you fucking TOOL!

Yikes.... Friday at 10:00AM is when GA tickets go on sale, but they have been posting about this fan club pre-sale for the last couple of weeks. After everyone paid $50 for a membership to the fan club, they just announced this morning that the only tickets they are "pre" selling are "VIP Experience" tickets for $500.00/each (despite advertising a pre-sale for GA). You supposedly get a good seat, a good parking spot, some shitty exclusive merch, and a photo with the band. The best part is the disclaimer underneath saying that it will only be some of the band, never the FULL band, and they won't guarantee that any of the band members will do it for each date. Also the website crashed and a ton of people couldn't even buy their $500 tickets after paying $50 just for the opportunity.

$500 fucking dollars. Insane.
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Holy shit man. That's fucking ridiculous, read about the the package last night. Also awesome, I hope that you have the most amazing VIP experience ever for that kind of coin. I love the part about some band members will be there. AKA: nobody will ever meet Maynard so don't even ask.

I got to meet Justin Chancellor a few years ago, him and Scott Reeder came by the shop. Kind of crapped my pants that day. They are both ridiculously nice individuals. I have hung out with Scott a few times since then, I am always hesitant to meet my heroes but that dude is just an awesome human being.
Holy shit man. That's fucking ridiculous, read about the the package last night. Also awesome, I hope that you have the most amazing VIP experience ever for that kind of coin. I love the part about some band members will be there. AKA: nobody will ever meet Maynard so don't even ask.

I got to meet Justin Chancellor a few years ago, him and Scott Reeder came by the shop. Kind of crapped my pants that day. They are both ridiculously nice individuals. I have hung out with Scott a few times since then, I am always hesitant to meet my heroes but that dude is just an awesome human being.

That fucking rules dude. I need everyone to know that I would never pay that much straight out of pocket for any concert ticket. Like I mentioned before- my wife is going to die when she finds out about this, so really its a nice gift for her. I have a side gig where I put in minimal effort and then get a monthly paycheck which will more than cover this. That deposit went into my account today, so why the fuck not? Also, maybe I'll get a hummer tonight.
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I probably won’t even get tickets because 1) they’ll prob be garbage seats at a premium price and 2) I fucking loathe big venues.

Oh, and I have insane seats for the King Crimson show in a few weeks that’s in a nice theater. Way.More.Better.
I probably won’t even get tickets because 1) they’ll prob be garbage seats at a premium price and 2) I fucking loathe big venues.

Oh, and I have insane seats for the King Crimson show in a few weeks that’s in a nice theater. Way.More.Better.

Dude... I got tickets for Crimson and had to give them up because we were invited to an important wedding. Not too happy about that, but we saw them in 2017 and it was excellent!

When I saw Maiden last month, I swore off huge commercial venues for the rest of my life. Seriously, it was pretty close to how I would imagine Hell. I guess they got me for one more show...
Is the artwork one of those uber foldy pieces of shit such as what I recall 10,000 wanks came in? Shit doesnt sit flush with my other cds and sticks out like Profanity creeping on a bus stop.

Listening to this shart now with minimal expectations. Lets see...
Yeah, I’m not buying that expensive piece of shit unless they put it out on a normal cd format/packaging. The few odd packaging cd editions of various albums I have are a pain in the ass.
Yeah, I’m not buying that expensive piece of shit unless they put it out on a normal cd format/packaging. The few odd packaging cd editions of various albums I have are a pain in the ass.

It's not even that cool. The booklet is definitely top quality, but the whole idea is absurd. Basically you open the thing up, and this little screen plays a 45-60 second loop of some generic geometric designs, and a speaker plays some drone music. That's it. Nothing else.
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Dude the video is like 5 minutes long, I love it. Although I've only watched it twice and probably won't do it a third time. Comes with a USB cable, that's worth at least 13 cents.

Also after doing a thorough comparison last night, ÆNIMA remains the best. I'd been convinced that Lateralus is their peak since about 2011 but nay. 1996 rules, once again.
Dude the video is like 5 minutes long, I love it. Although I've only watched it twice and probably won't do it a third time. Comes with a USB cable, that's worth at least 13 cents.

Also after doing a thorough comparison last night, ÆNIMA remains the best. I'd been convinced that Lateralus is their peak since about 2011 but nay. 1996 rules, once again.

Huh, I guess that's just how long I was able to watch it before putting it on a shelf for the rest of my life.
Update: I received this e-mail-

"It’s come to our attention that a small number of Tool Army Exclusive VIP Packages were purchased by non-Tool Army Members and your order 59480198 has been identified as one of these orders.

We take the integrity of the membership offering seriously and as a result, your order will be cancelled and the inventory will be made available for existing Tool Army members.

You will receive a full refund for your purchase and all applicable fees. You should see this refund in the next few days."

So basically I'm fucked out a ticket and missed the normal sale. When these VIP packages went on sale, the website was public. You didn't have to enter in any kind of membership info. Hundreds of people were sharing the link and purchasing tickets after bypassing the band's website. If this was so important to them then why didn't they guard it in the first place? What a shitshow. They're going to sell these again on Monday, but only to members who registered before September 4th.
wow that is hilariously bad

i mean at least they should offer you a normal ticket instead

on the bright side you now have $1000 to spend on something more sensible :dopey:
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wow that is hilariously bad

i mean at least they should offer you a normal ticket instead

on the bright side you now have $1000 to spend on something more sensible :dopey:

Yeah, it's kind of insane to punish the people who paid up front. I had no idea I was purchasing these through some kind of forbidden loophole. Whoever is running the band's website is really at fault here.