Yet Another Newbie...

Thoth-Amon said:
As far as 80's Metallica, frankly it's the only Metallica that matters. Sure the black album has it's moments but pales in comparison to their previous efforts. It's ASTONISHING that so many people only know the Load and St. Anger GARBAGE and not the great albums like RTL, MOP, AJFA, KEA.

I guess many people who listen to load, reload or black album definitely wouldn´t like Kill ´em All or Ride The Lightning (actually all four 80´s albums) even if they would know these masterpieces :notworthy ; it would be probably too much metal for them :waah: ... I know enough people who think think that way....
agonija said:
Well, I listen to Kata actually every day and I am definitely not depressed :lol: their music gives me somehow actually strength and doesn’t make me feel down, but I am a devoted fan, so I would surely miss their music a lot in my life....and yes, there is an album with Mikael singing, Brave Murder Day from 1996 and the mini-album Sounds Of Decay, where their actual singer Jonas played the drums.
I will definitely get this the next time I find myself in a record store ! No second thoughts about that:lol: I didn't say Katatonia were depressing.Just to emotional from time to time that makes me fell depressed.Oook **Looks down** I am a Weirdo, so what ? :lol: I sometimes get the same with My Dying Bride and Anathema :waah:
agonija said:
As far as I know, the new Tool album just came out already, have to watch for that next week.
I think we are still waiting for it in Greece.
agonija said:
Even my mother likes Nothing Else Matters and Mama Said :lol:
-:lol: My mother is a musician, so I have this cd in my car with Ozzy and every time she takes it for a ride she turns it even louder than me.I sneak up on her the other day and she was playing "Goodbye To Romance" on the piano :lol:
-Madder Mortem it is !
agonija said:
17 years ago, I was 14 years old.
So basically you are **Takes out Calculator** ...31. Metal is the only kind of music you will see this.I am 10 years younger and we share the same interests.I just love it ! It shows that metal is not just a fashion that wears off with time but the only mature genre that sticks with you for life ! I wanna die old with a Sabbath record and a beer in my hands :lol:

-I will check the new by Moonspell and I sagest you do the same with the old.They are turning out to becoming one of the bands that express me the most.
-On thorns I Lay is playing a very let me call it "sensational" metal.I like them a allot, but what do I know ?
-Nightwish,Pathetic ? I don't get it ! Yeah, I pray to god they find someone that can actually sing as good as Tarja.If they come out with a new album I will definitely check a song or two from the internet before getting it.BTW of all I hear Tarja decided to stick to the Nightwish sound and make a project of her own.I think she has already recorded a song (I don't remember the title as it was told to me but i think it has something to do with angels) Not 100% sure about that so this can just be bullshit.
-Train of thought is good too by Dream Theater.
-Iced Earth:Having your countries national anthem as an opening for your record.Shoot me now :lol:
-Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, In Flames Is worth checking, as for Soilwork, I need to check the myself.
- Some other Greek bands I failed to mention:Septic Flesh, Astarte and Nightfall.

Some didn't like my signature so i had to cut it down to size ans make the lihgtnings slower, but now I think its Ok.
Nemesis_lxix said:
I didn't say Katatonia were depressing.Just to emotional from time to time that makes me fell depressed.Oook **Looks down** I am a Weirdo, so what ? :lol: I sometimes get the same with My Dying Bride and Anathema :waah:

Yes, that´s true what you say about Kata - but that is the main reason why I love their music so much, it is so emotional, check out their new album, the vocals are incredible and they have become more heavy than on their latest albums - definitely already my favourite album of the year!
You are a Weirdo? :waah: :lol:
yeah, I like Anathema and MDB too, but more their old albums; just heard a new Anathema song on their official site, don´t like it all, it is so cheesy....

-Madder Mortem it is !

Madder Mortem it is...what??? :waah:

So basically you are **Takes out Calculator** ...31. Metal is the only kind of music you will see this.I am 10 years younger and we share the same interests.I just love it ! It shows that metal is not just a fashion that wears off with time but the only mature genre that sticks with you for life ! I wanna die old with a Sabbath record and a beer in my hands :lol:

wow, you are 10 years younger than I am! Yes, I am 31 :cry: , I also listen some other kinds of music, but basically it is metal for 17 years...Hopefully you won´t stop corresponding with me, now that you know how old I am, but metal keeps young at heart :lol:

As I was a teen and my mother had to suffer because of my loud music ( I also used to play e-guitar back then), she was hoping all the time that I would stop listening to metal when I grow up :lol: Well, she was wrong.....Now I am married and have an office job, but still enjoying the music and concerts and festivals. I guess it really sticks with you for life.

-On thorns I Lay is playing a very let me call it "sensational" metal.I like them a allot, but what do I know ?

You know a lot, as I see :) , I will check them out.

-Nightwish,Pathetic ? I don't get it ! Yeah, I pray to god they find someone that can actually sing as good as Tarja.If they come out with a new album I will definitely check a song or two from the internet before getting it.BTW of all I hear Tarja decided to stick to the Nightwish sound and make a project of her own.I think she has already recorded a song (I don't remember the title as it was told to me but i think it has something to do with angels) Not 100% sure about that so this can just be bullshit.

I am really a Nightwish fans since the beginning actually, but although the last album was really bombastic, there are some pathetic moments for me, like this Indian song (I don´t get a name right now), really good idea actually, but a bit too much for me, I wouldn´t dare to call it cheesy :lol: but ....pathetic.

-Train of thought is good too by Dream Theater.

Yes, but not so good for me as their older albums, just a matter of taste I guess.

-Iced Earth:Having your countries national anthem as an opening for your record.Shoot me now :lol:

:lol: but seriously, I don´ like listening to an album about the bloody american civil war, which brought as every war in the history so much suffering....the last goog Iced Earth album was for me Something Wicked This Way Comes.

- Some other Greek bands I failed to mention:Septic Flesh, Astarte and Nightfall.

I actually know Septic Flesh, but again didn´t know it is a greek band. We don´t really have many good metal bands in Germany at the moment, everyone is too busy somehow looking for a next popstar or a german superstar...:ill:

Some didn't like my signature so i had to cut it down to size ans make the lihgtnings slower, but now I think its Ok.

:) your signature didn´t bother me before, it is definitely ok.
agonija said:
I guess many people who listen to load, reload or black album definitely wouldn´t like Kill ´em All or Ride The Lightning (actually all four 80´s albums) even if they would know these masterpieces :notworthy ; it would be probably too much metal for them :waah: ... I know enough people who think think that way....

Yeah but by today's standards those albums are not very heavy, at least not sonically heavy. Though a riff like "The Thig That Should Not Be" is heavier than 99% of any death metal track.
agonija said:
Check out their new album, the vocals are incredible and they have become more heavy than on their latest albums - definitely already my favourite album of the year!
I will definitely check that one out so as most albums by Katatoinia as soon possible.I am starting to enjoy that type of metal by the day.
agonija said:
I like Anathema and MDB too, but more their old albums; just heard a new Anathema song on their official site, don΄t like it all, it is so cheesy....
Old Anathema albums are great,you can totally see their sound evolving in time with each work. But their latest albums are just too soft for me.They may have discovered a whole new style of music but I believe they went over the top and simply don’t fall under the category of metal any more.As for old MDB albums I don’t know much since I recently discovered them myself.
agonija said:
Madder Mortem it is...what???
What I meant was that I will check the band out.
agonija said:
wow, you are 10 years younger than I am! Yes, I am 31 , I also listen some other kinds of music, but basically it is metal for 17 years...Hopefully you won΄t stop corresponding with me, now that you know how old I am, but metal keeps young at heart
I am so glad this aint just an other ‘kids-only’ forum.Given the chance to debate with people that have seen former metal eras like the 80’s–early 90’s or even the 70’s is great.There is so much to learn from them,I just wish I was older myself :lol:I only started listening to metal in the year 1999-2000 when I saw an Ozzy clip on tv and loved it.I asked a metalhead friend of mine the very next day who Ozzy was(I had no idea what Black Sabbath was back then) and he gave me my fist record.You don’t need to worry about me stopping corresponding with you cuz I would never do that.Many of my friends from school age more than 30, as a matter of act a week ago me an my friends were getting drunk in a pub with a couple of 50-55 or even more year old rockers.These guys were so lucky to have seen Led Zeppelin live.Metal keeps you young in hart and gives you the wisdom of age in the mind.:lol:
agonija said:
As I was a teen and my mother had to suffer because of my loud music ( I also used to play e-guitar back then), she was hoping all the time that I would stop listening to metal when I grow up :lol:Well, she was wrong.....Now I am married and have an office job, but still enjoying the music and concerts and festivals. I guess it really sticks with you for life.
My mother used to think the same and since she is a classic piano musician,she had a reason more to think my music is sound pollution.In the end instead of me giving up on metal,my mother started stealing away my old Therion records :lol:I used to play guitar too,or I tried to.WOW ! so you are married and still have time for metal !How does you husband/wife (I am not really sure if you are a girl or a guy)feel about you still going to festivals.Does he/she share the same passion ?
agonija said:
You know a lot, as I see , I will check them out.
On Thorn I Lay is worth checking if you are into this type of metal.Check a song or two first from the internet before getting an album.I don’t think I know anything like most people but I try to learn.I support that in my signature quote,see One Evil,Ignorance :lol:
agonija said:
I am really a Nightwish fans since the beginning actually, but although the last album was really bombastic, there are some pathetic moments for me, like this Indian song (I don΄t get a name right now), really good idea actually, but a bit too much for me, I wouldn΄t dare to call it cheesy:lol:but ....pathetic.
I am a huge Nightwish fan too and its one of my favourite bands actually.Some people find it strange how I combine Opeth and Dark Tranquillity with Nightwish.:lol:The song you are looking for is ‘Creek Mary’s Blood’.I seam to like that song.I was walking in Athens the other day and there was this street band of Indians playing ‘The Last Of The Mohicans’ with traditional instrument.Usually I’m not into that sort of think but I loved theirs and got their cd.After that any chance of combining metal with Indian music is supported.(I think NW wasn’t the first band to do that,there is this other power band Shaman that have a similar thing in their album)
agonija said:
Yes, but not so good for me as their older albums, just a matter of taste I guess.
I just pointed out that Train Of Thought is not as bad as some other of their works like 6 degrees of inner turbulence.
agonija said:
:lol:but seriously, I don΄ like listening to an album about the bloody american civil war, which brought as every war in the history so much suffering....the last goog Iced Earth album was for me Something Wicked This Way Comes.
The last good album under the label of Iced Earth is Alive In Athens :lol: just because I was there:lol:
-Septic Flesh was the very first brutal vocal band I listened to.I strongly suggest you check this one album ‘Sumerian Daemons’.People tend to ether like it or love it.Too bad SF don’t play anymore.Astarte is a female Black metal band I thing it’s ok and Nightfall is the band where George Kollias(Nile) plays.
-I don’t know about new germen metal band but Germany has produced some of the greatest metal, specially in the field of power and thrash.(Blind Guardian are German too, right ? I really like their songs !)As for the stupid pop culture superstar, it is something that happens in every country these days.

And don’t worry about the quotes. :lol:
Thoth-Amon said:
Yeah but by today's standards those albums are not very heavy, at least not sonically heavy. Though a riff like "The Thig That Should Not Be" is heavier than 99% of any death metal track.

Yes, you are definitely right, but for the people who are not listening to metal are the old Metallica albums too heavy, I have enough examples among my friends, or even my husband (is definitely not a metal-fan)- he listens sometimes to black album or load / reload but he doesn´t like the old stuff like for example Battery or Creeping Death or Blackened....
Hey, Nemesis Ixix, I really enjoy our corresponding here, but this time I will leave the quotes alone :lol: guess I´m still bit confused today, just got up....

Yes, I agree with you on Anathema, I have nothing against good soft music sometimes, but old Anathema stuff is great and they´ve become really too cheesy for me....and check like three first My Dying Bride albums - I love them.

My older brother is a classic musician (violine, and he teaches music theory in a music school) and my father is also into classic music so my parents tried to give me also a classic music education, but I quit playing piano very soon. I guess I am not as half talented as my brother. Anyway I discovered with
13, 14 rock and metal on my own and thanks to my two metal friends feeding me with metal albums. I still have my two guitars, but I don´t play that often anymore, I never was that good anyway....

Yes I am married and my husband ( I am a female :rolleyes:) actually hates metal.....he is not so much into music anyway as I am, he usually listens to crap like Coldplay, Robbie Williams or some german Popmusic...if I really want to make him angry, I just need to play stuff like Opeth or Katatonia or (his worst nightmare) some black- or death metal as loud as possible :lol: he used to visit with me couple of gigs some years ago (like Paradise Lost, Kreator, Sentenced), but he really doesn´t feel comfortable there so I am going to concerts and festivals with my friends.... Well, my honey got to know me as a metal fan, so he has to live with that, I have to live also with Robbie and Eminem :lol:

Yes, I like your signature, everything is alright as long as we are willing to learn and as long as we are curios about the world and what is going on around us...

Yes Creek Mary Blood - it is an unusual song, but it still has some to pathetic moments for me....For me it is normal to combine Opeth, Katatonia, Nigthwish, Tool, Dream Theater....I am open for every metal genre. We actually have very similar taste :)

I like Nile, so I`ll check definitely Nightfall and Septic Flesh also. There are couple other bands that I am going to check like Meshuggah, Evergrey, God Forbid - recommended from some friends.

Yes Blind Guardian are german band, I like them too, as well as old Helloween, Rage or Kreator - but all these bands are around for 20 years or so and there are no good young bands at the moment.
What I have noticed since couple of years, is the fact that in Germany there are like two popular trends: some new hardcore metal bands strongly oriented on american bands and also very popular is folklore / Middle Ages-metal with violins and bagpipes and usually german lyrics. There are some really good bands like In Extremo or Subway To Sally or Corvus Corax, but it is still not really my kind of music. And Rammstein enjoy enormous popularity here, it is not really metal, but they have some good songs and great german lyrics.

So now I am going to recall some good old times :rock: ; late 80´s and early 90´s were really great until grunge came up and killed metal :lol:
agonija said:
Yes I am married and my husband ( I am a female :rolleyes:) actually hates metal.....

WHAT???? :yow:
So is a pain when you both are in a car and can't decide on what to listen to? :lol: j/k

My guy is a major metal and I love him and steal his concert shirts when he's not looking....:heh:
metal_monkey said:
WHAT???? :yow:
So is a pain when you both are in a car and can't decide on what to listen to? :lol: j/k

My guy is a major metal and I love him and steal his concert shirts when he's not looking....:heh:

Well, it depends on who is driving :lol: if I drive I can decide on what we listen, if he drives, then we usually listen to an odd mainstream radio station. I guess that´s what marriage is sometimes about - being able to compromise.
agonija said:
Yes, you are definitely right, but for the people who are not listening to metal are the old Metallica albums too heavy, I have enough examples among my friends, or even my husband (is definitely not a metal-fan)- he listens sometimes to black album or load / reload but he doesn´t like the old stuff like for example Battery or Creeping Death or Blackened....
Well once you just get used to heaviness and speed, etc. it doesn't really bother you anymore. Wow, that was redundant. Anyway yeah for me I started off with the Black album and then just forced myself to listen to death metal and just got used to it and now very little seems that heavy to me.
agonija said:
Well, it depends on who is driving :lol: if I drive I can decide on what we listen, if he drives, then we usually listen to an odd mainstream radio station. I guess that´s what marriage is sometimes about - being able to compromise.

Yep loooooooooooots of compromise. :) How long have you been married if I may ask?
agonija said:
My older brother is a classic musician (violine, and he teaches music theory in a music school) and my father is also into classic music so my parents tried to give me also a classic music education, but I quit playing piano very soon. I guess I am not as half talented as my brother. Anyway I discovered with
13, 14 rock and metal on my own and thanks to my two metal friends feeding me with metal albums. I still have my two guitars, but I don´t play that often anymore, I never was that good anyway....
So you have musicians blood running in side you.:lol:I used to have piano lessons too but I quit.Playing classical music in the age of 7 is not that cool.:lol:
agonija said:
Yes I am married and my husband ( I am a female :rolleyes:) actually hates metal.....he is not so much into music anyway as I am, he usually listens to crap like Coldplay, Robbie Williams or some german Popmusic...if I really want to make him angry, I just need to play stuff like Opeth or Katatonia or (his worst nightmare) some black- or death metal as loud as possible :lol: he used to visit with me couple of gigs some years ago (like Paradise Lost, Kreator, Sentenced), but he really doesn´t feel comfortable there so I am going to concerts and festivals with my friends.... Well, my honey got to know me as a metal fan, so he has to live with that, I have to live also with Robbie and Eminem :lol:
You are so evil having your husband listen to Opeth :lol:All my friends are like that too and every time I wanna get rid of them like when in times they want me to drive them somewhere or fix their computers,I put on Nile.:lol: works every time.
agonija said:
I like Nile, so I`ll check definitely Nightfall and Septic Flesh also. There are couple other bands that I am going to check like Meshuggah, Evergrey, God Forbid - recommended from some friends.
You do that ! As for Meshuggah, never heard of them. Evergrey have a very good album that I checked once(don’t recall the name) Their last album you see in the forums advertisement Monday Morning Apocalypse (sounds like a Garfield episode :lol:) is not that good of all I hear.God Forbid is a band I need to check for myself cuz everybody I know say they are just stupid.
agonija said:
Yes Blind Guardian are german band, I like them too, as well as old Helloween, Rage or Kreator - but all these bands are around for 20 years or so and there are no good young bands at the moment.
Blind guardian is one of the bands with epic lyrics I actually enjoy and old school power like Helloween and Grave Digger have my respect.Don’t know much about Rage but Kreator is my thrash band.:OMG: Corvus Corax .You actually know them ? Are they so popular in Germany ? I had no idea.! I thought I was the only one who knew and actually enjoyed this band.I came across them in the internet and checked them out.finally I got one of their records after days of search. Rammstein is a band I band I like too,but only for fun.some of their songs have great rhythm but I don’t get most of the lyrics.My German is a bit poor since I never practiced them that much.(I am ¼ German too)
agonija said:
grunge came up and killed metal :lol:
Oook, stupid question coming up but since my English is not that good…here it goes. What is “grunge” that killed metal and how do I kill it ?