YES (the band). Any good? or too cheesy to be taken seriously?

Dalkaen said:
I may be in the minority here, but I favor Relayer above all. "The Gates of Delirium" is just more exciting than "Close to the Edge" for me. "And You and I" beats "To Be Over" for sure, but "Sound Chaser" pretty much crushes "Siberian Khatru," I'd say.

Relayer is my favorite as well, though I don't think it is necessarily the best Yes album, just my fave. I'm with you on Gates>CTTE, which is saying something, considering how strong CTTE is, but have to disagree that Sound Chaser>Siberian Khatru, which is perfection in song. :notworthy
Dalkaen said:
I may be in the minority here, but I favor Relayer above all. "The Gates of Delirium" is just more exciting than "Close to the Edge" for me. "And You and I" beats "To Be Over" for sure, but "Sound Chaser" pretty much crushes "Siberian Khatru," I'd say.

Same for me.... You can't go wrong either way!
first impressions, so far:
The Yes Album is my fav of the three....Starship Trooper and the opening song kick serious ass!!

Another note: this bass player is AWESOME!! Now I see where Maiden's Harris got his main inspiration. Hats off for that.

Anyway, I shall soon pick up Fragile, Relayer, YesSongs, and Tales...
SoundMaster said:
first impressions, so far:

Another note: this bass player is AWESOME!! Now I see where Maiden's Harris got his main inspiration. Hats off for that.

Squire has a solo disc call Fish Out of Water that really good also...
Glad the verdict wasn't cheese. I've been a Yes fan for many years. Chris Squire has very good bass AND vocal talents. He sings on that Fish Out of Water recording. Gotta love the fisheye lens photo on the inside of the LP, too. =)


His backup vocal contributions in Yes complement Jon's very well, imo.
Fish Out of Water is the best of the Yes solo records, which is saying something considering Olias is pretty good too. But consider Lucky Seven from Fish. Squire, Bruford and Moraz play on this track and it absolutely fucking destroys.