You know you've had too much when...

you know you smoke too much pot when everytime you look at something you think, "i bet i could make a pipe out of that


You know you've had too much Jeff Loomis when you find out that sweep arpeggios are the only technique you know on guitar...

Wrong. Unless you have been listening to This Godless Endeavour, then you are right. Listen to any other album, his vibrato and note choice is ungodly.
You know you've smoked too much weed when you're standing at the back door of the bus screaming "next stop!! 34th!!" over and over, thinking you're being ignored... only to realize you're at 31st st at a red light when the bus jerks forward and you almost fall when the light turns green.

You know you've had too much cheap beer and made a bad decision in smoking out of a pipe when you find yourself in bed hugging a bucket and saying "goodbyes" out loud before closing your eyes... seriously questioning whether you could die in your sleep.

Two true stories about me. The first one I can at least laugh at.
You know you've had too much of your ex-boyfriend when you stay up all night watching cheesy love movies to convice yourself that there still are nice guys out there.
You know you've had too much cheap beer and made a bad decision in smoking out of a pipe when you find yourself in bed hugging a bucket and saying "goodbyes" out loud before closing your eyes... seriously questioning whether you could die in your sleep.


You know you've had too much red bull when you can't remember when was the last time you went to sleep...
You know you've had too much mexican food when your poo is like a geyser of dirty water spraying across the inside of a toilet seat.