Yay I've got a haul

How good is the intro to Glories Of The Nightsky? :notworthy :notworthy Guitar solo of the year! Genius :notworthy Now thats atmosphere. I wish they would do more of that.

Perhaps they will, im only at track 4.
:notworthy Acquisitian Of The Stars :notworthy

Not a bad album this, I must say, pretty repetitious but not bad all the same.
Nope, it just helps not being incredibly narrow minded about music, try it sometime Koich :)
Pointing out someone as being narrow minded in the music they listen to is far more truthful than suggesting they have no taste in music simply because you dont agree with what they listen to :)
Most deathy vocals do suck though Blitzy! :) (Im looking at YOU Nile....)

As do a lot of black metal ones, but I actually BUY the cd and sit down and listen to it, unlike a lot of people who simply slam music based on what they heard from someone else, or one song on the radio (same reason Creed gets bashed as a ballad band, no one hears their heavy stuff because it isnt on the radio, thus they get a whole backlash against them thats unfounded).

spawn said:
Pointing out someone as being narrow minded in the music they listen to is far more truthful than suggesting they have no taste in music simply because you dont agree with what they listen to :)

But calling me narrow minded is far from the truth, considering I listen 80's pop and black metal, I'd say thats a pretty broad listing.

Now apologise.
Compared to me, you are narrow minded, thus my ruling doth stand :)

BTW, anyone else heard the new Morbid Angel track from Blabbermouth? Pretty rocking :rock:
Fair enough, you just seem alot more tolerble than you used to. :)

I agree, just because vocals can be a bit off putting, doesn't make the band shit. I wouldn't have gotten into bands like CoB without tolerating the vocals. It adds to the mood though, you can't imagine bands playing dark music with power metal vocals.

Ok, I listen to glam, pop punk, 80s rock/pop/metal, thrash, death metal, black metal, power metal, blues (not much mind you, only a few albums), numetal and rock (Creed, 3 Doors Down, all that kind of stuff).

And Dimmu Borgir rules :)