heard about these guys from this forum a couple of years back. A few of the songs shit me, but the others are great.

Steve Vai - Alive in an Ultra World. Pretty imaginative - he put a lot of effort into it.


Jane's Addiction - Strays. Great to see these guys back with a solid album. Does anyone else here listen to them, or am I the only one?

Aermosmith - Pump. Saw it today for $8, so picked it up. Nice to hear it again. :)

Slayer - God Hates Us All. Got it for $15, which is pretty good. Not a bad album.

Ok now that's me done. Go back to whatever you were doing.
How'd you manage that, Todd?

Thanks Trent. :) *Rob updates his records*

That was probably "Just Because", Mark. Great song! Perry's the man! :headbang:

Icarus, do you reckon that's their best album, or Arise, or another one? It's my fav, followed by Arise, then Chaos AD I guess.
Because of the time difference and us getting it before the US, Australia was selling them before anywhere else in the world. I was first in line at Utopia at midnight and they had the gear ready to be sold right on the stroke on 12. At 2 seconds past (I had the docket, but lost it) they ran the sale through the cash register! The only other stores to be doing midnight sales didn't start selling them till like 1 minute past 12.

That's how I did it! :)
Speaking of which, I'm pissd I lost that docket. I took that ver cd back in for the instore signing and when I told Tom about it, he signed the CD "Midnite King". I can only imagine what it'd be worth in a few years if I had keep beter care of that damn sale docket! :(
I was more luck then anything else. We were about 5th or 6th in line, but the other people all wondered through the store when they opened the doors at 11pm. I just casually walked up to the counter and waited
DravenMist said:
Astriaal - Renascent Misanthropy (still getting into it...OK so far...older stuff is better though)

:lol: Ahh the rallying cry of the black metal fan everywhere! Its ok but their older stuff/demo/8 track analog recording was better :)

Blitzy, buy Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia by Dimmu Borgir and you shall learn what is so good about black metal (and to anyone who says they arent black metal, f**k off and go suck Emperors dick or something :) )

I bought Astriaals new cd today actually, along with the DIO DVD! :worship:
I got a few CDs recently too.... (most of them with the help of Sydo!):

Warrant - Dog Eat Dog (1992)
Pretty good album, but overrated because alot of people say its their best work. Ok its more mature and versatile, but the first 2 albums KILL it! I don't care how mature the songwriting is, I'd rather hear 10 consistently awesome '80s rock songs (Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich hehe) than a mixed bag where you have to be in different moods for different songs, hence not being as good to listen to from start to finish. The first 2 tracks are easily the best.

Slaughter - Fear No Evil (1995)
Like most Slaughter albums, drop some of the ballads! Too many! Aside from that, good album :) In fact, one of the only good albums recorded by a "hair band" in the mid-90s. Definitely a hell of a lot better than albums like Poison's Native Tongue and Crack A Smile, Warrant's Ultraphobic and Belly to Belly, Dokken's '90s stuff, Ratt's 2 "comeback" albums, Skid Row's Subhuman Race, Bon Jovi's These Days, and you get the jist. Some great straight forward hard rock music here with a slightly heavier edge and minus the alternative crap the other bands found necessary to poison their music with. Just lose a couple of the ballads PLEASE. Not as good as the first 2 albums (The Wild Life is easily their best) but a pretty solid 3rd album and great considering its year of release.

Tyketto - Don't Come Easy (1991)
TOO MANY BALLADS. I love keyboardy/electric/'80s sounding ballads, but these are acousticish ones and I don't like them much. In moderation yes, if they are really good, but an album full of them? No. The rocky songs on this album are awesome though, and the vocalist has a GREAT voice!! The opening track "Forever Young" is one of the best hard rock songs I've EVER heard, everybody download it!. Wings and Lay Your Body Down are cool songs too.

Hardline - Double Eclipse (1992)
Awesome album! Well it starts to go off track a little towards the end, again there are just a few too many ballads crammed into the 2nd half of the album. Up to track 8 though (with only one ballad), is AWESOME. Excellent groovy sounding melodic hard rock with throaty yet smooth vocals, and great guitars from Neal Schon (Journey, Bad English). Best songs: Hot Cherie, Dr. Love, Life's A Bitch, Takin' Me Down and Rhythm From A Red Car.

Pretty Maids - Carpe Diem (2000)
Weird mix of heavy power metal with the occasional melodic hard rock/hair metal song! Not too bad, got the CD for free so can't complain! Not something I'd put on alot though, its good solid stuff, just doesn't have anything special about it to motivate me to listen to it much.

Harem Scarem - Harem Scarem (1991)
Probably the best AOR/Melodic Rock album I've heard! Some nice smooth melodic rock songs, some good ballads, and lots of stuff between ballads and melodic rock! Lots and lots of keyboards on this too, and they sound awesome! And the vocal harmonies are great! Awesome choruses... just a perfect AOR album!! Download "Hard To Love" and "With A Little Love" to see what I mean!!! Killer stuff! And "Slowly Slipping Away", "Distant Memory", "Honestly"... just an awesome album if you feel like something on the melodic, easy listening side of hard rock!

Harem Scarem - Mood Swings (1993)
Alot heavier. More of a hard rock album, this one. Can't get into it anywhere near as much as the debut, the songs just aren't as good, and its such a mixed bag style wise as well (hence the title probably) that depending on your mood you might only wanna listen to a couple of songs on it because its so varied. Best song is Stranger Than Love which sounds alot like the stuff on the first album. Saviors Never Cry, No Justice and If There Was A Time are good songs too. Change Comes Around is surprisingly heavy, and has a good chorus, but the song isn't as strong as those others.

Rhett Forrester - Even The Score (1988)
This was the surprise gem of the bunch! I love it!!! The production is totally cheap and indie, it needs some serious remixing (the rhythm guitars need to come way up and the drums sound like they do on demos), but I love it! It all seems to work! The songs are awesome and thats what matters, and Rhett sounds like David Coverdale, but not as smooth or polished, a bit more aggressive and ballsy. This album is awesome sleaze/hair metal (but its heavy metal, not glam) with some keyboards and melodic hard rock touches here and there too. Best songs are the title track, You Will Be Mine, Burning Heart, Ready For Love and See You In My Dreams. Oh yeah, and of course the best song on it, and one of my all time favourite songs ever: ASSUME THE POSITION! Pure sleaze metal magic! This is so clearly his best song that its on both his albums!! I have the original version from his '84 album on mp3, its a bit heavier than this one and a bit more attitude, probably just prefer it, also coz the outro is longer with more of his sleazy talking over the top of the chorus... but this version has way better lead guitars and the sleazy little breakdown after the guitar solo is way better too. The video clip if from this version... best clip ever!


I also borrowed from a friend... (and will certainly buy as soon as I have money!):

Treat - The Pleasure Principal (1986)
Great European melodic hard rock! Kinda like Europe but way better! (Except Joey Tempest is a better singer) "Rev It Up" is such a killer party metal anthem to kick off the album, and from there its a feast of those really AWESOME sounding '80s melodic rock keyboards with great melodies and huge choruses with heaps of backing vocals!

Treat - Dreamhunter (1987)
I can't decide which one I like better!! Both are killer albums with no filler at all! This one has a few heavier songs on it and better guitars, but Pleasure more cool keyboards and a cooler vibe about it. I can't choose! Songwise both are just great and I can't choose! :)
I havent heard an Astriaal at all before, they seem quite alright though I must say :headbang:

heard ritual de lo habitual when it came out. my bro kept playing been caught stealing on the house stereo absolutely fuckin cranked every day after school.

descend had a chance to support pegasus at the annandale on australia day this year. where was i? at the enmore theatre watching Jane's.

one of the few bands where i found out was bass playing was all about. unfortunately the original bass player isn't in the band, but the new one is fuckin amazing.