you won't believe how much the recto recording pre sucks!


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
k, really, this thing sounds like total crap (in the direct mode).
to prove it send me one dry guitartrack and I'm gonna re-amp it through the recto with or w/o TS and with the settings you like.
I'm reamping one in record-mode and one from the live output so you can put an impulse on it.
the impulse is gonna slay the recording mode!!

whoever wants to send me a file...go ahead (one is enough I think)
Yepp, exactly about that one.
it's a really GREAT preamp in combination with a poweramp (the same pre as any other recto), but every frickin behringer v-amp recto model sounds better than the recording option of that pre.
I hate to say that, cause i wish it would sound cool, but it's so bad I wouldn't even use it for pre-production.

I'm gonna re-amp something for you tomorrow, just tell me which settings you wanna hear and w/ or w/o TS.
Yepp, exactly about that one.

I'm surprised because i only heard good things about it.
Maybe yours is faulty or something ?

I'm gonna re-amp something for you tomorrow, just tell me which settings you wanna hear and w/ or w/o TS.

Just try to show its best death metal sound.
I can't tell you which setting would sound good without even seeing the device ever with my own eyes.

yes, of course it works just with the live-out and impulses.
the live-outs are ok, it's just a recto pre thn and in combination with a good poweramp it's awesome.
It just annoys me that mesa advertises this thing as THE SHIT and "sounding like a perfectly miced recto", they put in several transformers and an extra tube just to achieve the sound and dynamic feel of a miced cab with poweramps.....

I thought it was faulty but when I heard others complaining about the same problem.......

I'm gonna make some mp3 for you later today, you'll hear it yourself ;)
K, here for you to compare...
one file using the recording-outs and one file using the live outs (the ones you usually would connect a poweramp to).
so you can put some impulses on the live-out-files and compare......

settings were something like:

TS, drive: 9:00
Tone: 10:00
LVL: 2:00

gain: 1:00
treb: 1:00
Mid: 10:30
Bass: 1:00
Pres: 1:00

enjoy ;)

Recto recording pre
Goddamn. A line6 Spider will crush that. ...and I hate line6!

Never thought I'd say this:

"Sell your Mesa, get a Berhinger!" Well, the recording Pre, anyway.

Who knows, maybe you can get a good price for it on FleaBay.
no need to sell it cause I'm not using any direct recording devices anyway, and as a regular preamp it's killing!
it's a really good pre in combination with a poweramp.
It's just ridiculous that you have to pay like 1700 (over here in europe) because mesa did years of research and engineering to make it sound like that ;)..

here's what they say on their page:


We know you won’t believe it …so STOP READING! Get your guitar, and go check out the new Recto Pre, direct through a console.

Still reading? Then here’s the deal:
There were several times we almost gave up. For three years we worked day and night to deliver the sound and feel of our legendary Dual and Triple Rectifier® stacks …direct to tape. All this time we watched a digital parade of “me-too modeling toys” try to seduce you. But we chose an alternative approach to modeling …it’s called REALITY.

In a classic guitar recording, what you hear is the sound of a tube pre-amp feeding a tube power amp, driving a speaker. Note that a tube amp and speaker share a magic and complex relationship because each affects the other as they constantly respond to changes in frequency and volume. And don’t forget, the cabinet also affects how the speaker moves as it pushes air at the microphone, reacting with the ambient characteristics of the room.

Got all that?

Now let’s try to recreate this process —sound and feel— leaving out everything except the pre-amp. Ouch! You can see why we almost gave up.

We’re not exactly sure how it works or even how we did it …only that we were determined to stuff a Recto® Stack in a two-space rack. And we didn’t stop ‘til it was over the top.

If you want to be like the original, why not start with the original. And in fact we used the exact same parts and circuitry — making it killer for live too. Then we added extra recording tubes, six in total, five custom transformers, a gang of tuned inductors and our thirty years of tone-questing experience to duplicate on tape not just the sound—but the addictive feel of a Recto® stack mic’ed up in a great room.

Channel One alone will amaze you. We’ve added the Fat and Brit modes from the mighty Road King™ to create a truly powerful arsenal of clean and roots sounds. If you never used Channel Two’s amazing gain sounds, this Pre-Amp would be worth every dime just for it’s Channel One virtues alone. But trust us—there’s more, much more: Raw, Vintage and Modern roam gracefully through all the realms of subtle gain expression before reaching a mind-bending fury of high-gain Recto performance.

So don’t settle for less than the most recorded and revered amplifier in contemporary music. Now those sounds and more are instantly available—any time, anywhere at any volume level. Remember, only Mesa makes the authentic Recto®.

So next time you want to track, don’t get bogged down with hours of set up and miles of cable. Plug straight in to the Recto® Pre-Amp and get right to the heart of your playing—inspiration."

K, here for you to compare...
one file using the recording-outs and one file using the live outs (the ones you usually would connect a poweramp to).
so you can put some impulses on the live-out-files and compare......

settings were something like:

TS, drive: 9:00
Tone: 10:00
LVL: 2:00

gain: 1:00
treb: 1:00
Mid: 10:30
Bass: 1:00
Pres: 1:00

enjoy ;)

Recto recording pre

You are right it sucks badly.
Now i'm on a mission to find some good clips.
I gotta admit that it took my some days to realize how bad it is...first i thought it was way better than a pod and i tweaked the shit out of it and actually got some ok sounding results....
but to be honest...a roland microtube's recto model sounds better ;)