Yet Another Newbie...

necromancy said:
Yessss.. You should see him on the stage the show was amazing.. The Grandma was on the stage etc.
Nowadays a lot of bands are coming to Turkey... it is amazing.. Lke a decade before or a bit more, we weren't able to imagine this. But now, the metal scene here is very well! I've been to a lot of live gigs of various bands a like here in my own country. I2m happy for that. (But unfortunately there's no respect and support to our local bands in our own country)

I can imagine.
Nemesis_lxix said:
Well pick up a topic ! Like bands you like most or list…

Great. Well you've probably seen some of my metal favorites. Um... why don't you comment on those on my list you haven't heard or haven't heard much of or just plain don't like and we'll talk more. Also I don't know if you saw but I later augmented my earlier list with King Diamond/Mercyful Fate and Type O Negative.
Ok, we can do that, lets see.
Slayer: not really into their religion but I do respect their contribution to the field.
Iron Maiden: I haven’t really met a person that doesn’t like Maiden !
Morbid Angel: I did like heretic a lot but haven’t yet spent time listening to their music, that’s because I think they are just ok when there are so many bands I like more.
Emperor: haven’t checked them out but of all I hear from friend they seam to be good.
Cannibal Corpse: there guys (along with 6 feet under)I don’t like. I think they are pretending to be so mean and Gore, just for attention. Singing about digging up corpses and having sex with dead children but I bet they would be scared shitless if seeing a dead body.
Dimmu borgir: their music is not bad. I don’t own any of their albums but I seam to like them. What I don’t like is their attribute with the inverted crosses and pentagrams. Its not like I have something against it, it’s just that I think they are faking it to look more evil.
Cradle of Filth: I have 3 of their albums and listen to them regularly but to explain if I like them is impossible since I haven’t still figured out what kind of music they play. P.s. I think they are faking it too but there is no doubt that Danni filth is a great musician.
King Diamond: The same with slayer. Respect but no thanx !
Mercyful Fate: not heard much of their stuff so i really cant tell.
Type O Negative: some times I wonder if I am the only one who likes them.

There you go ! as for may favourite bands: ozzy,opeth,dark tranquillity,lamb of god, amon amarth,motorhead,bling guardian, rotting C, nightwish, anathema and more.
Ok, we can do that, lets see.
Slayer: not really into their religion but I do respect their contribution to the field.
"Religion"? They are atheists as far as I know, Hanneman definetly is anyway. The "satanic" thing is a gimmick. They were primarily inspired by horror movies for there "evil" lyrics.

Iron Maiden: I haven’t really met a person that doesn’t like Maiden !
Morbid Angel: I did like heretic a lot but haven’t yet spent time listening to their music, that’s because I think they are just ok when there are so many bands I like more.
In that case if you haven't already done so I HIGHLY recommend the first three albums by them: Altars of Madness, Blessed are the Sick and Covenant. Each is totally excellent and a classic of the genre.

Emperor: haven’t checked them out but of all I hear from friend they seam to be good.
Like the previous group check out their first 3 albums: In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and Equilibrium IX.

Cannibal Corpse: there guys (along with 6 feet under)I don’t like. I think they are pretending to be so mean and Gore, just for attention. Singing about digging up corpses and having sex with dead children but I bet they would be scared shitless if seeing a dead body.
Yes in interviews they have said that their lyrics are not to be taken seriously. If they were serious about that stuff they would all be in jail. The lyrics are meant to go along or fit in with the intense music they created. If you haven't heard much of the group my recommendations would be to ignore they lyrics and check out: Tomb of the Mutilated, The Bleeding and Vile.

Dimmu borgir: their music is not bad. I don’t own any of their albums but I seam to like them. What I don’t like is their attribute with the inverted crosses and pentagrams. Its not like I have something against it, it’s just that I think they are faking it to look more evil.
The whole "satanic" thing here is also just part of the whole black metal imagery. So no they aren't really satanic at all. For me if a band has some satanic lyrics/imagery and they are faking it it doesn't bother me, I look at it like they are telling scary stories set to music. Check out the following albums: Stormblast (original version), Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions and Puritanical Euphoric Misantrhopia.

Cradle of Filth: I have 3 of their albums and listen to them regularly but to explain if I like them is impossible since I haven’t still figured out what kind of music they play. P.s. I think they are faking it too but there is no doubt that Danni filth is a great musician.
The best albums by Cradle are the first 4: The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein, Dusk... and Her Embrace and Cruelty and the Beast. As far as faking it: there have been SO many different members in this group that for one you can't expect them all to believe or practice the same things. Dani however is the main voice (no pun intended) for the group and all the imagery/lyrics/subject matter comes from him. From what I know he is not a satanist (satanism really is only a small part of the groups lyrical content as they focus more on vampirism, the occult, dark neo-paganism, etc.) but has experimented with the occult.

King Diamond: The same with slayer. Respect but no thanx !
Mercyful Fate: not heard much of their stuff so i really cant tell.
King Diamond/Mercyful Fate are frankly two of the most classic metal bands ever. As far as King Diamond's "religion", he did indeed join the Church of Satan and was friends with Anton LaVey, however he doesn't actually pray to the devil or put curses on people. LaVayan satanism is primarily an atheistic humanist philosophy of self gratification with occult dabblings thrown into it. They do not actually believe in the literal existence of satan. As far as their music every metalhead NEEDS the following three Mercyful Fate albums: Mercyful Fate EP (re-released as The Beginning), Melissa, Don't Break the Oath. For King Diamond you need: Abigail, Them and Conspiracy. Frankly I think the two Mercyful Fate LP's listed and Abigail are 3 of the best metal albums ever made.

Type O Negative: some times I wonder if I am the only one who likes them.
Yes great band. I own every album of theirs but none of the DVD's, the best of, or any singles/imports.

There you go ! as for may favourite bands: ozzy,opeth,dark tranquillity,lamb of god, amon amarth,motorhead,bling guardian, rotting C, nightwish, anathema and more.

Of these I've only listened to Ozzy and Opeth. The first two Ozzy albums are of course classics. He's released a number of good tracks since then but no albums of the magnitude of the first two. As far as Opeth I have not heard any of the early material only the material from Still Life to the present. I loved Blackwater Park but frankly I found the rest of the material rather dull.
Oh, I also should have added Judas Priest and Black Sabbath to my list. Ozzy era Sabbath is great (first 6 albums) and just about everything Priest did from 76-84 is great.
Thoth-Amon said:
"Religion"? They are atheists as far as I know, Hanneman definetly is anyway. The "satanic" thing is a gimmick. They were primarily inspired by horror movies for there "evil" lyrics.
You misunderstood me.What I meant by religion was THEM being worshiped. I don’t have anything against atheists.
Thoth-Amon said:
I HIGHLY recommend the first three albums.
I already have Blessed are the Sick on Mp3 from a friend and think its really good. The thing is that I am more interested in more melodic sounds like opeth, dark tranquillity and arch enemy so I am mostly “hunting” in that style but I could definitely be a MA fun. there is no doubt they :rock:
Thoth-Amon said:
Emperor:Like the previous group check out their first 3 albums: In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and Equilibrium IX.
Will do as soon as I get the chance. Thenx
Thoth-Amon said:
The lyrics are meant to go along or fit in with the intense music they created. If you haven't heard much of the group my recommendations would be to ignore they lyrics and check out
One of the reasons I like metal so much is coz I feel it has something to give me(through the lyrics and the music). Emotions,feelings,opinions… and the thing is that even if I don’t agree with it I still like it because knowing the other side gives me the right or choice as long as the points stated are serious.In the case of CC I fell I have nothing to gain. I heard-read a song called necropedophile or something and made me sick.

Thoth-Amon said:
Dimmu borgir: Check out the following albums
Already did, most of them.great stuff. As much for the “scary story” approach, I only use it in epic songs.I guess I am one of those guys who want the band to be “true” :lol:
Thoth-Amon said:
Cradle of Filth
I know that, its just I don’t like the “look how evil I am” attitude. DF is definitely one of the most talented artists !
Thoth-Amon said:
King Diamond's "religion", he did indeed join the Church of Satan and was friends with Anton LaVey, however he doesn't actually pray to the devil or put curses on people. LaVayan satanism is primarily an atheistic humanist philosophy of self gratification with occult dabblings thrown into it. They do not actually believe in the literal existence of satan
:lol: the same with the slayer religion. People liking him so much.(I am in the ozzy religion BTW).thank you for sharing the satanic philosophy with me but I already knew that since one of my closest friends is a temple of set s8tanist(I am a Christian) and have this kind of conversation all the time.the strange thing is that we always agree in the end.
I will check Mercyful Fate.
We agree on Type O Negative completely.
The ozzy-randy era was great but I am so into ozzy there isn’t a song I don’t like.
Opeth is one of the bands that actually know a thing or two more about music. Come on now ! you can’t tell me that albums like wreath or Ghost reveries are dull !
Black Sabbath and Judas Priest +1
@Thoth-Amon und Nemesis-Ixix: interesting diskussion that you have here, I have enjoyed reading it :)

And it is great to see, there are some other Type-O-Negative fans out there, I sometimes also think, I am the only one, I especially don´t know any female fans.
agonija said:
@Thoth-Amon und Nemesis-Ixix: interesting diskussion that you have here, I have enjoyed reading it :)

And it is great to see, there are some other Type-O-Negative fans out there, I sometimes also think, I am the only one, I especially don´t know any female fans.

Thank you agonija. you are more than welcomed to join in any time you like.
keep it true with TON.:rock:
You misunderstood me.What I meant by religion was THEM being worshiped. I don’t have anything against atheists.

-Oh I get it. Honestly I feel that everything Slayer did from 83-94 is great. The Lombardo albums in particular are just utterly classic and excellent from start to finish.

I already have Blessed are the Sick on Mp3 from a friend and think its really good. The thing is that I am more interested in more melodic sounds like opeth, dark tranquillity and arch enemy so I am mostly “hunting” in that style but I could definitely be a MA fun. there is no doubt they :rock:

-Yeah Blessed is a great disc, my favorite by them and in my top 3 favorite death metal albums. For me when it comes to death metal I mostly like late 80's early 90's stuff, you know old school.

Will do as soon as I get the chance. Thenx

-Good deal.

One of the reasons I like metal so much is coz I feel it has something to give me(through the lyrics and the music). Emotions,feelings,opinions… and the thing is that even if I don’t agree with it I still like it because knowing the other side gives me the right or choice as long as the points stated are serious.In the case of CC I fell I have nothing to gain. I heard-read a song called necropedophile or something and made me sick.

-Yeah that songs on Tomb of the Mutilated which is also in my top 3 favorite death metal albums. For me lyrics aren't really that important. Sure I appreciate good ones when I read them but pointless stuff like CC I just sort of ignore and focus on the music.

Already did, most of them.great stuff. As much for the “scary story” approach, I only use it in epic songs.I guess I am one of those guys who want the band to be “true” :lol

-:lol: Yeah I get it...
I know that, its just I don’t like the “look how evil I am” attitude. DF is definitely one of the most talented artists !

-I feel Dani is a good lyricist but as far as I know he isn't really a musician.

:lol: the same with the slayer religion. People liking him so much.(I am in the ozzy religion BTW).thank you for sharing the satanic philosophy with me but I already knew that since one of my closest friends is a temple of set s8tanist(I am a Christian) and have this kind of conversation all the time.the strange thing is that we always agree in the end.

-Oh man... I love King Diamond just utterly classic. My favorite metal singer after Bruce Dickinson. That's funny how you get along with a satanist... who woulda knew? Personally I find satanism absurd, both in its literal and non-literal (Church of Satan) varieties. I'm basically a deist (as I said in my opening post here).

I will check Mercyful Fate.

-Please do!

We agree on Type O Negative completely.


The ozzy-randy era was great but I am so into ozzy there isn’t a song I don’t like.

-For me the Rhoades era is flat out great... and then he's sort of hit and miss, some great songs here and there with alot of filler.

Opeth is one of the bands that actually know a thing or two more about music. Come on now ! you can’t tell me that albums like wreath or Ghost reveries are dull !

-I just can't get into Ghost Reveries. I love BP but everything else I've heard has been pretty dull (with the odd song here or there being good). I would like to hear their early stuff though as I've heard that's somewhat different and very good.

Black Sabbath and Judas Priest +1

agonija said:
@Thoth-Amon und Nemesis-Ixix: interesting diskussion that you have here, I have enjoyed reading it :)

And it is great to see, there are some other Type-O-Negative fans out there, I sometimes also think, I am the only one, I especially don´t know any female fans.

REALLY?!! I would have figured they would have a lot of female fans.
Thoth-Amon said:
-I feel Dani is a good lyricist but as far as I know he isn't really a musician.
I the harmony cof songs have. Dani knows when he should put an keyboard or instrumental intro, pop up the drums and get into the main guitars. Most artists have stereotype on how combining the instruments but cof is different and this is what I really like about them.
Thoth-Amon said:
-Oh man... I love King Diamond just utterly classic. My favorite metal singer after Bruce Dickinson. That's funny how you get along with a satanist... who woulda knew? Personally I find satanism absurd, both in its literal and non-literal (Church of Satan) varieties. I'm basically a deist (as I said in my opening post here).
Bruce is my no 2 after Ozzy ! its amazing how much air can fit in such small lungs :lol:
Now. I am a Christian or as I like to call my self a “true Christian ” or as I like to correct myself a sinner truing to be a true Christian. I not know anything about your religion so if you wanna get philosophical on me and explain what exactly it is I will appreciate it. As for my Satanist friend,let me give it a shot to put it like this, its like we are standing on the opposite shores of the river.we support deferent opinions but we are both looking at the same river.we are not lile “Christianity is lame ” and “Satanism is evil” ! we both know how the system works but we differ on how we are to act in this system.Each of us knows and respects what the other believes and there is never a conflict on our way of life since its mostly “this is how it is”-“you belive this so do this”-“and I will do deferent ”. I hope I didn’t make you to confused:lol:
Thoth-Amon said:
For me the Rhoades era is flat out great... and then he's sort of hit and miss, some great songs here and there with alot of filler.
Yeah ! I know where you’re going. If Rhoads was alive Ozzy would have been even more legendary. I think that 2 solos out of his were voted on the top 10 better solos ever ,and he was just a kid back then ! there are some interesting songs in the after-ere and you can see how ozzy’s music is evolving (to the better ? – I really can’t answer that !) it is worth checking the out but only if you have listened to the early stuff.As for the Ozzy era of Black Sabbath :worship:
Thoth-Amon said:
-I just can't get into Ghost Reveries. I love BP but everything else I've heard has been pretty dull (with the odd song here or there being good). I would like to hear their early stuff though as I've heard that's somewhat different and very good.
Orchid-Morningrise-My Arms, Your Hearse
All I have to say about these 3 first albums is :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: all the way to the end.(lust like all Opeth)
From Deliverance: Wreath-Master's Apprentices-By The Pain I See In Others are simply divine !
Deliverance - A Fair Judgement are more than great and -For Absent Friends is a good brake in the middle of the album.
Damnation is the “soft” side of them but still Very opeth. Think of it as an album full of “harvest” :lol:
And as for Ghost Reveries simply the best bay I did this year.