Yay I've got a haul

:yow: :kickass:
Koichi said:
I plan to lure her into metal where her talents would be better used, and then she'd wear leather pants.

I hereby offer any and all services you may need for this Koichi, you have redeemed yourself completely :Spin:
I'm the main victim of his Narrowmindedness accusations :rolleyes:

I don't think I'm narrowminded at all. I listen to heaps of stuff... hard rock, heavy metal, glam, AOR/melodic rock, thrash, old pop, disco, blues, classic rock, etc. I just like hard rock/glam/melodic rock the best.

There's a difference between being narrowminded and not trying to like things you know you don't like just to be more "open minded".

The way I see it, if you don't like something, you don't like it. I see no point in "making an effort to like it" if you don't. Anybody who does do that is a fuckhead. Why waste money and time on something you don't even like just so you can grow to like it, when you can just listen to something you already think sounds cool?

To me, being narrowminded is just when you refuse to try something or to make yourself not like it just because its not strictly what you listen to. For example if I didn't like something just because it was grunge and I don't like grunge, or because it was punk and I don't like punk, then that would be narrowminded.

I don't like grunge or punk as a whole. Not because its not glam lol, but because most of what I hear I just can't stand. But if I do like something, I won't refuse to listen to it just because it is grunge or punk. I reckon some Sex Pistols stuff is fucking awesome, and same with Soundgarden, etc. But I'm not gonna try to make myself like Pearl Jam just to open my mind, when every single Pearl Jam song I've heard has made me wanna throw something at the TV and tear out Eddie Vedder's voice box so he can never sing again.
I want Spawny's job :( He gets paid to surf forums, it rocks. I surf forums all day too but I don't get paid. And I keep getting interrupted by stupid things like "classes" and "lectures".
Ok I'll take it! I very much doubt that my life is any better in any way, but at least you have money and aren't completely broke all the time. :)