You ever drink so much of a certain kind of alcohol...

:lol: You guys are too easy.

1) I'm not fucking 100% serious, if you can't see that then fucking give your PC the Hogan Leg drop right now. (or the people's elbow for you kids who don't remember Hulk Hogan)
2) Drink what you want, if you like the taste. Personally I like to drink hard liquor straight with no chase. Not because I'm trying to impress people, but because I like it. If you want to mix it with all kind sof shit to feel sick and get a hangover, be my guest.
3) Social drinking (talking with friends, out in a public place having 1-2 drink) is not the same as going to a party and getting a buzz on. If you want to be macking on chicks at a party all buzz from some fruity peach snappes cocktail, be my guest :D

For reference for the even younger kids who don't know who The Rock is:

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I always was a fan of Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid. I even had a poster in my room with a topless, broken-heart-pants wearing Shawn.

Bret and his evil brother Owen Hart, Yokuzuna, Undertaker... memories come back.
i wasn't able to drink southern comfort for months after i had a bad run in with it. luckily i can drink it now but i still can't stomach pizza rolls because i ate a ton of those before i had the bad run in with southern comfort. i also learned that the nastiest tasting vomit is Southern Comfort mixed with pizza rolls :lol:
Bourbon. Shit makes me gag now...which is too bad, because I used to love it.

As for this ridiculous conversation at hand, drink what the fuck you like....just stay away from the appletinis and wine coolers. I love me some gin & ginger ale w/ lime, white russians, various beers, and tequila shots for the most all depends on my mood.
Its funny that most the people in COB-OT are underage and can't legally drink alcohol.

Because legal age really has anything to do with being able to drink. As I said, I was drinking 70% (75%? its been a while) Bacardi 151 at 16, when the age is 19.

Not to drinking age of your area isn't universal. There are many people here who don't HAVE legal drinking ages.
I buy booze/smokes for kids standing outside stores all the time :p
One time some kid have me $40 to get him and his 3 friends a beer each and "biggest bottle they could afford".
They got 3 discount beers and a mickey of cheap whiskey. Made myself $25 :cool:
I can't drink those bottles of cheap, pre-mixed sex on the beach sold in supermarkets anymore. The first time I got drunk on that shit it was ok. the 2nd time it was also alright, though it only got me slightly drunk. The 3rd time, it failed to get me drunk and made me sick. I don't know what they put in that shit, but it's fucking disgusting.

I'm back to vodka.
Sex on the beach is essentially vodka + tropical fruit based drinks when it comes to it (peach schnapps too), Malibu works well too. But don't claim that vodka isn't an ingredient in a Sex on the beach. Because that's just plain wrong.
Sex on the beach is essentially vodka + tropical fruit based drinks when it comes to it (peach schnapps too), Malibu works well too. But don't claim that vodka isn't an ingredient in a Sex on the beach. Because that's just plain wrong.

I'm not stupid, I know the difference between real sex on the beach made with vodka, and fake crappy drink sold under that name but made with other disgusting stuff.