Drunk Lord's Greasy $@#%*
It was"compliment",I really need to put ms.word spelling check in my lap topagonija said:Hey, do you mean a complement or a compliment ?Anyway, if you mean a compliment, then yes, you can take it as one.....

what can I say, I leke to be original...Like most menagonija said:Your strategy with the girls is somehow very familiar to memy ex-boyfriend did the same, impressed me with a huge album-collectíon and with his guitar (he used to play in a band), we were two years together.....hey and my advice (for I am older and for that reason perhaps a bit wiser
) try not to be to picky, I say that out of my own experience.....

I thing it has do with something really rude about Picassoagonija said:And I´ll order Balls To Picasso right now (what a stupid name, what is that suppose to mean anywhay?)

Ok...I had no idea where to post this so I might as well do it here since this is a free thread...Go easy on me,this is my first time with Phototshop !