Yet Another Newbie...

Nemesis_lxix said:
Thank you agonija. you are more than welcomed to join in any time you like.
keep it true with TON.:rock:

Thanks Nemesis, and TON :rock: They don`t really have many female fans. at least not in Germany, that´s my experience....
By the way here is the list of my favourite bands:
Nr. 1 is definitely Katatonia....their music and lyrics gave me so much in the past 10 years or more, so it is a very special band for me.
as you already now - TON, Opeth, Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Nevermore, Sentenced, Tool, Madder Mortem, 80´s Metallica, Paradise Lost (Shades of God, Gothic and Icon, not the new stuff), Sepultura (from Beneath The Remains until Chaos A.D/Roots), Porcupine Tree....I am more into a progressive metal and a bit of gothic, as a teen I used to listen to death metal and thrash, like Death, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Exodus, Kreator, Entombed......
agonija said:
By the way here is the list of my favourite bands:
Nr. 1 is definitely Katatonia....their music and lyrics gave me so much in the past 10 years or more, so it is a very special band for me.
I have tonight’s decision and viva emptiness.Realy great stuff.when I feel depressed Katatonia is my first choice.

agonija said:
Opeth, Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Nevermore, Sentenced, Tool, Madder Mortem, 80´s Metallica, Paradise Lost (Shades of God, Gothic and Icon, not the new stuff), Sepultura (from Beneath The Remains until Chaos A.D/Roots), Porcupine Tree....I am more into a progressive metal and a bit of gothic, as a teen I used to listen to death metal and thrash, like Death, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Exodus, Kreator, Entombed......
-Opeth:One of my 3 top bands !
- Lacuna Coil:I like some of their songs but still need to hear more.
-The Gathering:they are from Germany aren’t they ?I have one of their albums.I don’t recall the title now but of all I’ve heard on mp3 I like their old stuff better.Didn’t they used to have a vocalist that now plays on leave’s eyes ?
-Nevermore: open wide and eat the worms of the enemy !:lol:I love their stuff.some of their songs I like very much.specially politics in ecstasy.
–Sentenced:I went to their show when they came in Greece and had a really great time.I own amok, crimson,the cold white light, funeral album and really love’em.I also like the first era of sentenced and I try to keep up with the band of their old vocalist(don’t recall his name) The Black League.(ichor :rock: )
- Tool:I only have Lateralus on cd but love songs like jerk off !:lol:
-Madder Mortem: ??? Never heard of them.
-80´s Metallica: and some early 90’s.
- Paradise Lost: draconian times is also good.what I haven’t checked is their latest.I was told it ant that bad.I also have symbol of life, the sound has nothing to do with PL !
–Sepultura:not really into them !
- Death: leprosy rock:
- Bolt Thrower:need to do some homework on this one !
–Kreator:is really great.treir latest work Enemy of god is very good and so is their old stuff.
- Entombed:Heard only good things about them but still need to check them.
Some more bands that pop in my head: in flames, amon amarth,in blackest velvet,guns n roses,iced earth,bloodbat,nile,my dieing bride,anathema,rotting christ,dream theatre,fragile vastness,dio,moonspell,monmster magnet,savatage,.rhapsody,sonata arctica,nightwish,blind guardian,arch enemy…
Nemesis_lxix said:
I the harmony cof songs have. Dani knows when he should put an keyboard or instrumental intro, pop up the drums and get into the main guitars. Most artists have stereotype on how combining the instruments but cof is different and this is what I really like about them.
Bruce is my no 2 after Ozzy ! its amazing how much air can fit in such small lungs :lol:
Now. I am a Christian or as I like to call my self a “true Christian ” or as I like to correct myself a sinner truing to be a true Christian. I not know anything about your religion so if you wanna get philosophical on me and explain what exactly it is I will appreciate it. As for my Satanist friend,let me give it a shot to put it like this, its like we are standing on the opposite shores of the river.we support deferent opinions but we are both looking at the same river.we are not lile “Christianity is lame ” and “Satanism is evil” ! we both know how the system works but we differ on how we are to act in this system.Each of us knows and respects what the other believes and there is never a conflict on our way of life since its mostly “this is how it is”-“you belive this so do this”-“and I will do deferent ”. I hope I didn’t make you to confused:lol:
Yeah ! I know where you’re going. If Rhoads was alive Ozzy would have been even more legendary. I think that 2 solos out of his were voted on the top 10 better solos ever ,and he was just a kid back then ! there are some interesting songs in the after-ere and you can see how ozzy’s music is evolving (to the better ? – I really can’t answer that !) it is worth checking the out but only if you have listened to the early stuff.As for the Ozzy era of Black Sabbath :worship:Orchid-Morningrise-My Arms, Your Hearse
All I have to say about these 3 first albums is :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: all the way to the end.(lust like all Opeth)
From Deliverance: Wreath-Master's Apprentices-By The Pain I See In Others are simply divine !
Deliverance - A Fair Judgement are more than great and -For Absent Friends is a good brake in the middle of the album.
Damnation is the “soft” side of them but still Very opeth. Think of it as an album full of “harvest” :lol:
And as for Ghost Reveries simply the best bay I did this year.

As far as Deism is concerned, it's not actually a religion but rather a philosophy or an opinion. You can get some of the specifics of Deist thought here: but keep in mind since Deism is not a religion and does not have dogma or scriptures Deists will differ on various points of belief.
You are a Gemini!! Prone to double of everything!! My best friend is a Gemini I R a cancer...emotional and dramatic thats me!! :grin: