You know you've had too much when...

you know you smoke too much pot when everytime you look at something you think, "i bet i could make a pipe out of that"

you know you've seen too much porn when you constantly think to youself, "i wonder what that looks like naked?"
you know you need a different place to drink when that place has crack dealers going in and out and you're always stuck drinking milwaukies best ice :zombie:

true story
that'd dangerous.. I have always been afraid of drowning , I still after swimming instructions, can only swim floating on my back..
Hey bodom fag.. You are a little bitch. You are lucky I don't have the credit or the information to hack into your shit and find out where you are.. it's sad when you think you are safe from people, when before they die, they'd rather create a massacre and destroy you first.
Hey bodom fag.. You are a little bitch. You are lucky I don't have the credit or the information to hack into your shit and find out where you are.. it's sad when you think you are safe from people, when before they die, they'd rather create a massacre and destroy you first.


edit: oh and i dont like bodom
edit2: Location: Emmen, the Netherlands, no need to hack me (as if you could lololo)

really faggot, enjoy your cancer/AIDS/skippyball-sized-tumor, because i dont care about your internet threats. Ive had this bullshit over me a million times and it makes me lol harder each time someone things they can intimidate a bit over the internet.