You know you've had too much when...


:lol: he seems a little too "happy"

You made me LOL, good job.
^ Ouch, that's gotta be a problem.

You know you've had too much D&D when you start explaining the doctor how you burnt hand, and mention fire resistance penalties.
You know you've had too much of your mum when you realize she's pregnant... :zombie:

That one was awesome :lol:

You know you've had too much of GH3 when you close your eyes and all you can see are the green, red, yellow, blue and orange buttons moving on a fretboard :lol:

When I was playing GH1, when I was quitting the game I had that freeky illusion visual effect where things moving down because of the game.

You know you've had too much D&D when you start explaining the doctor how you burnt hand, and mention fire resistance penalties.

Good one too :lol:
You know you've had too much Moonspell when... FUCK OFF YOU CAN'T HAVE TOO MUCH MOONSPELL.