You know you've had too much when...

Chairman Kaga

Jan 23, 2007
Los Angeles
You know you've had too much Bodom when you start kissing your own bandmates...

You know you've had too much Wintersun when you start screaming "Stars" in the middle of the night...

You know you've had too much Msn when you start adding your whole fl to a group convo...

You know you've had too much Rammstein when you start forgetting how to speak English properly...

You know you've watched too much House when you start giving obnoxious medical lectures to your roommate...

You know you've listened to too much In Flames when you start trying to harmonize your guitar to every sound you hear...

You know you've listened to too much Metallica when you start buying extra sets of trash cans...

You know you've had too much Fetzer when you start wearing clown wigs to on a daily basis...

Add more... kkthnxbai
^ what a disaster
hannah montana sucks

i cant think of one v_v

you know you've had too much COB OT when your copying and pasting these to your msn friends for a laugh

You know you've had too much of the internet when people tell you they prefer you on a message board then in person.

The opposite it true for me :lol:


I get social anxiety in huge groups of people when I feel I have to be sociable. Alone I'm okay. I go to shows by myself....and tbh I prefer it that way,that is until the day I injure myself in the pit.

You've had too much metal when people look at you strangely when you headbang in public.
you know you've had too much beetroot when your pee turns bright red. :rofl:
true fact aswell..

the carrot one that guy up there sent reminded me of one