You Ipod/Mp3 listening habits......


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
So i am in the grocery store listening to my Creative zen player and i have it on random. What song comes on but Anthrax N.F.L. .... (from ATL)
Well I started singing out loud....... and i started wondering....
when a killer song comes on have you ever almost started singing,Moshing or whatever while listening to your IPOD/Mp3 at home,work, running ??????

Tell the truth.......
I don't have an Ipod...yes I know, I'm old...but I have done that with my Walkman in the house! My wife wonders about me sometimes!:lol:
I've got an iPod shuffle somewhere around the house... shows how often I use it. I've got about 800 CD-Rs filled with mp3 files that I can listen to on my car's CD player. I actually found myself listening to Pearl Jam's "Rearviewmirror" compilation disc and singing along to some of those songs.
when i'm running and I got the headset on..I sing and sometimes you do not catch yourself singing loud till someone looks at you..I sing in the car, in the toilet, and when i'm doing house's a wonderful habit for me...
Have been busted at the lights big time when singing / screaming along with Metallica's Blackened.

It's a great tune so fuck them!!!!
yes likewise Timmy... I usually get caught doing air guitar and headbanging... closet rock star here!
I have an ipod, almost all my albums are in it, I like that feeling, to carry all your music in one little piece of shit.

Sometimes I headbang at my job while I listen to heavy stuff.
INDIANS is one of my favorites.
I refuse to buy one of those damn things.....There is just something about taking all that time to upload your music onto something the size of an index card only to probably drop and break it, or even worse, have some Wiggmasta Flex steal it and delete all of my metal...Fuck Ipods, son

That is all.
I refuse to buy one of those damn things.....There is just something about taking all that time to upload your music onto something the size of an index card only to probably drop and break it, or even worse, have some Wiggmasta Flex steal it and delete all of my metal...Fuck Ipods, son

That is all.

Oh yeah, I love jamming to my Ipod.
It's great when I'm on my motorcycle and good track like Crush or Random Acts of Senseless violence comes on...seems like the bike just won't go fast enough!!!

I can't stand the little piece of shit earbuds though, they just don't give you enough good quality.
Yeah... when I have to drive to Toronto or Halifax. I make sure theres LOTS of Tom Jones to bring along. ...and I seriously rock it out loud!