Yet Another Newbie...

Nemesis_lxix said:
I have tonight’s decision and viva emptiness.Realy great stuff.when I feel depressed Katatonia is my first choice.

-Opeth:One of my 3 top bands !
- Lacuna Coil:I like some of their songs but still need to hear more.
-The Gathering:they are from Germany aren’t they ?I have one of their albums.I don’t recall the title now but of all I’ve heard on mp3 I like their old stuff better.Didn’t they used to have a vocalist that now plays on leave’s eyes ?
-Nevermore: open wide and eat the worms of the enemy !:lol:I love their stuff.some of their songs I like very much.specially politics in ecstasy.
–Sentenced:I went to their show when they came in Greece and had a really great time.I own amok, crimson,the cold white light, funeral album and really love’em.I also like the first era of sentenced and I try to keep up with the band of their old vocalist(don’t recall his name) The Black League.(ichor :rock: )
- Tool:I only have Lateralus on cd but love songs like jerk off !:lol:
-Madder Mortem: ??? Never heard of them.
-80´s Metallica: and some early 90’s.
- Paradise Lost: draconian times is also good.what I haven’t checked is their latest.I was told it ant that bad.I also have symbol of life, the sound has nothing to do with PL !
–Sepultura:not really into them !
- Death: leprosy rock:
- Bolt Thrower:need to do some homework on this one !
–Kreator:is really great.treir latest work Enemy of god is very good and so is their old stuff.
- Entombed:Heard only good things about them but still need to check them.
Some more bands that pop in my head: in flames, amon amarth,in blackest velvet,guns n roses,iced earth,bloodbat,nile,my dieing bride,anathema,rotting christ,dream theatre,fragile vastness,dio,moonspell,monmster magnet,savatage,.rhapsody,sonata arctica,nightwish,blind guardian,arch enemy…

I really kinda like this, exchanging our opinions about different bands....:lol:

So here we go:
Katatonia: then you`ve missed two of their best albums: Last Fair Deal Gone Down (2000) and the new one The Great Cold Distance, came out in March this year, they really progressed with the new album, it is different than their old stuff. As I said, Katatonia is a very special band for me, their music and especially the great lyrics from singer Jonas helped me through some hard times :)
Opeth: one of the best bands around, Mikael actually sang on Kata albums at the beginning of the 90`s.
Lacuna Coil is really one of the rare good bands with the female vocalist, I am a fan since their first album.
The Gathering is from Holland, and they´ve started actually with male vocalist (I don´t really know, if he is on leaves eyes), but the first two albums were not so good. That changed as Anneke has joined the band and then they brought out Mandylion 1995 and Nightime Birds 1997 - great albums, with a gothic influence....With their next album they totally changed their style - now it is a kind of trip-hop / psychedelic / rock thing, but still really good, they are really talented and open-minded band.
I agree on Nevermore, I already loved Warrel`s first band Sanctuary.
The old vocalist from Sentenced is Taneli Jarva, Amok is an awesome album, but I like everything from them...Unfortunately they have split up last year so the Funeral Album was their last one.
If you like Tool`s Lateralus, you shoul check their old ones Undertow and especially Aenima, I think they are better than Lateralus.
Metallica is just :kickass: except for Load, Reload and St. Anger - what an awful sound and boring songwriting. But Master Of Puppets is for me the best metal album ever.
Madder Mortem is a dark metal band from Norway with a female vocalist, not so well known actually, although they just brought out their fourth album. It is a very unusual band, people like them or hate them, nothing in between, I love them, but they are definitely not an easy listening band.
Death, Bolt Thrower, Kreator, Sepultura, Entombed are all bands that I used to listen a lot as a teen, I still love their old stuff, but I don´t own their new albums. Sepultura was an awesome thrash band until their frontman Max left the band, I don´t really like them with the new singer. But Max Cavalera has a new band Soulfly and they are not bad.
Paradise Lost: I am huge Paradise Lost fan, but after Draconian Time they took a new direction, I understand that, but I really didn´t like these changes. One Second was not bad, but Believe In Nothing and Host don´t have anything to do with PL, they sound like a bad Depeche Mode copy somehow. Symbol Of Life was also not much better, but their latest album from last year is really good, they finally got back at least a little bit to their strenght of the earlier days.
Anathema, My Dying Bride, Moonspell-very good bands, I have some of their albums, but not all of them.
Guns`N`Roses were a great hard rock-band, Appetite for Destruction is one of my faves.
I actually saw Rotting Christ live, because they were with Madder Mortem on Tour, but I am not so into them. Arch Enemy, In Flames, Amon Amarth - great bands, I really love Scandinavian Metal scene...
Nightwish, Dream Theater, Iced Earth - really good bands, but in my opinion their latest albums are not so good as their albums in the 90´s.
in blackest velvet, fragile vastness - never heard of them :waah:
There are so many bands out there, but I better stop writing or you will kick me out of this thread :lol:
agonija said:
I really kinda like this, exchanging our opinions about different bands....
Yeah, its interesting !
-Katatonia:I will try to get these albums sometime. Back when I first started listening to Katatonia I was In a really bad mood so they are special for me too but now I am much better and feel like if I spent too much time listening to Katatonia I will get depressed again. :lol:
agonija said:
Opeth: one of the best bands around, Mikael actually sang on Kata albums at the beginning of the 90`s.
No shit ! I didn’t know that ! is there a katatonia album with Akerfield singing ?
Agonija said:
The Gathering is from Holland.
Not much of a fan of the band but still think they are good.I must be mistaken about Leaves Eyes.
-Taneli Jarva ! I never could remember their names.I hoped they would go on one last tour.i really wanted to see them one last time but I guess this is something I have to live with.
-I think that tool are about to release a new album called 10.000 days.there was an article on a magazine I read lately.
-Load, Reload and St. Anger suck big time and there are some nu-metal fans that actually think they are the best by Metallica.
-Madder Mortem :dark metal - Norway -female vocalist !Sounds really interesting ! I think I will download a song to check them out.
-Kreator’s last album is called Enemy Of God and is really good.Some also very good albums: the first 2 Endless Pain and Pleasure To Kill. Extreme Aggression and Coma Of Souls from early 90’s and Violent Revolution 2001 aint that bad !
-I never liked Max Cavalera,I don’t know why but his music has a very strange style that just aint for me.I have “3”, prophecy and dark ages on mp3 from a friend that actually “made” save them on my computer(his actual words were “copy them now and you will thank me later”) but I don’t listen to them much.I also have that project Probot with Max.He has this song in it Red War that doesn’t sound that bad but that is as far I am going !
-Paradise Lost: when say “after Draconian Time” is DT included ? I think it was their last good album but I still need to check their last.I would have loved Symbol Of Life if it hadn’t been for that Paradise Lost logo on the cover.I isn’t a bad album but just not good enough to be PL !
-Anathema reached the top with Alternative 4 which is the most “emotional” album I have ever listened to.They started really good but with time they got softer and softer.Their last 2 records A Fine Day To Exit and Natural Disaster are not recommended !
-Moonspell:still haven’t heard much from their early years where they were supposed to sound more “dark” Serpent Angel - Anno Satanae and Goat On Fire. Some of their greatest works: Wolfhart- irreligious – The Butterfly Effect and Antidote.Darkness and Hope has some great songs too and I still wait for their next album Memorial .
-Appetite for Destruction IMO is one of the best “fist”Albums ever (How the hell do you spell Debute anyway ? :lol: )
-I try to support Greek metal bands but Rotting Christ is beyond that.They have some really good albums like Passage to Arcturo - Thy Mighty Contract and Sanctus Diavolos.
-I am really into melodic death so Arch Enemy is definitely one of my favourite bands.I dare to say I like their last 3 albums with Angela Gossow better.I got Anthems Of Rebellion first the decided to check Wages Of Sin and couldn’t wait for Doomsday Machine.I like to use the song Nemesis out of this album as my theme song :lol:
Scandinavian Metal scene :rock:
-In Flames has a very unique sound and clayman is one of Favourites.The last from Amon Amarth:The Fate Of Norns is not as good as the rest but still good enough !Hail to Viking Metal :rock:
-I own everything by Nightwish and hearing what happened with Tarja was the worst thing that hapend to me this year. :waah: I am not a progressive fan but I like Dream Theatre very much and own 6 of their albums.What you wrote about their last albums is not true for these bands since Once is said to be the best work of NW and Octavarium is good enough.The last of Iced Earth “The glorious burden” simply isn’t IE ! Their vocalist Barlow left the band to became a cop :lol:And their new voice Tim Reaper Owens couldn’t fill his shoes just like he couldn’t do with Rob on Judas Priest.
-In Blackest Velvet is a melodic death metal band that none knows but me.I heard a cover on Loosing My Religion once from them and since then love them.
-Fragile Vastness is a Greek progressive band I saw onece when they opened a Sentenced concert.

An other Greek band I failed to mention is On Thorns I lay.Really good atmospheric metal.
By The way... What do you think of my signature now ? I redused the size and made the lightning go slower. Less anoying ?
Nemesis_lxix said:
Yeah, its interesting !
-Katatonia:I will try to get these albums sometime. Back when I first started listening to Katatonia I was In a really bad mood so they are special for me too but now I am much better and feel like if I spent too much time listening to Katatonia I will get depressed again. :lol:No shit ! I didn’t know that ! is there a katatonia album with Akerfield singing ?Not much of a fan of the band but still think they are good.I must be mistaken about Leaves Eyes.

Well, I listen to Kata actually every day and I am definitely not depressed :lol: their music gives me somehow actually strenght and doesn´t make me feel down, but I am a devoted fan, so I would surely miss their music a lot in my life....and yes, there is an album with Mikael singing, Brave Murder Day from 1996 and the mini-album Sounds Of Decay, where their actual singer Jonas played the drums.
As far as I know, the new Tool album just came out already, have to watch for that next week.
And if we talk about Metallica, there are so many "fans" out there, they don´t know anything about their 80´s work...Even my mother likes Nothing Else Matters and Mama Said :lol:
yes, check Madder Mortem, you will probably like them or hate them, as I said nothing in between, they have really great female singer, no evening dress like Sharon van Adel or crap like that, she really rocks on stage, but she has her own style of singing, many people or critics don´t like it. If you want to check it out, take something from their first two albums Mercury and All Flesh is Grass, for me they are their best.
Well, I always liked Max and Sepultura - with their Beneath The Remains I came into metal about 17 years ago, I was 14 years old.
I think also, that DT was the last really good Paradise Lost album, but check their latest one, there are some really good songs on it and a good guitar work from Gregor McIntosh...
The new album from Moonspell just became album of the month in our german biggest metal magazine, have to check that out, I own only Antidote.
The only greek band that I know is Rotting Christ, I heard of On Thorn I lay somewhere, but didn´t know that it is a greek band.
Ok, it is true what you say about Once, really great album, although sometimes a little bit to pathetic for my taste....I have also all Nightwish albums, I hope they will carry on with the new singer.
And Dream Theater´s latest albums weren´t for me so good as for example When Dream And Day Unite or Images And Words, but definitely not bad, they are just great musicians..
Iced Earth without Matt Barlow sucks, he was a great vocalist, and then all this patriotic crap about the civil war - it was just too much for me, and I agree with you completely about Ripper Owens.

Viking Metal :rock: I just started to listen to bands like Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Soilwork like about year ago, so there is enough that I have to check.....I am not familiar with their entire work.

And i like your signature, I didn´t find anything annoying on your old one :waah:

So I hope my english is not to bad :rolleyes: and greetings from Munich.
As far as 80's Metallica, frankly it's the only Metallica that matters. Sure the black album has it's moments but pales in comparison to their previous efforts. It's ASTONISHING that so many people only know the Load and St. Anger GARBAGE and not the great albums like RTL, MOP, AJFA, KEA.
Thoth-Amon said:
As far as 80's Metallica, frankly it's the only Metallica that matters. Sure the black album has it's moments but pales in comparison to their previous efforts. It's ASTONISHING that so many people only know the Load and St. Anger GARBAGE and not the great albums like RTL, MOP, AJFA, KEA.

Makes you wanna punch 'em in the face and make the listen to some real metallica :lol:

By the way Thoth-Amon i read all about deism in that link but still have some questions.I am really interested.Think you can link me up with some more sites cuz i Googled it and there is a lot of trush comming up that i am conffused.

PS: expect my report on the bands mentioned soon... :lol:
Nemesis_lxix said:
Makes you wanna punch 'em in the face and make the listen to some real metallica :lol:

By the way Thoth-Amon i read all about deism in that link but still have some questions.I am really interested.Think you can link me up with some more sites cuz i Googled it and there is a lot of trush comming up that i am conffused.

PS: expect my report on the bands mentioned soon... :lol:

No problem ask away.