I didn't say Katatonia were depressing.Just to emotional from time to time that makes me fell depressed.Oook **Looks down** I am a Weirdo, so what ?

I sometimes get the same with My Dying Bride and Anathema
Yes, that´s true what you say about Kata - but that is the main reason why I love their music so much, it is so emotional, check out their new album, the vocals are incredible and they have become more heavy than on their latest albums - definitely already my favourite album of the year!
You are a Weirdo?
yeah, I like Anathema and MDB too, but more their old albums; just heard a new Anathema song on their official site, don´t like it all, it is so cheesy....
-Madder Mortem it is !
Madder Mortem it is...what???
So basically you are **Takes out Calculator** ...31. Metal is the only kind of music you will see this.I am 10 years younger and we share the same interests.I just love it ! It shows that metal is not just a fashion that wears off with time but the only mature genre that sticks with you for life ! I wanna die old with a Sabbath record and a beer in my hands
wow, you are 10 years younger than I am! Yes, I am 31

, I also listen some other kinds of music, but basically it is metal for 17 years...Hopefully you won´t stop corresponding with me, now that you know how old I am, but metal keeps young at heart
As I was a teen and my mother had to suffer because of my loud music ( I also used to play e-guitar back then), she was hoping all the time that I would stop listening to metal when I grow up

Well, she was wrong.....Now I am married and have an office job, but still enjoying the music and concerts and festivals. I guess it really sticks with you for life.
-On thorns I Lay is playing a very let me call it "sensational" metal.I like them a allot, but what do I know ?
You know a lot, as I see

, I will check them out.
-Nightwish,Pathetic ? I don't get it ! Yeah, I pray to god they find someone that can actually sing as good as Tarja.If they come out with a new album I will definitely check a song or two from the internet before getting it.BTW of all I hear Tarja decided to stick to the Nightwish sound and make a project of her own.I think she has already recorded a song (I don't remember the title as it was told to me but i think it has something to do with angels) Not 100% sure about that so this can just be bullshit.
I am really a Nightwish fans since the beginning actually, but although the last album was really bombastic, there are some pathetic moments for me, like this Indian song (I don´t get a name right now), really good idea actually, but a bit too much for me, I wouldn´t dare to call it cheesy

but ....pathetic.
-Train of thought is good too by Dream Theater.
Yes, but not so good for me as their older albums, just a matter of taste I guess.
-Iced Earth:Having your countries national anthem as an opening for your record.Shoot me now

but seriously, I don´ like listening to an album about the bloody american civil war, which brought as every war in the history so much suffering....the last goog Iced Earth album was for me Something Wicked This Way Comes.
- Some other Greek bands I failed to mention:Septic Flesh, Astarte and Nightfall.
I actually know Septic Flesh, but again didn´t know it is a greek band. We don´t really have many good metal bands in Germany at the moment, everyone is too busy somehow looking for a next popstar or a german superstar...
Some didn't like my signature so i had to cut it down to size ans make the lihgtnings slower, but now I think its Ok.