You, yourself...

Me: 19 | Sweden | 3 sisters | 1 Brother |

Hobbies: Music | reviewing | Movies | Videoediting | Filming

School: I studied to become a videoeditor, and now i am.. i also read layout, filming and photographing..

Drinking: Every day, beer, wine, and almost everything over 40%
19 in the south of sweden.....for the moment am I doing the military duty in Norrland.....after that am I planning to start to study Mediatechnic for three years.....hmm.....on my spare I usually work with my music project....NORD is unfornettly put to sleep...but Istapp is taking ground....beeing with friends watching movies or playing any fantasy game is fun too....
Well Im 23 and are making ready to leave my hometown (near Copenhagen in Denmark), and move to Germany (near Dortmund). So Learning German is what Im trying to do in the moment!, besides that Im really new in here...
Born: June 4th - 83 (That makes me 19 years old...)

Lives: In a small town in the far south-east of Denmark...

Favorite Metal: Impossible to mention all of it!!!Mainly I prefer blackmetal, viking/battle metal and deathmetal, but I´m open as long as it´s cool..

Works: as a "handy-guy" at the Denmark-Germany ferries... I´m also writer in a danish metalmagazine (NRG)..

Interests: METAL! I play guitar and synthetizers in our atmospheric fantasy blackmetalband "UlvedaL"... Besides it´s Tolkien; fantasy in general, asatru which I´ve practicing for several years now, magic in general, RPG and LRPG´s, drinking, nature...
"The mind of a misanthropic soul" - fits me well I guess...

Family: Mom, dad, littlesister....

R.I.P. my dear brother who died by his own hands...
I'm a 16 years old boy from Akershus in Norway. My interest are: Music, my band(Vocal, bass and guitar), playing guitar mostly in my spare time. I also thik the Skandinavian nature is intresting. Wolf!
I'm a member of: Forneningen Våre Rovdyr(Norwegian Carnivore & Raptor Society)

My favorite bands:
Vintersorg, Otyg, Havayoth, Borknagar, Ulver, Mörk Gryning, Blackmore's Night, Scariot, Deep Purle, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Brother Cane, Arch Enemy+++;)
I'm seventeen years old and live in Bern, Switzerland, where i'm visiting the 11th grade in a "gymnasium" (=college??). I love metal and music in general (some jazz, blues and classic rock are always welcome...). some of my favourite bands are Agalloch, Nagelfar, Opeth, Vintersorg, Forseti, Negura Bunget, Nokturnal Mortum etc.
During my free time I read (nearly anything, at the moment it's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde), play the guitar and browse the internet, which is my main source for information and my main utility for communication :D
I've also had some attempts at poetry, most of which can be found here (in german, sorry...). I'm not that good but I'm doing it for cathartic reasons mostly...
19 years old. Studying nordic languages in Umeå, Sweden. Favourite band is probably something involving Dan Swanö. Eh... don't know what the fuck to write :)
My full name is Bernardo Zirpoli Fraga Nunes, but I just use Bernardo Zirpoli, or even Vintersson(my pseudonym). I'm 16(will be 17 real soon) old right now. I live(unfourtunately) in Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil. I wish it was in Sweden, but...
I'm studying like a bastard to get in university by the middle of next year. I want to do Advertising. But also in the following years[or eras ;) ] I'll plan to do also journalism, economy, sociology, philosophy and History.
My favourite hobbies are music(making and listening), reading, watching some GOOD TV, internet, playing in the pc, etc...
My favourite bands are Vintersorg, Otyg, Lumsk, Blind Guardian, Borknagar, Haggard, Scorpions and Oasis.
About my personality... I'm a real pain in the ass... I do not respect other peoples opinion and I complain too much about everything. I HATE stupid people and "pagodeiros"(only the brazilians knows what this is). I hate a lot of other stuff to, but this are the ones I most hate.
I'm playing the drums on a rock'n'roll band who'll do a show(the first and last gig) to 800 people! :grin:
But, my dream was always to play the electric(and acoustic) guitar... I have a Viking Metal project, but we'll only start to play about the middle of 2004...
I think thats almost all about me for now...

@Lady_Ahriman: Now it's your turn, Tina!
Hahaha Ok... My name is Martina and I'm 15 years old :blush: (hihihi)... I live in Recife, Pernambuco (brazilian's northeast - in side of the city where Vintersägen lives...) and I live with my parents... Actually I study in 9th grade (collegial, is it?) and I study English language too... I speak portuguese (of course) and a bit of english, italian and spanish (but just a bit ^^)... I love Black/death/doom/viking metal =P my favourite bands are Vintersorg, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral, Immolation, Abigor, Tsjuder etc... I spend my free time with books (reading/studying), internet (mIRC, ICQ, websites...), in the college or simply sleeping (a lot). =P (Only for the braves... :hypno: )

the man behind the devilish nickname...


hello my name is Bessi and I live in the West side of Reykjavik( the oldest part of town) in Iceland and I dislike the weather here pretty much(especially the wind) and the prices are high + there could be more trees here, but I think the nature can be awesome and we enjoy pretty high living standars here
age : almost 23 ( fuck I feel old and like I haven''t done anything with my life!) I live with my parent and 2 siblings.

I´m working part time at a mental asylum and studying spanish(god knows why... didn´t know what to do after high school/gymnasium... ) I might want to study to become a nurse in couple of years( haven´t got any better idea!)


music:among my favorite artists are: Vintersorg, Borknagar, old Black Sabbath, Slayer, Soilwork, Devin Townsend, Opeth, Pain of salvation, Iced earth, Moonsorrow, Nevermore, In flames, old Metallica, Böhze onkelz, Pantera...
beatles, ocean colour scene, travis, Nick Cave... nowadays it´s 90% metal
my CD collection is growing fast and it´s becoming a problem!

languages :can speak some german (make people understand me),
danish hmm.. (I´ve forgotten much of it + Danes are incomprehensible in speech, we are obliged to learn it here in school) a little swedish( I think it´s much clearer than the other nordic languages) spanish: it´s far from perfect though, french: forgotten most of it, english fluently

sports: I´d like to ride my bicycle, hike ,mountain climb, play football, excercise more often. however I´m lazy as fuck!
I sometimes watch football but I´m not always enthusiastic about it mostly the english league; I kind of support Chelsea/ Newcastle
I´d like to know how to ski and skate

seeing movies: there is so much crap out there and it´s expensive so I prefer to rent them

I´m a frequent visitor to the icelandic metal webboard/zine and sometimes write album and gig reviews and bring the latest news in metal... sometimes I think I´m a net junkie

food: I like chicken and indian food, chocolate .. cant think of anything more

travel: I love to travel It just brings meaning to a monotonous life. Lack of money, friends and initiative on my behalf hinders my to go all over the place
I want to go on interrail, work in Scandinavia via nordjobb, himalayas, South America, Australia, America/Canada among other things

reading: I could read a lot more, I am frequently to lazy to just start and there is tons of books I want to read like novels, philosophy, history ,poetry, religion, travel literature,
some magazines I like are terrorizer+ national geographic

going out occasionally I´d like to go out with friends but all the bars are boring filled with smoke and crappy music, instead I go to metal gigs nowadays and quiet cafeterias and don´t drink that often ( and not heavily)

sleeping and doing nothing: argh I´m wasting my time but it feels good

politics: I consider myself to be a liberal socialist, I feel that the state has some obligations to do to make society more humane concerning infrastructure, health care, schools and such... and I feel people are free to do whatever they want except hurting others. I believe in tolerance & people, "violent" music lovers and fundamentalist can and must coexist *cough*

and Wacken is my Mekka!
Well, ok let go for a little presentation about, but i hate talking about myself :

Age : 26 (since 5 days)

Little description : 1.80m, blue eyes, brown long hairs, 2 arms, 2 legs :)

Location : a lost fucking town in the north-west side of France, Le Mans, 250km from Paris.

Familly : Well nothing to say, no more parents and no brothers & sisters, but i got the black pearl of my life, my girlfriend...

Job : I m a IT programmer & Webmaster

Hobbies :
- Motorbike : for example, i have made the tour of the south sweden - norway - denmark this summer :)
- Music : Addicted !
I listen to many bands and styles, it will be too long to mention all. From folk music, to black, death, gothic, symphonic,etc...
I m also musician, bass and guitar player, but got no more band and time since many year :(
- Reading, culture, drinking with friends, etc...

Planning : Getting a new job for escaping this crappy town to go to Paris
I'm a 28 year old woman who lives in Texas, USA. I was born in Germany but we moved here when I was little. I have a degree in biology and I work in the agriculture industry. I am the only woman I personally know who listens to metal. Actually this is the USA after all so it's rare that I even meet a guy who listens to metal! :goggly: I'm married but don't have any kids yet. My lovely sweet husband absolutely HATES my music but he puts up with it for me! Unfortunately he likes nu-metal and therefore I have to return the favor and put up with his crap! :Puke: I like a few bands from most metal genres but I'm liking melodic death and this folky type of stuff a whole lot. I like science fiction and science fact and music, and I love kitty cats and doggies and all animals. Ok that about sums it up I guess!

Oh and I am a big Lexx fan so if anyone likes that show I'm all for talking about it! :p